
JSF action, value and binding catalog generator

I am looking for a simple tool that generates a catalog of all used action methods, values and bindings. I'm working on a big JSF/RichFaces project and I have lost the overview of the used links to the beans. Therefore I need a tool (would be nice if it is a Eclipse plugin) that generates a simple list of all used EL expressions. Is the...

How get selected items in backing bean for <h:SelectManyListBox> ?

Pals, I got stuck again while my web development, I am providing multiple selection list to user for selecting many option. A Fragment of JSF Page <h:selectManyListbox id="associatedAS" value="#{maintainForm.selectedAS}"> <s:selectItems value="#{maintainForm.associatedAS}" var="as" label="#{as.name}" /> <rmc:...

Trinidad JSF tr:panelPopup opened by js is not working in IE

I'm using Trinidad 1.2.12. I have a jsp page that has a tr:panelPopup. I need to open the popup in certain cases when the page is reloaded. I tried to do this by placing a panelGroupLayout with the appropiate render attribute. Inside of that panel I have the tr:panelPopup and a js function that calls the function that shows the popup. Th...

JSF - session scoped bean shared by browsers on different machines

We have a search form where the filter is bound to a property on a managed bean (session scope). It's not component binding, its property binding like <h:inputText value="#{searchBean.filter}"/>. Submitted data from different machines (different sessions, then) is getting mixed. You search "john", and get "mary" just because the guy bes...

Dynamically generate pairs of columns with rich:columns

Is it possible to dynamically generate pairs of columns using RichFaces' rich:columns component? (Version 3.3.0) Ideally, I'd like to generate something resembling the following: +------+--------------+--------------+--------------- | Name | 1/2/09 | 2/2/09 | 3/2/09 (etc.) +------+------+-------+------+-------+----------- |...

facelets: passing bean name with ui:param to action attribute

Hello, Due to some custom components which expect a bean name (NOT the bean instance) in their attributes I need to pass the actual bean name between pages. As the bean itself is also used by non-custom components, I would like to avoid using additional ui:param (like described here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1083834/passing-act...

Unit testing icefaces

Can you separate components of an IceFaces application so they can be tested in isolation instead of using something like Selenium or HttpUnit on the assembled application? Backing beans can be easily isolated (if written to be testable) but I am interested in testing the template/display parts of the application while using as little o...

How does rich:dataTable's stateVar attribute work?

I'm trying to output the row index for each row in a rich:dataTable. It looks like the stateVar attribute would do this, but I can't figure out how to use it. The reference documentation for this is hopeless: The attribute provides access to a component state on the client side Simply outputting the state variable yields "org.ajax...

JSF/SEAM: How to pre-select checkboxes in a form

Hi, I have a form where i have to preselect some checkboxes. How is that possible with jsf/seam? In plain html you would just add the "checked" (or checked="checked") as attribute to the checkboxes. But with f:selectItems I have no clue...also the Object "SelectItem" does not provide any setter for this... ...

JSF page rendering error:Faces Context

I am getting the below messages when my JSF page gets rendered. The page is rendered correctly however in the Console the message below repeats itself numerous times... INFO: ERROR: Unable to get Faces Context for session variable: localeBean 11:54:27,090 INFO [STDOUT] Nov 24, 2009 11:54:27 AM com.web.util.faces.UtilFacesFuncs log IN...

XPage: collection variable undefined in javascript for link attribute in repeat control

I have encountered strange problem with collection variable in repeat control (iterating NotesDocumentCollection). Collection variable named to "doc" to access row data (type of NotesDocument). If I put computed field control into repeat, binding doc.field works. If I use Javascript, I can access variable "doc" in it and compute content...

JSF CommandLink does not work on Firefox after a whole form reRender

Hi all, I have a JSF 1.2 application (Sun RI, Facelets, Richfaces) that was used only on IE6 browsers. Now, we must also support Firefox (yeah !). In one of my pages, I have a form that contains a button that will re-render the whole form. After the re-rendering, some links (<h:commandLink/>) are added in this form. The JSF code looks...

How do I reliably access the HttpServletRequest in a jspx when it's behind a proxy?

I've got a jspx that needs to know the current HttpServletRequest's getServerName(). The jspx can fetch this with #{mybean.serverName} from its bean, like this: public String getServerName() { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesInstance.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContent().getRequest(); return request.getS...

MyFaces vs Sun Reference Implementation of JSF

Maybe, some performance comparison or some noticeable specific differences is what I want to know. As I heard there is no really big difference. Hence, I've got one more question. For what purposes dozens of people spent their time to reinvent the wheel implement already implemented spec ones more? ...

JSF 1.2 - Does PostConstruct execute before or after getters

I have this code for a backing bean: @PostConstruct public void refreshData() { rows = (int) dd.getRows(); pages = dd.getPages(); getRender(); } // action public void getCount(String sql, Object... values) throws Exception { dd.getCount(sql, values); rows = (int) dd.getRows(); pages = dd.getPages(); } // getter ...

Temporary conversation not ending after ExternalContext.redirect()

Hi. I'm working in a project using Seam and JSF. For some reason (don't ask me, I don't know) the people before me decided to redirect the user to the response page through a FacesContext.getExternalContext().redirect(). The problem I'm seeing is that some pages, when redirected to themselves, never release the conversation (the conversa...

JSF, multiple bean update property in a form

I edited my question to be more precise as I have more time to write it. I have a JSF form that should modify the value of the different properties of a dog : <h:form id="submit"> <h:outputLabel value="Dog name:"/> <h:inputText value="#{User.dog.name}" id="dogName"/> <h:outputLabel value="Name :"/> <h:inputSecret va...

Temporary conversation ending doubt

Hi. I've been working with Seam recently and temporary conversations still confuse me. In our project we're using ExternalContext.redirect() to redirect the user to the response page. From what I've read, a Seam conversation ends when the render response phase is called. But then I read somewhere else that: Seam transparently propagate...

How to add Points and Markers Dynamically to Google Maps from JSF

I have an app in J2EE with a couple of projects. Got my .war project that communicates with a EJB business project which has access to some Data. I have an entity which has some information about places, and I want to show a collection of those places in a single map on a JSF page. I have a Collection of coordinates to be assigned as ...

Multiple <application> tags in faces-config.xml

It's a very simple question: can faces-config.xml file have multiple tags (more like SHOULD they have)? I'm working in a JSF project and the faces-config.xml file has something like this: <application> <el-resolver>org.jboss.seam.el.SeamELResolver</el-resolver> <view-handler>com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler</view-handler> <mes...