
Page becomes 'frozen' in Chrome after commandLink with target="_blank" is pressed

Here is jsf code: <h:commandLink id="previewlink" value="#{msg['report.preview']}" target="_blanc"> <f:param name="printpreview" value="#{previewTitle}"/> </h:commandLink> When I press the link new page is opened in a new tab and works fine but parent page becomes blocked (i.e. none of its commandLinks work). In Firefox everythin...

viewExpiredException JSF

To handle viewExpiredException in JSF, I coded <error-page> <exception-type>javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException</exception-type> <location>/error.html</location> </error-page> <session-config> <session-timeout>1</session-timeout> </session-config> in web.xml. In error.html I have redirected to original login pag...

Overriding java tobago sheet sorting method does not show data

I have created a Java webapplication containing a tobago sheet. I am now trying to override the sorting mechanism of the sheet by using the sortActionListener attribute. When I click on a column my sorting method is started. I can read out the column name and do some SQL stuff to get the data I would like to display now. The sorting is...

struts2, code completion in jsp

Hi there, I have done some work with JSF(using netbeans as the IDE) and within your jsp/xhtml file you get code on beans/resource bundles that your have defined. ATM I am investigating struts2 and seem to be unable to get similar functionality in the IDE. Is this just the case with the IDE or do I need to define something? Thanks ...

JSF works only with the .xhtml ending

Hello, i start with the programming of a JSF Website. At the moment all files have the .xhtml ending. When i go to http://localhost:8080/myProject/start.jsf everything is all right. But when i rename the file from start.xhtml to start.jsf i became a NoClassDefFound Error. What is my mistake? <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>...

How to learn JSP/MVC, with previous experience in ASP.Net MVC?

Hi all, I just started to get into the door of the Java world. I have been programming in C# for the last 3 years, and been doing about 3 months of ASP.Net MVC. I absolutely love it, but the fact that I need Windows for it to run the latest and greatest libraries is a bit of a turn down... Plus I think learning another language helps wi...

h:commandLink is not being invoked

I found a problem when using the h:commandLink in a page included by Tiles, the action/actionlistener associated with the h:commandLink is simply not being invoked. Is there any solution? Note that there are no validation errors or such any other error. ...

Passing data between managed components in JSF

Is it actually possible to pass any data between managed components in JSF? If yes, how to achieve this? Could anyone provide any sample? ...

how to make the value AAAAAAA Bold in my UI <h:outputText value="AAAAAAA"

hi i have the following code and i want to display items.date Value in Bold on my UI is there any attribute for making My Value Bold any help pls thanks ...

flex and jsf access the same instance of bean

i integrate a flex app in a jsf-icefaces app (in a jspx site with the ice:outputmedia-tag) and want to access the same instance of a bean from flex by remote, that jsf inject. i already connect with blazeds to a java-bean. this bean - like all other beans - get other beans by injection of jsf, but when i access the bean by remote from f...

Expand collapse of table rows in Datatable JSF

Hi, I have been trying to achieve this functionality of expand/collapse of table rows using core JSF and also I have to preserve the sorting. Is there a way in core JSF where I can achieve this functionality? ...

Generating id for tr datatable JSF

Is it possible to progrmmatically generate id for the <tr> in datatable? ...

Sorting panelgrid JSF

Can we sort values in column of a panelGrid. If yes, can I see an example ...

jsf datatable limiting user result

I was wondering how could I be able to show users warning or information to refine the search if their search result exceeds 100. For example: if the search results are more than 100 then display only hundred and show users warning to refine the search, in JSF/datatable. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks ...

Eclipse autocomplete (content assist) with facelets (jsf) and xhtml

How to activate eclipse (3.5, WTP) content assist in .xhtml pages for JSF (1.2) tags, using facelets? It works in .jsp files, but not xhtml. I google a lot, and in many places (including MyFaces wiki) it is said - "Eclipse can't work with xhtml and facelets" Since this works with .jsp files, I assume there might be some mechanism with ...

Spring compared to JSF 2

Hello, I haven't used Spring, but it sounds like it is fairly popular. I heard that it provides alternate ways of doing things, such as being able to consume RESTful web services. Does anyone know if provides similar features as those introduced by JSF 2, or would I be comparing apples to oranges? Edit: Thanks for the information. ...

JSF selectOneMenu selectItem always null

Hi, I'm trying to implement a JSF selectOneMenu item with a backing bean holding the selection. The problem is that the selectedItem is always null. Here is the code: .xhtml: <h:selectOneMenu value="#{componentFilterBean.selectedItem}"> <f:selectItems value="#{componentFilterBean.projects}" /> </h:selectOneMenu> ...

JSF external linking

I was wondering if is it possible to external link - something like domain.tld/jsfview - to a specific jsf view/page. I don't want the start page of my jsf app, which would be triggered by <navigation-rule> <navigation-case> <from-outcome>start</from-outcome> <to-view-id>/jsf/index.xhtml</to-view-id> </navigation-case> </na...

Is JSF available as an OSGi (Equinox) bundle?

There is a bundle for JSP/JSTL, which can be deployed on Equinox OSGi Framework and can be used by other bundles then: org.eclipse.equinox.jsp.jstl_1.0.0.jar Is there also a bundle for JSF, so i can use JSF components in my bundles? I really need to solve this issue, because i have to transform an extisting JSF Web Application to an O...

How to get properties file from WEB-INF folder in jsf?

I have some properties file in WEB-INF. And I want to load it as a bundle. Is there any way to do that? ...