
Richfaces togglePanel facets do not allow setting the style for each facet?

Hi all, I have a rich:togglePanel with two facets. I want the contents of the togglepanel, whatever facet is active at that case, to have width=100% and height="100%". For this I have created the expandAll. The problem is that the facet "renders" a div named togglePanel_open, whose content (the panelGrid) has class expandAll, but itse...

How to access complex java maps in jsf/richfaces

Hello I hope you can help me. I'm new to java and jsf and richfaces and I've created a java map in a class (called "TaskListData") accessed by my backing bean as follows: public class TaskListData { private Map<String, String[]> srcMasks = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); private Map<Integer, Map<String, String[]>> ftqSet ...

Generate id for row in JSF datatable

I am trying to achieve the expand/contract functionality of table rows in JSF using core faces implementation. As answered in one of my earlier thread this is not straight forward to achieve in core faces implementation. So, I thought of using HTML + jQuery to achieve the functionality. I am calling the row with +/- gif as parent row and...

Is it possible to change the element id separator in JSF?

For example, the following snippet: <h:form id="levelone"> <h:inputText id="leveltwo" value="Test" /> </h:form> generates the following markup: <form id="levelone" name="levelone" method="post" action="/test/testPage.html" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> <input id="levelone:leveltwo" type="text" name="level...

Accessing java-based DOM tree directly from JSF/richfaces

Based on this question I have a couple of other questions: 1) the map in this question which is made available to jsf is actually one of a number, so i'm now not sure what the backing bean method's return type should now be. if i modify it's current Array<String> return type to Array<Map Integer, Map<String, String[]>>> (or ArrayList<M...

JSF: How to attach an actionListener to component created programatically

I have to create some commandLinks dynamically and attach some action listener to it, So I've put on the JSP page and used such code to add the commandLinks and to assign action listeners to: public ManagedBean(){ List<UIComponenet> child = panelGrid.getChilderen(); list.clear(); List<MyClass> myList = getSomeList(); for (MyClass...

Backing bean String[] access in JSF

First, apologies if you've been involved with my recent questions. As this isn't a discussion forum, and comments are limited, my last hope is to ask a specific question with actual code in the hope that somehow I can reach the bottom of my problem. OK. I've a backing bean called PrismBacking with this pertinent code: public clas...

JSF 2 DateTimeConverter on selectOneMenu with selectItems

Hi, I have a <h:selectOneMenu> that has <f:selectItems> with CategoryHistory objects loaded in it. I only show the Date date field as itemLabel. That works but I want to format the date: I created a converter that extends javax.faces.convert.DateTimeConverter and change the fields in the constructor. But my dates only show in default fo...

Absolute reRendering using RichFaces

Hey there, My problem is that RichFaces reRender does not work 'under' the current element in the element tree; only upper elements get rerendered. Is there any way to access lower elements with AJAX? Any help would be appreciated! Daniel EDIT I edited this question to a more general one. See revisions if interested in the original q...

jsf 2 composite component problem when use f:facet

I am new to JSF, so I have many problems with it. I have solved much, but now I have a problem when I make composite component of column. This is the code: myPage.xhtml: <h:dataTable > <util:myCol /> </h:dataTable> myCol.xhtml: <composite:interface> </composite:interface> <composite:implementation> <h:column> <f:...

Deprecated richfaces javax.faces.el.MethodBinding replacement use

Hello I found this piece of code works in that i can programmatically creates a richfaces dropdown menu. But some of the code is deprecated. Can anyone tell me what to put in instead of the deprecated calls? Thanks public HtmlDropDownMenu getMyMenu() { HtmlDropDownMenu menu = new HtmlDropDownMenu(); menu.setValue( "Node Se...

Escape url on a html tag

Hi there. I'm doing this: <a href="http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fnews.xhtml%3Fid%3D32%26lang%3Den" target="_blank" /> and when this is rendered, the link points to: http://localhost:8080/news.xhtml?id=32&amp;lang=en I need that this link points to the url encoded and not to the one decoded. Does anyone knows how to escape it? Upd...

returning a4j:included content using bean-generated rich:dropDownMenu

I may be missing a couple of points, but I've hacked together a jsf/richfaces app and want to be able to do the simplest ajax-based nav: main page contains ref to my backing bean's menu <h:form> <rich:dropDownMenu binding="#{PrismBacking.nodeMenu}" /> </h:form> this refers to the code for the b...

List of JSF / Tobago Facets?

Does anybody know a good link with a list of all existign JSF/Tobago facets containing explanation what the facet is good for? Until now I know about the "layout" and "confirmation" facet but I haven't found a website showing up all the other existing facets... Thanks in advance! ...

Lost RichFaces skin when rendering through rich:panel and a4j:include

I have an h:selectOneMenu and an a4j:commandButton, the latter of which reRenders a component called content which looks like this: <rich:panel id="content"> <a4j:include viewId="#{MyBacking.viewId}" /> </rich:panel> When the response is rendered and the component loads the content of the new JSP page, the tabs contained in that page...

How to show a client-side message with Java JSF/Tobago?

I have a web application created with JSF and Tobago. The user types some date into a sheet and clicks a button (all within one sheet-row). Now my java class checks whether the data is correct or not. In case there are some problems, I would like to show up something like a messagebox containing the errormessage. I cannot use something ...

c:forEach doesn't render inside rich:dataTable

I am using c:forEach inside rich:dataTable. But c:forEach doesn't substitute the values for answer.choices variable and hence nothing is rendered. Is it wrong to use c:forEach inside a rich:dataTable? ...

Problem With JSF 1.1 and PopUp

I am trying to popup a window when someone clicks a button on the data table. <h:commandButton action="#{cacheController.popupDetails}" immediate="false" onclick="popup()" ...

Using a4j:repeat or ui:repeat inside rich:dataTable doesn't render radio buttons properly

While using <c:forEach> the items values is not substituted properly. If i use <a4j:repeat> or <ui:repeat> instead of <c:forEach> inside a <rich:dataTable>, radio button is not rendering properly. I also found reason for this in http://community.jboss.org/wiki/Cantusea4jrepeattoiteratethemenuItemstabsetc How do I resolve this issue? <f...

JSF implementations and component libraries

I have just started using JSF and I have three questions related to JSF implementations and component libraries What is the difference between JSF Implementations and Component Libraries? What are the various JSF implementations (like Apache MyFaces) that are available and what is the difference between each one of them? What are the ...