
How to freeze or disable an update input form

Hi, I wonder if it is possible for me to freeze or disable the entire update form? I have an input h:form with a check box in it. when users check the box, I would like to freeze or disable the entire form so that disallow users from changing inputs. Thanks, and I am using JSF, Spring Web Flow, Facelets, and Trinidad. ...

How do I use the ADF propertyListener tag?

I have a class CustomerBean { Customer customer; public CustomerBean() {...} public getCustomer() {...} public void setCustomer(Customer c) {...} ... } When using normal JSF I can use a setPropertyLIstener tag (on say a commandLink) to update the customer property. I'm trying to do the same thing with Oracle ADF, ...

Thread safety in JSF

Assume that we have Spring bean UserController with singleton scope. All my further reasoning is based on my assumption that "singleton" scope is almost similar to application scope i.e. we have only one instance for all users. If this is wrong assumption then tell me about it, please. So, we have a web-form with several fields. Two ...

JSF - force UIInput components to refresh

Hi, I'm currently working on a JSF 1.2 project (IBM implementation and a "company layer"). PROBLEM Here's the situation (numbers of items are just for the example), simple CRUD List item I have a list of items I click on item 2 to see detail I click on modify, the modification page displays values of item 2 Back to the list with a b...

Picture/article which describes JSF lifecycle in detail

I've already seen some examples, like the one below: That's nice description in theory, but I'd like to see also more JSF-related picture, with FacesServlet, PhaseListeners and other stuff to understand their role and sequence of calls in all these phases of lifecycle. ...

Spring Security basics

How to make a link visible only if an authenticated user has correspondent permissions? I'm using JSF, and as I understand, I should use rendered attribute of a component which should call backing bean's boolean method. I've even found correspondent code some time ago but now I can't find it again. So, can anyone give me an example of...

how to access a EL variable and pass it as an argument to a function in EL?

I want to call a function on a bean with an argument passsed to it in jsp using EL. The problem is it does not allow something like: "${teacherBean.certificationFor(${particularField})" the thing is i want to iterate over an array and call the function certificationFor for all the values in the array passed as an argument. I am getting ...

JSF 2.0 Components

Does anyone know of any good resources for JSF 2.0 components? I'm trying to develop a file upload component to teach myself JSF 2.0 and Servlet 3.0 but I'm having a hard time finding resources. I've been looking at the Mojarra 2.0.2 source but it seems like a lot of their stuff is still using JSF 1.x concepts. Any insight is appreciated...

Java: How can I generate a PDF file from a JSP JSF page?

I need to generate a PDF from a JSP JSF page. I have searched the net, but I didn't found any examples of how should I do this. I need to transform the whole page, or maybe only the charts that I have on that page. P.S. I'm also using IceFaces. ...

Which faces technology for use with GlassFish 2.1 and NetBeans 6.7?

I'm running GlassFish 2.1 and using NetBeans 6.7. I'd like to create a web interface to my data using JSF 1.2. Trouble is, I'm not sure which 'faces' technology to learn (that includes some good documentation). JBoss/RichFaces seem pretty good on documentation, but I'm using GlassFish. Any thoughts? The choices appear overwhelming: ...

JSF, Icefaces, Portlets and Requestparameter

Hi there, I'm trying ton include some JSF into my webapp. For the components lib I've choosed ICEFaces, now I'm facing a problem: ICEFaces doesn't trigger the processAction method which is required to get requestparameters. In my other "normal" portlets I can do - in JBoss Portal - e.g. /portal/dashboard/hellpPortlet_Window?action=1&...

Image Uploder in JSF

Does anyone know of an image uploader that will work for JSF - something more then the OTB solution of uploading a single file. Looked at the following: http://demo.aurigma.com/ImageUploader6/BasicDemo/default.aspx which would do the trick but it would still have to be integrated/wrapped into JSF unless I am missing something. Ideals?...

Newbie to JSF - Add Grid to Datatable.

Hi, I have this datatable with dynamic columns in my application. I'm trying to figure out why it shows up with no grid. (And how to enable grid for the datatable). The JSP: (You can see a few attempts I made, which failed) <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <title>Celsius to Fahrenh...

JSF Eclipse Designer

Is there any Eclipse plugin that will allow me to do a Visual Studio like drag-and-drop for JSF components on a web page? So I won't have to write <f:input...> and the tool would just create this code for me? If not eclipse, are there are other options? (I do not plan to actually use something like this but I do need to know). ...

Guice and JSF 2

I'm trying to use Guice to inject properties of a JSF managed bean. This is all running on Google App Engine (which may or may not be important) I've followed the instructions here: http://code.google.com/docreader/#p=google-guice&amp;s=google-guice&amp;t=GoogleAppEngine One problem is in the first step. I can't subclass the Servlet...

Richfaces scripts / styles not loading

I have a simple scrollableDataTable in a jsf <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" prefix="f" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h" %> <!-- RichFaces tag library declaration --> <%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/a4j" prefix="a4j"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://richfaces.org/rich" prefix="rich"%> <f:view> <h:...

Jboss Seam Booking Example Extract Shared Libs From Ear

Example Booking Application, which JBoss Seam is shipped with, build into EAR file of about 7 MB. That's pretty much if you consider deploying this package to a remote Jboss server and possibly redeploying it package many times during your regular work. Lib files like richfaces and jsf-facelet make the lion's share of that EAR size. Why...

rich:dataScroller does not refresh rich:dataTable in JSF

Hello, I have a rich:dataTable and a rich:dataScroller. When I click on the datascroller, my dataTable does not refresh automatically to show the correct page. If, however, I press the refresh button the dataTable shows the correct page. What am I doing wrong? Here is my code: <rich:dataTable id="applicantsTable" binding="#{applicant...

How to put a scrollbar in list box?

I want to how to create a listbox with a vertical scrollbar in it.. ...

row counter for html table row

I have HTML table in JSF web application. I am generating rows dynamically using <ui:repeat>. I want a counter for each row. How can I get this? Any help? Ssimilar to rowKeyVar in rich faces dataTable. ...