
space between the two words is trimmed in rich:suggestionbox in jsf

I have a combobox that is connected via the suggestionValues attribute to a list of Strings and some of these Strings have spaces in the middle of the text and sometimes at the end, for example: " This starts with a space" "This ends with a space " "This has two spaces after the word two" In these cases, the start and end spaces are re...

custom facelet component for input field

I'm creating a "big" form with a lot of input fields. To make things easier I tried to create a facelet componente which encapsulates the code for creating a table with two columsn where the first col contains the label and the second one the input field. The tag which includes the component looks like this: <ft:textInput cid="city" la...

In JSF - Trying to achieve something similiar to "#{bean.run(3)}"

I would like to add buttons dynamically from a backing bean to a JSF page (supporting Rich Faces as well). The value of the buttons needs to be determined in run time and returned to the backing bean when the button is pressed. (Hence the title - I am actually trying to be able to do something like "#{beans.run(3)}", i.e - set a fixed p...

[h || rich]:dataTable not iterating over all objects

Hello I have a java backing bean which has a method (call it getDataList()) which returns an ArrayList<MyType>. In MyType.java I have a load of setters and getters all of which either assign Strings or String[]s. An example instantiation assigns 4 objects to the ArrayList, containing (among other) the following data: fid = 1 ftid =...

Liferay error page if at least one portlet is unavailable

I'm tryin to setup a custom error page in Liferay portal if at least one portlet fails The portal always forward to portlet_error.jsp and display a red zone in the portlet position. How can I set a redirect or a forward to a page that fills the complete page layout? Regards ...

JSF/RichFaces: conditional text styling

I have a string which can be yes or no, instantiated in an object in a Java backing bean. I can't seem to find the best way to conditionally style the text red or green dependent on whether the JSF gets yes or no from the bean respectively. I'm using richfaces, but should I be using <c:if> tags? ...

Is it possible overload an EL method in JSF 1.1 / Facelets

Is it possible to overload an EL method in JSF 1.1 using Facelets as your view handler? If so, how? For example, I have this code defining my EL methods (which are defined in namespace k): public static String doStuff( String s ) { return doStuff( null, s ); } public statis String doStuff( Map<String,String> m, String s ) { .....

Dynamic value binding of JSF component

How do I bind a value of certain component dynamically at runtime? For example, I have the following component tag, <h:inputText value="#{bean.someProp}" /> In my case, "#{bean.someProp}" is only known at runtime. What's the best strategy to implement this? Should I traverse the component tree and set the value binding programmatica...

Getting an Exception While running a simple JSF?

When i run my JSF i am getting the following exception... exception org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.FacesException: Can't instantiate class: ''. org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrap...

Ajax style loading with IceFaces

I have a page on which I show a list of objects which are loaded from a webservice. This may take a while. Now I'd like to do it the Ajax way and first show the page and then load the list. While the list is loading a animated should be shown. Can anybody give me an example how to do that with JSF/ICEFaces? Thanks. ...

JSF Extend a base datatable by including an extra column from another page

I have a base datatable with 20 columns which is used by all reports...Some reports add additional columns, is there a way to put the code for the extra column in a separate JSF page and reference this some how? e.g. datatable.jsp <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"...

how to use rich:effect with a4j:include

hello i've got this jsf code <f:view> <rich:page pageTitle="My Page" markupType="xhtml"> ... <rich:panel id="content"> <a4j:include viewId="#{MyBacking.viewId}" /> </rich:panel> and after trying a number of different ways, I've still not managed to place the following correctly in my code: <rich:effect...

JSF navigation in a HTML DIV element without reloading the entire page.

I would like to know if it's possible to make JSF navigation rules inside a <div> without reloading the entire page, in an Ajax fashion (like as in Gmail). Suppose you have your application main page with this situation: <div id="main"> <div id="header"></div> <div id="menu"></div> <div id="content"> (JSF navigation inside ...

Icefaces & JQuery

I would like to decide on the UI technology to be used. I'm considering to use jQuery for sure as a javascript framework, but would like to know if ICEFACES would be the right choice to be used with jQuery. I would like to go with Visual Web Icefaces Framework (Netbeans IDE). Please share your ideas here! Thank You ...

rich:effect not working when a rich:panelMenu element is used elsewhere in the page

Hello, We have a Seam application that uses rich:effects in several places. They all worked fine until we decided to replace our old school menus with rich:panelMenu components. At that point all the effects stopped working. It's clear that the inclusion of the rich:panelMenu items is the culprit, as the effects come back to life if we...

Bean Validation and error messages at .properties file

Hello, i am working on a JSF Projekt with Glassfish. My validation works well but i dont become a custom error message. //Class = User, package = devteam @NotEmpty @Pattern(".+@.+\\.[a-z]+") private String emailAddress; My ValidationMessages.properties is in the WEB-INF folder with this content: devteam.User.emailAddress=Invalid e-ma...

How to store the data's selected in a selectManyListbox into a List in JSF?

I am having a selectmanyListbox component in my JSF, now i want to store the selected data's into a List. How to do this? ...

a4j:included rich:dataTable negatively affects a4j:commandButton

Hello I have a JSF/RichFaces setup with an index.jsp which a4j:includes another piece of code which contains a rich:dataTable. It initially renders fine, and selecting an item on the index.jsp's dropDown list and clicking the 'Retrieve' a4j:commandButton uses the backing bean's setChosen method to do it's bidding on the back end. The b...

Updated values of JSF UIComponents

Hi, I have a page with a radio selection with 3 options and a inputTextArea. When i press the submit button on my page, then i need to do some validations... In order to do so, i put a validator on the radio. The problem is that when the validator is executed, i need the values of the inputTextArea and of the radio, but they come with ol...

JSF 1.1 and MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.9

I am trying to use the calendar component from Myfaces Tomahawk. I am running JSF 1.1 with Tomahawk 1.1.9 and Websphere 6.1. Looks like JSF1.1 and Tomahawk 1.1.9 are not compatible as the following code does not work - <t:inputCalendar id="secondOne" monthYearRowClass="yearMonthHeader" weekRowClass="weekHeader" popupButtonStyleCla...