
How to determine active panelBarItem in RichFaces

Hi! I am using the RichFaces panelBar and would like to determine the active panelBarItem at any given point in time. Could you suggest a way of doing so? Thanks in advance! MD ...

Submitting only part of a page in ADF Faces?

How do I submit only part of a page in ADF Faces? ...

com.sun.faces.enableRestoreView11Compatibility what use instead in JSF 1.2

When I have javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException I want to send user to login page. web.xml ... <context-param> <param-name>com.sun.faces.enableRestoreView11Compatibility</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> ... <error-page> <exception-type>javax.faces.application.ViewExpire...

Can JSF 2.0 be used with Websphere application server version 7.x

Can JSF2.0 be used with Websphere application server version 7.x ...

JSF 1.2 - Problem with passing page count to bean to create list

I have this select option: <f:verbatim>Pages: </f:verbatim> <h:selectOneMenu id="selectPage" value="#{pageList.selectedPage}"> <f:selectItems value="#{pageList.selectPages}" /> </h:selectOneMenu> And the backing bean (called mybean2) for this is: private int pages; public void getPages(int Pages) { this.pages = Pages; } // ge...

How to correctly use ResultSet with h:dataTable

Hey there, The problem is, that after displaying the ResultSet with h:dataTable, the connection is left open. If I close it, it closes the ResultSet too. I'm thinking about copying the ResultSet data into some HashMap/ArrayList combo. Is there a good way to deal with this problem? Thanks in advance, Daniel ...

Weird behaviour of h:commandLink action (MethodExpression)

Hey there, I have two JSPs where I am displaying some info from database in a h:dataTable. One of them is showing all the info, and one of them user specifically. I have showXML.jsp that shows the "XML" column of a dataTable row detailedly, since a String that big wouldn't be nice in the dataTable. So what I'm doing is passing the row i...

JSF - UISelectItems problem

Strange error i received from compiler: Expected a child component type of UISelectItem/UISelectItems for component type javax.faces.SelectOne(siachoice). Found javax.faces.component.UISelectItems. So, if he was expecting UISelectItems, and found UISelectItems, then where is the error? My JSP implementation: <h:selectOneMenu id="s...

Populating richfaces ComboBox

Hi all, I am trying to populate a combobox as late as possible, to improve performance. I once had populating methods for all the combo boxes in a page in the constructor of the backing bean. I'd like to populate the combo just when the user needs it. Which is the most indicated event to use and the method to avoid delays and concurrenc...

ICEFaces inputFile getting the file content without upload

Is there any way of just getting the content of the browsed file without any upload/file transfer operations? I currently use ICEFaces inputFile component but I do not need the default uploading operation of the file. Thanks. ...

How to intercept request ends?

Hi in JSF i need to perform some action when each request of the user ends. I need some kind of interceptor but i don't know how to do it. I need help with this please. Thanks ...

listenin a port from appplication server

Hi all; First I have a JSF application that make some sort of searches from database, but on the other hand I have been listening port for this purpose also, I start a thread that listens that port in my application bean. From the port I listen for incoming request of these searches and send responses from this port. The situation is th...

IDE that provides design view for JSPs using JSF

NetBeans used to do that but with the deprecation of Woodstock (rather merging with ICEFaces) and with ICEFaces not supporting Visual Web Project it is difficult to choose NetBeans now [1]. Eclipse (the J2EE version) has a very basic version that provides drag and drop etc. of JSF controls. So, I wanted to know which free IDEs (if any!...

Mojarra for JSF Encoding

Hello. Can anyone teach me how to use mojarra to encode my JSF files. I downloaded mojarra and expected some kind of jar but what i had downloaded was a folder of files i don't know what to do with ...

Hibernate - changing connection string during runtime

I have JSF + Hibernate app. During runtime, i need to change database, to which user is connected. For example, User can manually switch databases in my app, so app is connected to the chosen one. I read about Hibernate Connection Provider. Can it help me? ...

Setting floating point formatting locale for JSF / ICEfaces?

I am writing a JSF (ICEfaces) application using resource bundles to handle internationalisation. The application nicely applies the (default) Dutch "nl" locale for the resource bundle but fails to apply the same locale on formatting floating point numbers, even if I explicitly set the locale for a page using <f:view locale="nl">. How d...

JSF A4j support

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with a JSF selectManyCheckbox and A4J support. The purpose is to run some action when a checkbox is selected. This works perfectly in Firefox. Yet, when testing in any IE (ie6 / ie7 / ie8), found out that the action was being called but the selected value was put to null. Just to test it, I placed a JS...

rich:datatable and expandable column with internet explorer

I created a simple solution for expandable columns/rows with rich:datatable and rich:column, which is similar to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/358840 The facelets code is (simplified) as follows: <rich:dataTable id="detailtable" value="#{bean.model}" var="row" columns="2"> <rich:column id="detail-check"> <...

Placing label before radio button with JSF

Hi, i have the following in my page. <h:selectOneRadio layout="pageDirection" > <s:selectItems value="#{usageList}" var="entry" label="#{labels[entry.label]}" itemValue="entry" /> </h:selectOneRadio> With this code I get a radio Button and after it the label of the same. [ ] User [ ] Administrator But I want to do the ...

Explain to me the different JSF component libraries relate

Even though i spend whole days developing a JSF application, i've never had any training on the matter and I have to admin I am a still confused how the whole JSF puzzle fits together. JSF just looks a bit thrown together to me. jsf-api jslt facelets myfaces trinidad tobago jsp api I'd be very grateful if anyone could give me a quick...