
Localization of default messages in JavaServer Faces

Hi, I'm trying to set up a norwegian version of a site built with JSF. I know how to display my own messages based on what locale is set to, but I'm having trouble with the default messages (eg. when a form input is invalid). As far as I can tell, norwegian is not supported. Does anyone know how I could overcome this? e.g. by translatin...

Updating JSF datatable based on selectOneMenu values

Hi - I am attempting to create a JSF page where the user selects values in two selectOneMenu components. The values in these selections will then be passed to a SQL query to update a table displayed on the page. I've bound each of the selection items to an appropriate variable in the backing bean, but after changing the value selected...

Richfaces enable on only one page

Hi, I worked hard on this problem but no way to find a solution. I juste wan't to enable richfaces for one and only one HTML page. Why ? Because I use RichFaces on only one page. Moreover I'm losing precious time on each others during the page loading due to JavaScript code that I don't use. => This code is add on each of my pages. I ...

Faces conversion service is not found for converting 'dataModel'

While creating my first swf application with JSF integration, I get the following error : Unable to load class 'dataModel' when parsing my flow definition on the first request. It appears that the FacesConversionService (the class that understands the 'dataModel' alias) is not invoked while trying to find a class for that alias, althoug...

Java servlet deployment error webui-jsf-suntheme

I am receiving the following run-time error in the web browser (Firefox) when attempting to run a deployed Java servlet on a Linux server: unterminated string literal dojo.provide("webui.suntheme.browser");w...wGroupsContainer,_41f.rowGroups[i],"last I believe the problem is related to webui-jsf-suntheme. I can confirm that the appl...

Replacing JavaServer Faces Error Pages

Is it possible to replace the standard error pages from JavaServer Faces such as 500 Internal Server Error ? These include information such as the stack trace, etc. But for the users, when the page is in Production Mode, I want to show a friendlier page saying that the request did not succeed. ...

File upload using RichFaces

I am currently looking in to some file uploading using Java Server Faces. I've found this great introduction to it using RichFaces. However, I have some troubles understanding the process here. First the user selects a file and if the immediate upload is set to true the file is processed using ajax, so far so good. When it comes to the ...

How to read the table variable from a backing bean in JSF?

Hi, I am using MyFaces Trinidad, and want to create a single page where selection in one table reloads the content of another table to match the selection. The update is triggered by an actionListener in a partialSubmit. Then I wanted the listener in the backing bean to remember the row object of the submit, such that the getter for th...

How to generate facelets documentation

For JSP and some JSF tags there is a tool called TLDdoc that generates JavaDoc-style documentation for the JSP and JSF tags. Does anybody know an equivalent for Facelets? There is a tool called facelets-doc that aims to support Facelets but either it's not finished, or the lack of documentation doesn't mention how to make it work. I ha...

Sending JSF parameters within Richfaces a4j:repeat

I'm attempting to put a few drop down menus inside of an a4j:repeat. The values for the second drop down are dependent on the value selected in the first. Below is the code I am attempting to use, but it passes a blank parameter: <a4j:repeat id="localRepeat" var="local" value="#{InstanceController.instance.locations}" rowKeyVar="row">...

captureView + jsf

hello i want to get view content as String value i used ViewHandler but no response? Thank you. ...

JSF Nested EXpression language

Hi, Is it possible to write nested JSF expression? If yes, please give me the syntax. If No, Is there any possible work around ?? I need this as I need to display column in rich Datatable from hasmap. <rich:column> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="Item Number" /> </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{item.get('ke...

Jsf control that format text with html tags

Good morning all. Is there any jsf control that escapes the html tags? Imagine that i have the following string in resources: text.String=lalala<br/>lelele and i want to print it on Xhtml file with a simple control like: <h:outputText value="#{messages['text.String']}" /> how do i get the result formatted with the html <br/> tag...

How to open and attach a file for email using JSF?

I have a requirement where i need to generate an excel and attach it to a email and show it to the user for his confirmation. I am able to generate the excel and also able to open a email using JSF. But i am having trouble attaching the file. I am using h:outputLink for opening an email. Please help ...

Seam validation question - check for at least one field filled

I have a situation in my form that the user must fill at least one of the fields. Using "required" command, i cannot do that. What is the best way to validate this in seam ? i dont want to use javascript. Thanks! ...

Avoid using a DB for storing small set of data on a Java EE App

I have a small JSF app and would like to keep some state on the server, without using a DB. It will just be a small string for every user so I don't see the point in deploying an RDMS for that. ...

Problem with rich:inplaceInput in rich:column having filteredBy condition

Hi All, I have 6 rich columns inside a datatable.I have 3 h:outputext and 3 inplaceinput enclosed in 6 rich:column.rich:columns have "filteredBy" condition.When I filter the data , data displayed using h:outputtext is displayed properly.However data displayed using "inplaceinput" is not getting filtered. Regards, Vivek ...

JSF selectManyCheckbox

Hello! I'm having a hard time with a selectManyCheckbox. Basically what I am doing is loading a List of Categories in a selectManyCheckbox type controller (have done this either with a List or with a List with convertEntity). My problem is with the selected elements (value="#{cardListProvider.categoriesHolder.selectedCategories}"). Afte...

Change dynamically css class

Hi there. Imagine that i have the following code: <a:repeat value="#{bean.getList()}" var="x" > <li class="la"> <span> <img src="#{bean.getThumbImageUrl(x)}"/> </span> </li> </a:repeat> I'm receiving a List of elements on bean.getList(). For each element, i'm getting it's image and print it. On the <li> tag...

jsf Trinidad: Change tr:table header

Hi. I have a tr:table with the rowSelection property set to "single". It draws a extra column with a radio buttons inside. But I want to change the text displayed at that column's header. I don't find any property that allow me to accomplish this. I guess I should overwrite some properties file but I haven't found anything on this topic ...