
JSF: How to forward a request to another page in action?

I want to forward request to another page from action class I am using below code in my jsf action : public String submitUserResponse(){ ...... ...... parseResponse(uri,request,response); .... return "nextpage"; } public String parseResponse(String uri,request,response){ if(uri != null){ RequestDispatch...

How to enforce jsf to create new instance of bean instead of throwing NullPointerException?

I'm almost sure that I do something wrong and thus the question's title is a bit incorrect. I have a form with several fields for creating a new User-objects (fields like login, password, birthday etc). And I have 2 buttons - Cancel and Create. I didn't finish Create yet :) , but when I press Cancel I see NullPointerException. Here is s...

Passing parameters from trinidad controls to the flow

Hi, I am new to JSF, Facelets, SWF and Trinidad technologies, and I having a problem submitting parameters from the <tr:commandButton> on a xhtml page to the flow (using the <f:param>). The interesting thing is when I use <h:commanButton> instead of the <tr:commandButton>, everything works fine. The reason I need to use trinidad button ...

Equivalent Spring custom Collection property editor when using JSF

Hi, I would like to know how to use Converters in Java Server Faces similar to Spring collection property editor Suppose the following model public class Group { private String name; List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>(); // getter's and setter's } And equivalent form <form ...> <h1>Group form</h1> <label ...

values lost after validation error in JSF

I have two pages. Search page is the first page that takes user inputs. Second page shows the result set in datatable. Second page has 3 panel for resultset, update and create all in single page. Depending upon the which button being clicked, I am rendering panels true and false. <h:panelGroup styleClass="panelGroup" id="resultS...

Richfaces:same trees in separate windows (or tabs) being in sync?

Hi all, I have a newbie question in JSF, and particular in Richfaces. I need my JSF application to have two pages showing the same tree, meaning that: The two trees should be showing the same data If I change something in one of the trees (i.e. open/close/add a node) the second tree should be automatically updated. Is this possible...

How should presentation tier (JSF) interoperate with services tier (Spring)?

I know that there are many different architectures exist. In this question I consider 3-tiers architecture (presentation-services (busyness logic)-data access layer (DAOs). And I want to concentrate on how presentation tier works with services tier. The problem I met is standard. I have stateless services layer, and I think it should be...

Binding more than one input field to a backing bean property by using Java Server Faces ?

Hi, Suppose i have a month, day and year select. One select for each one. And now i need to bind them to a single backing bean property - java.util.Date. How do i get my goal ? ...

Passing data from request ManagedBeans in JSF

I'm somewhat confused about the lifecycle of ManagedBeans of type "request". In this example i'm using one request bean "userBean" to fill this page and one request bean "userEditBean" to fill the following edit page. <h:form> <h:panelGrid border="1" columns="2"> <h:outputText value="Name" /> <h:outputText value="#...

Jsf custom managed bean instantination handler

Which JSF 1.2 component is responsible for instantiating managed bean specified in faces-config.xml? I'd like to replace this component with my custom-made version which will perform some additional tasks after bean instance is successfully created. ...

How do i retrieve a JSF component value by using EL ?

Hi, Before going on, see this question Its JSF form is shown again as follows <f:view> <h:form> <div> <label>Id</label> <input type="text" name="accountId"/> </div> <div> <label>Amount</label> <input type="text" name="amount"/> </div> <h:comman...

JSF 2.0 and Facelets

In blogs i have read that JSF 2.0 is inlcuding Facelets. So i only included JSF-api.jar and JSF-impl.jar to my Java build path. But if i try to use Facelet tags, they don't work. Do i need to configure Facelets anywhere or must i include any further libraries? THX. ...

Problem with Rich faces panelBar ?

I am using rich faces panel bar control in my application. There some problem with the control. The code is some thing like this <rich:panelBar contentClass="some-class"> <rich:panelBarItem label="Panel 1" headerClass="some-css-class"> Contents 1 </rich:panelBarItem> <rich:panelBarItem label="Panel 2" headerClass="some...

how to display a pdf document in jsf page in iFrame

hi can any one help me in displaying pdf document in jsf page in i frame only thanks in advance Suresh ...

Latest JDeveloper version to support Oracle UIX Development

Hi, What is the latest version of JDeveloper which supports Oracle UIX development? Not a version which supports migration, but one which actually still has UIX development tools integrated? Thanks! ...

Inner UI:repeat does not bind to a bean in a nested UI:repeat

HI, I am using nested ui:repeats to display my data. the outer UI:repeat works and binds to bean just fine, but the inner does not bind to the bean. In sumary, I would like to display a list of people where each person has a name and a list of email addresses. Here is my code: <ui:repeat value="#{myFamily.personList}" var="eachPerson" >...

jQuery counter question

Hi, I have a table and i want to count how many tr i hide. The code: <rich:jQuery query="ready(function() { var i = 0; jQuery('#inbox:_inboxTable_').find('span[title=isArchivedStatusPlusIncludeArchive]').each(function(i, o){ if (jQuery(this).text() == 'true+false' ){ i++; alert(i); jQuery(this)....

How to add tab index of selectOneChoice of Oracle's ADF ?

How to add tab index of selectOneChoice of Oracle's ADF ? ...

Navigation is not working in JSFwhen Using facelets,richfaces

Hello Friends.. I have a page called mainMenu.xhtml in which header.xhtml and sideMenu.xhtml and one more content page is included. My requirement is based on the item selected from the sideMenu the page should navigate to corresponding page that is penMenu.xhtml or PensilMenu.xhtml But when I click the menu item it is not navigating t...

JSF validation error, lost value

I have a update form, with composite keys All composite keys are displayed in outputbox as I have hidden field for each composite keys. These outputbox values are empty after validation error. How do I resolve this. I am on the same page so doesn't it has to have the values. ...