
How to disable single radio button on JSFX page?

I have a customer who created an Oracle ADF/JSF 1.1 application. On one of the pages they have a table with first column as an enabled mutually exclusive radio buttons. I had to enhance the page and add the total line with disabled radio button. How can I disable it in Bean class or on the page without using JavaScript? I've tried to ...

Updating Bean from JSF dataTable

I've got this h:dataTable and form: <h:form> <h:dataTable value='#{bean.allData.dataItems}' var='item'> <h:column> <h:outputText value='#{item.id}' /> </h:column> <h:column> <h:inputText value='#{item.name}' /> </h:column> </h:dataTable> <h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.saveEntries}"/> </h:form> So ...

Passing Parameters ins JSF 2.0

Hi, till now i used in JSF 1.2 commandLinks and the setPropertyActionListener to pass for e.g. the selectedItem of a DataTable. <h:commandLink action="#{Result.show}" value="#{foo.name}"> <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{foo}" target="#{Result.selectedFoo}"/> </h:commandLink> In an example JSF 2.0 and JPA i have seen a solution,...

How to bind table row to Edit-button in jsf?

It's trivial but unfortunately I don't understand some processes 'behind the scenes' in JSF. So, I'm also interested in links to related articles. The problem: I have a list of User-objects. And I represent this list as a dataTable. <h:dataTable var="user" value="#{userService.allUsers}"> <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> ...

How do I package a Facelets composite component for use in another web app?

Let's say I've created a simple composite component in one of my JSF 2.0 web applications using Facelets. Now, I want to use that component in another webapp. Rather than copy the .xhtml file from one app to another, I would like to create a library that I can simply include in each of the webapps. How do I package my composite compon...

ASP.NET => Spring Web Flow: How do I get up to speed fast?

I'm a long-time web developer who's been focusing on ASP.NET/C# for the past 5 years. For my final Masters in Software Engineering project, my team is working with a local company to build them an app using Spring Web Flow (as that's their current tech stack). I don't know the first thing about building web sites with Java. In fact th...

Hibernate : Java Application must be restarted for data to be realoaded.

I am programming a JSP/JSF Web application and currently using Hibernate (and MySQL) libraries. When I update data using my running application everything is working fine. Example : I modify a customer information Although if I change data manually or add an entry in MySQL manually, the change will not be effective on my application si...

Spring Faces Javascript

Hi. I want to ask where do i put my external javascript files and how to access them in the page. I have a problem with getting the relative path for my javascript files. ...

RichFaces problem with ajax commandButton

Hi i have a problem with <a4j:commandButton> after i press it for some reason all buttons on this page are changing their style any suggestions would be much appretiated i have uploaded a video which shows my problem @ 0:10 sec http://www.screencast.com/users/Schyzotrop/folders/Jing/media/b54aece2-4a97-45dc-99eb-76a7fbe29002 thanks ...

To Add the Expand collapse functionality in a .jsp to display and hide the data using <rich:dataTable> JSF component.

Requirement: To Add the Expand collapse functionality in a .jsp to display and hide the data using JSF component. Details: Here I'm able to get the data from webservices to jsp. While displaying the data there is a provision to show and hide some of its data Example: If Suppose there are 3 rows(Student data) coming from database, ...

rich:menuitem passing parameter

I have menu build on Richfaces using rich:menuitem. I need to determine, which menuitem was clicked by user. I tried to use: <rich:menuItem submitMode="server" value="#{msg.sidemenu_alldocs_internal_documents_bill_sent_documents}" action="#{billdoc.list}"> <f:param name="sidemenutype" value="#{bill_sent}"/> </rich:me...

How to put "new line" in JSP's Epression Language?

What would be right EL expression in JSP to have a new line or HTML's <br/>? Here's my code that doesn't work and render with '\n' in text. <af:outputText value="#{msg.TCW_SELECT_PART_ANALYSIS}\n#{msg.TCW_SELECT_PART_ANALYSIS2}"/> ...

JSF - create a generic confirmation page (dynamic navigation)

Hi everyone, I'll try to explain my problem. I use the JSF 1.2 implementation of IBM in a very very rigid environment (company layer, and strict constraints -don't add library etc.-). I want to create a simple page for confirmation that can be reused (kind of generic). For example : 1-page1.jsp > click on button 2-pageConfirmation.jsp ...

Richfaces: dropDownMenu action

Hi! I understand, how to set action to rich:menuItem component, but can i somehow set action on rich:dropDownMenu? Parameter action cannot be set in rich:dropDownMenu component, only in dropDownMenus child rich:menuItem. Maybe there is another approach? Action setting to rich:menuItem: <rich:menuItem submitMode="server" value="#{msg.s...

Richfaces Calendar Minimum and Maximum Dates

Hello everybody! My problem is making the RichFaces calendar restricting the dates to be allowed to be chosen by the user. Let's say I want to allow only the dates of this month and the dates of the next month to be chosen by the user. I used the preloadDateRangeStart and preloadDateRangeEnd attributes but they did nothing. I create...

JSF not displaying first row, first column data

I have a very simple page that is displaying canned data. I experienced this problem with data from a DB so I made this simple example and still have the issue. When this page is navigated to for the first time for a session, the first column in the first row shows no data. It doesn't matter if I change the scope to request or session...

How to play a sound in a JSF web app?

Is it possible to play a sound (.wav or .mp3) in a client's browser using a JSF web app? I have tried using javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine and it worked on Windows, but when I deploy the .war on a Linux host I get this exception: "javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException: Audio Device Unavailable" ...

JSF CommandButton onclick does not call Javascript function

I am using a command button from JSF. I don't know why I can't call my javascript function. NO alert will show when I click the button. <h:commandButton id="login" value="Login" action="login" onclick="return checkPasswords();" type="Submit" /> My Javascript function: function checkPasswords() { alert("test"); return false...

How to create user-friendly and seo-friendly urls in jsf?

For example, I have class Article with methods getTitle () and getContent (). I also have ArticlesService with method getAllArticles (). How to create a list of links with meaningful names (formed with #{article.title})? Like: http://mysiteaddress.com/article/first-article-title http://mysiteaddress.com/article/how-to-make-links-in-js...

Is a custom JSF converter needed for this simple class?

I have been trying with limited success to code a JSF application. In one section of the application, I need users to select from a select menu which displays a list of selectable status values. The Status class (presented below), which is used to populate the List that is displayed in the select menu, is a simple class made up of two St...