
How can IBM JWL (Extended HTML JSF Tags by IBM) AJAX examples get to work on WPS 6.1?

If I try to implement this simple-as-possible example: Update Content with AJAXRefreshRequest it does not work with Websphere Portal on Application Server The content is updated only the first time. In every further request the Bean is not updated from the inputText. ...

Using a4j:support to make PanelGrid clickable, after the click the page doesn't refresh.

Hi, I've made a button using HTMLPanelGrid and HTMLAjaxSupport (a4j:support from backing bean) that responds to 'onclick'. The eventlistener registered with the HTMLAjaxSupport adds a component to the page (a different component with a different backing bean). The problem is, the addition is not visible until I refresh the page or p...

Can't find the PageFlow editor/view in Netbeans

I'm following the Java EE firstcup tutorial with Netbeans 6.8 and it says: With the firstcup project selected in the Projects pane, expand Configuration File and double-click faces-config.xml. Click PageFlow in the top left corner of the editor pane to display the visual navigation editor. I can't find that PageFlow ...

JSF application Deployment time function call

IN JSP i used to put things in bean's constructor which is in APPLCIATION scope, similarly i want to load a function upon deploy of application where i can put . i tried putting in listener but @ that time i am not getting faces config 's injection . so is there any way out ? ...

JSF f:validateLength is processed after the converter, but need it before

Hi, I have a password inputfield where i have a md5 converter on it. The field is binded with my entity.password field (that is stored as an md5 hash). I want to set a f:validateLength on it so a password must have a certain length. Problem is that a "" empty String has also an md5 hash. The validator doesn't check the actual input but...

Download File from server that uses Icefaces form based authentication

I am a newbie to ICEfaces and i have a requirement where i need to download a document from a given url (http://ipaddress/formexec?objectid=201). This URL uses a form based authentication that is deployed through ICEFaces. i tracked the request of this URL and i get the following line: &ice.submit.partial=false&ice.event.target=log...

Facebook check if user is logged in via connect

Hi there. How can we render stuff, like profile picture, only if user has connected on your site via facebook connect? Is there any tag that could resolve this? hi was trying the following XFBML tag, but it didn't worked out so far. <fb:container> thanks ...

h:inputText return a empty string instead of NULL

Hello, i make a JSF 2.0 Application and i use many h:inputText fields to input data in my database. Some fields are not required <h:inputText value="#{registerBean.user.phoneNumber}" id="phoneNumber" > <f:validateLength maximum="20" /> </h:inputText><br/> When the user leave this fie...

Newbie in JSF: composition vs composite

I am starting development on a new web application which uses JSF 2 as the view technology. I have no prior experience with JSF and am a bit confused about the concepts. I read some documentation on JSF and the main idea was that it a component based framework. Applications are built from components. But now there are two ways of crea...

Which IDEs / plugins for visual editing of Java Server Faces are available?

For the maintenance and migration of some JSF / Woodstock applications (to IceFaces or other frameworks) I would like to know if there are GUI editors for Java Server Faces available. We are currently using Eclipse and NetBeans, but we are open for other development tools. But non-visual editors would be helpful if they offer some suppor...

rich:column sortBy doesn't sort properly

This was the original code generated by seam-gen (2.2.0) <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> <ui:include src="/layout/sort.xhtml"> <ui:param name="entityList" value="#{userList}"/> <ui:param name="propertyLabel" value="Name"/> <ui:param name="propertyPath" value="use...

Best way for user authentication on JavaEE 6 using JSF 2.0?

I'm wondering what the current state of art recommendation is regarding user authentication for a web application making use of JSF 2.0 (and if any components do exist) and JEE6 core mechanisms (login/check permissions/logouts) with user information hold in a JPA entity. The Sun tutorial is a bit sparse on this (only handles servlets). ...

Best practices for "Back" navigation links in JSF

Hey there, What is the best way to make "Back" links, so that the application stays consistent after navigation. onclick="history.go(-1)". Is this very harmful? Using a stack in a backing bean that pops you the navigation case of the last view. You can do this by setting the navigation case with <f:setPropertyActionListener>. None of ...

null check in jsf expression language

Hi, Please see this Expression Language styleClass="#{obj.validationErrorMap eq null ? ' ' : obj.validationErrorMap.contains('key')?'highlight_field':'highlight_row'}" Even if the map is null, highlight_row style is getting applied. So I changed to styleClass="#{empty obj.validationErrorMap ? ' ' : obj.validationErro...

JSF tags not being rendered as HTML

I'm following the Java EE firstcup tutorial using Netbeans and Glassfish. When I execute the JSF web tier I've been instructed to code, the browser gets the same JSF markup coded in the .xhtml file, and the tags are not rendered as HTML tags. I know this by using the view source code in my browser. For example, for this code: <html xm...

JSF - how to dynamically display values from messages.properties

I have a DataModel which has plan names and some other attributes. I have different plans - gold , silver etc. But I dont want to display Gold or Silver as it is. Based on the locale, I want to display it from the messages.properties Here is my code snippet: <h:dataTable value="#{newMemberController.membershipModel}" ...

How do you create your own ADF Faces skin?

We are using the default Oracle ADF Faces 10g default skin. It looks super nice, but we want to make tweaks to it (changing the CSS and also how certain components are rendered -- for example the table component will place buttons above and below the table component-- we want them only on the bottom-- this appears to require a programmat...


<ice:outputMedia player="flash" source="... /ICEfaces_Flash.swf" style="width:300px;height:250px;"> <f:param name="play" value="true"/> <f:param name="menu" value="true"/> </ice:outputMedia> Above Code plays the flash file but doesnt show the controls ! ...

How is Bean's property referenced?

I have something like that: faces-config.xml <managed-bean> <managed-bean-name>aBean</managed-bean-name> <managed-bean-class>some.pack.Bean</managed-bean-class> <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope> </managed-bean> I have a bean and in jsp page I have something like value="#{aBean.someBoo}". But I dont have such prop...

CAS (Central Authentication Service) example with JSF

Does anybody have a simple login JSF example with JA-SIG CAS? I got their web example up and running. But, in my case I need more than that, in my application when an user logs in (there are many roles: manager/sales/tech supports), then the user needs to be redirected to a defined page that contains the application menu which the user ...