
Parsing XML inside JSF

Hello, could anybody tell me how to parse XML file inside a JSF page? The thing's that I've got XML file and want to put some data from it into my JSF page. My first thought was to include JSTL Core and XML libs and to do something like this: <c:import var="some-info-doc" src="some-info.xml" /> <x:parse var="some-info-xml" xml="some-...

XML as structure + JSF as representation: is it a nice idea?

Hi, I haven't met XML and JSF working together. I mean having structure and dictionaries defined in XML and representation in JSF. It will be nice to hear your opinion about this idea. Consider creating a kind of project-info.xml. It could contain something like this: <project-info> <project-name>My project</project-name> <menu...

JSF boolean output

Hi, Is there a way in JSF to output some text based on a boolean? For example: h:outputText value="Black" rendered="#{bean.isBlack}" The bean property is called isBlack not getIsBlack...I dont want to rename this. Thanks, D ...

hi are there any attributes to pre select some radio button in <h:selectOneRadio > tag on page lodads

hi are there any attributes to pre select some radio button in tag on page lodads below is my code i want the Now radio button to be selected when page loads , any help pls ? <h:selectOneRadio id="Radios" value="#{pc_ClosureDecision.closureDetails.approvalDateSelected}" layout="lineDirection" onclick="check_Date()"> <f:s...

JSF a4j:commandLink component doesn't work inside a4j:repeat

Hi guys! I have such code in my JSF template: <h:form> <table id="users" cellspacing="0"> <a4j:repeat var="person" value="#{personList}"> <tr> <td class="col1"> <a4j:commandLink disabled="#{!canCreatePerson}" styleClass="#{canCreatePerson ? '' : 'inactive_link'}" action="#{adminPageController.create}" reRend...

Displaying XML in JSF

Hey, I have a method that gives back a formatted XML string. I want to show that on a JSF page in a nicely wrapped, readable way. I used this solution first. <pre><h:outputText value="myBean.xml"/></pre> The result is indented, but it doesn't wrap very long lines (with a lot of attributes for e.g.) RichFaces is also available in my ...

About ending conversation in SEAM 2.1.2

Hi guys, I have a question about seam 2.1.2 I want to end a conversation when the user click in menu, but this must be done in menu.xhtml or pages.xml. I need this because i have the following problem: click page 'A' in menu click in "search" button to show the list A. forget about list 'A' and click in page 'B' in menu. click in "se...

h:inputText inside a4j:repeat

I have a List of strings in my object, and I was hoping to be able to edit them with an a4j:repeat. Below is my code: <a4j:repeat value="#{Controller.object.stringList}" var="item" > <h:panelGrid columns="2"> <h:outputLabel value="ID:" /> <h:inputText value="#{item}" /> </h:panelGrid> </a4j:repeat> My problem is that the values of ...

How well does static code analysis work with Spring and other abstractions?

I'm in a situation where I'm required to make at least some effort to remove never-used code from my source code. The general preference is to use a static code analysis tool. We've had great luck with this in other projects, but the folks I hear from are mostly C/C++ developers working on device level code. I'm a web developer work...

How to Generate an ELContext without an active FacesContext?

I need to get access to EL functionality in a Servlet Filter, but... that means I am not within the FacesServlet lifecycle. Thus, I need to instantiate an ELContext. I do not want to go down the road of instantiating a FacesContext, since that may cause issues when the application does forward to FacesServlet. Suggestions? Thanks! ...

mobile applications using richfaces

Hi, is it possible to use mobile applications using Rich-faces 3.3? i know both ice-faces and prime-faces(it has a components called touch-faces) support mobile developments. if yes is there examples or information available on internet? Thanks Soma ...

Richfaces suggestionbox

I'm trying to use a List of SelectItems with RichFaces suggestionBox component. The problem is I need to store the id rather than the label of the SelectItem. It seems that the suggestionBox always stores the label and that's causing a problem. Is there a way out of this problem? ...

How to use the anchor system with a <h:commandLink /> ?

Hello everyone, Env : IE7 & FireFox3.5, jsf1.2, richfaces3.3.X, seam2.2.0, jboss5.1 I have a very long xhtml form, and somewhere in the middle, the user have to fill a dataTable, then click a button (i use here a commandLink) that will post the dataTable, compute things, and validate the data. Then, the user wants to continue filling ...

Execute backing bean action on load?

I would like to build a results page for a report export page. This results page must display the status of the export and offer the download of this export. The export is done in an action method. I can execute it via a commandButton but it must be executed automatically on load. How can I accomplish this? JSF: <h:commandButton valu...

STS : Using JSF , Managed beans and Aspects

Main idea is to use JSF with Spring AOP for modularizing cross cutting concerns like logging. I am using STS (Spring tool suite) and have jsp page with jsf tags. These tags are reading data from a managed bean properties(getter). I have aspect configured for the getters. When i run application with Java/AspectJ getter is called and aspec...

Rich Extended DataTable column widths

I have issue with RichFaces extended dataTable If the columns are more say 20, instead of giving a horizontal scroll bar, the columns are getting compressed. I tried giving column width in %, px .But no use. Anyone familiar with this? <rich:column label="Select" sortable="false" width="10%"> <f:facet name="header"> <h:selectBo...

JSF tags in JSF component renderer

Can i somehow add JSF tags to my JSF component renderer class? I'm trying in this way: writer.append("<f:param name=\"active\" value=\""+tabName+"\"/>"); But, this tag is not recognized by compiler as JSF tag. ...

Alternative to <rich:modalPanel> for Internet Explorer 6

Hello, The pages of my web application are loaded really slowly on Internet Explorer 6, compared to Firefox : around 6s for IE6, 3s for Firefox. The size of the pages are indeed a big problem in my application, but I also know that the <rich:modalPanel> is really slow on IE6 (due to DOM manipulations). As we use a lot ot them, I thin...

Losing Facelets support in JSF 2 by adding libs

I'm trying to migrate a JSF 1.2 project running on Tomcat to Mojarra 2 running on Glassfish v3 (b71). I tried creating a new test project in Eclipse (JEE Ganymede) and a simple facelets page works until I add the libaries I'll be using from the old project, then the same facelets page isn't rendered, i.e. the page source in Firefox is j...

Full page refresh in Icefaces 1.8.2 ?

Icefaces only refreshes the changed parts in the page. In my program I want to do a full page refresh through the manage bean. Does anyone know how to do that ? Thanks. ...