
JSF 1.2 - cannot access javax.el.ELContext

I got this error: cannot access javax.el.ELContext class file for javax.el.ELContext not found I'm using Tomcat 6.0.20 and Mojarra JSF 1.2_13-b01-FCS. What class am I missing? Please help. ...

JQuery, JSF and a4j:commandLink

Hello ppl, I have a problem with using jQuery Dialog and Ajax submit in JSF. I have the following code for displaying Dialog windows: <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(function(){ // Dialog jQuery('#dialog').dialog({ ...

Implementing item edition page in JSF

Hi, I am creating a JSF application. I have some items (e.g. products) from database and I want to create a JSF page for editing particular items, that is: it should display selected item properties and enable user to edit them, I want to be able to view this item with some link, I want JSF to somehow remember that I'm editing particu...

Can't get JSF input field value on JAVA backend

Hello. I have following UI part on JSF - it's simple search form with input field and submit: <h:form> <h:commandButton action="#{operation.found}" value="#{msg.search}" /> <h:inputText name="searchParam"/> </h:form> And correspondingly, on backend, i attempt to get value of input field next way: public List<Store> getFound() ...

External CSS for JSF

What is syntax to add external CSS file to jsf? Tried both ways.Didn't help. 1. <head> <style type="text/css"> @import url("/styles/decoration.css"); </style> </head> 2. <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/styles/decoration.css" /> </head> ...

JSF - correct way to build forms

Ok, i wish to know the correct way to build forms in JSF. I have multidatabase app(user can switch databases during runtime, all databases are build on the same scheme) and now i want to build forms for data input. I tried build functionalities in NetBeans, where i can generate entity classes from database, but, as far as i understood, ...

<c:if> tag for JSF page

Used to develop Portlets and JPS's, so have a dilemma. task: display <h:dataTable> only when list isn't empty Is it possible to provide <c:if> tag for JSF page? ...

included plain html form not getting sent

I have included xhtml page where in I have plain html form with get method. I include that page with <ui:include> in parent xhtml. In the parent xhtml I have a dropdown box in which I use the a4j:support -tag. After I choose another item from the dropdownbox, I have an ajax request done that updates the server side variable based on th...

Differences in WYSIWYG capabilities for ICEfaces on Netbeans and Eclipse?

While evaluating ICEfaces I have used Eclipse and its Web Page Editor to visually create a webpage using ICEfaces components. I have heard that Netbeans 6.5 provided a similar capability, but Netbeans 6.7 does not support a visual drag and drop. I was wondering if there is a plugin for Netbeans to enable this? Also to those who have e...

Help me understand JSF managed bean lifecycle

I have a form bean defined in session scope and a controller bean defined in request scope. I am using JSF to inject the session scoped bean in to the request scoped bean. <managed-bean> <managed-bean-name>Controller</managed-bean-name> <managed-bean-class> com.mycomp.Controller </managed-bean-class> <managed-bean-scope>request</mana...

How to reload a JSF page from a ValueChangeEvent ?

I have a selectonemenu where a change in the selection should navigate the user to the related page. So, how do I simulate the action handling of a commandbutton using a selectonemenu control (or are there a more elegant ways to achieve this)? ...

Problems validating rich:calendar

Hi ! I am trying to validate a rich:calendar for not null input using <rich:beanValidator />, but i am not able to validate for null inputs. For example in my constraits.xml file, i validate getter for calendar: <getter name="dateOfBirth"> <constraint annotation="javax.validation.constraints.Past"/> (works fine) <constraint anno...

JSF: h:datatable problem

Hi! I have problem with h:datatable tag in JSF. I don't know, why my datatable is not showing on my page. Some advices? Here is my code: <h:dataTable rows="2" var="deb" value="#{debCredTab.rows}"> <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> Debet </...

What Java-Web-Framework to use if JSF is oversized?

Hi, we think about to move a project from PHP to Java. It's a small web application with about 5 pages. We have JSF-experience, but i think JSF will be oversized and too cumbersome (we will massivly make use of JS). What can you recommend? GWT? ...

What is the difference between ADF and JSF?

I'm quite new to Oracle's ADF and wonder what is the difference between ADF and Sun's reference implementation of JSF? ...

What is the difference between #{expr} and ${expr} in jsf? Are there any cases when we should prefer ${expr}?

I've read some time ago about the difference in 'Core JSF' but now I can't find that place. Nevertheless I don't remember that there was a word about cases when we should use ${expr} in jsf. So I'm just curious what is the difference (in a chestnut) and if there a case to use ${expr} in JSF application? ...

Why facelets ignore href-attribute of a link when I use <a href="url" jsfc="h:outputLink"> ?

I have next facelet composition: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.co...

Escapse url GET parameters in URL with Java/ICEFaces

Hi, I have a JAVA with JSF/ICEFaces application. I need to pass parameters from one page to another so I user something like: <f:param name="eventName" value="#{item.event_name}" /> And then get it in the constructor using: eventName = request.getParameter("eventName"); While works fine unless there is a '/' character in the strin...

JSF & Facelets - Getting Started

I'd like to learn how to develop Java-based web front-ends (I already work with J2EE server-side). Microsoft's path appears quite straight-forward (ASP.NET; like it or not). However, I'm not sure about Java's. JSF1.2/JSP or Facelets, and to get something like a date picker learn IceFaces/Dojo? Any thoughts on a learning path would be...

JSF - project structure examples

Is there any JSF CRUD project structure examples? I surfed the net to find some good and big JSF examples, but everywhere are only small projects with simple structure. I need JSF project example with CRUD, forms and reports. ...