
How to control the layout in JSF?

Hi, I am writing a web application (While learning JSF from scratch, and thanks to this site I was able to do this). I have managed to get pretty far but there is something I can't figure how to approach to. Currently I have this: Link to full size screenshot As you can see, I don't know how to place things where I want them. At th...

JSF Temporary Variable

Hi, Is there a way to temporarily save the value of calcuation in a JSF page? I want to do the following without calculating twice: <h:outputText value="#{complexModel.currencyAmount.currency}"> <h:outputText value="#{complexModel.currencyAmount.amount}"> I've tried using the alias bean but I get an error saying java.lang.IllegalArgum...

Is it possible to call JSF events from an Inner Bean?

Hi, i want to know if it is possible to call JSF events, such as a valueChangeListener and actionListener from an Inner bean, that is, a bean that is an objetc inside some other Managed Bean? Thanks. ...

Is it a best practices to wrap a h:form tag in the jsf template page

<p><h:commandLink value="Apply Now" action="register" /></p> when i writing code above, exception below throws: [2/12/10 11:24:29:535 CST] 0000005f renderkit W Component j_id26 must be enclosed inside a form. Is it a best practices to wrap a h:form tag in the jsf template page, and then every page using the template can jus...

Spring MVC vs JSF

Hi, I haved used Struts framework in all my past applications and for the new application,my client has requested to use either Spring MVC or JSF? I am not familiar with these two frameworks but our timelines are strict. So, I am not sure which framework I will choose to build the application. Can anyone please suggest me which framew...

Uploading files with tomahawk - problem with displaying error message

Hello I'm uploading files with <t:inputFileUploadall is working fine but when file is larger from value set in web.xml it doesn't output any error or warning message. My code: <h:form id="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <t:inputFileUpload id="fileupload" accept="image/*" storage="file" ...

Javascript to set focus in a framed page

Hi, I have a page with frame in it, the left side being a jsf form and right side is an applet. The actions on the jsf form on the left cause the applet to refresh from time to time (e.g on a button press on form). The problem is that since the jsf page renders before the applet finishes it's refresh, the applet steals the focus from t...

Can we use ui:include in JSF to display a component?

Hi everyone, I am new to JSF and I am trying to display a JSF2 component with ui:include <ui:include src="myComponent.xhtml"> <ui:param name="attr" value="aValue"/> </ui:include> The component is successfully displayed but the param is not passed to the JSF2 component. the attribute attr is defined in the interface of the componen...

RichFaces rich:tree nodeFace type not assigned

Hello I've a rich:tree in my JSF like so: <rich:tree value="#{MyBacking.treeNodes}" var="item" nodeFace="#{item.type}"> <rich:treeNode type="folder" <h:outputText value="#{item.folder}" /> </rich:treeNode> <rich:treeNode type="file" ...

Comparing strings with JSTL

Hi, I have two strings that i need to compare, but even if they have the same values or different , it always enters the statement... <c:when test="#{bean.name1 != bean.name2}"> fields that are supposed to appear _only_ when name1 is different from name2 </c:when> ...

primefaces schedule component not working properly with seam and richfaces

I am using the primefaces schedule p:schedule component to create a outlook like scchedule the jsf tag is as follows <p:schedule value="#{scheduleController.eventModel}" editable="true" widgetVar="myschedule"> I have created the bean ScheduleController as specified here but i am getting an exception when ever this component is render...

EJB not recognized in enterprise application

I am working on Eclipse and I want to create an enterprise application using Glassfish and MySQL. I created a Enterprise Application Project, with EJB and WEB modules, named WeatherEJB and WeatherWeb. In the WeatherEJB project I generated entities from tables, using JPA and also I created a stateless remote session bean, called Country...

Implementing a tree view in seam / JSF using Richfaces or jsTree

I am using seam with EJB3 + JSF and I would like to add a tree view component to the UI. The tree view must allow sorting of the nodes (preferably drag and drop) and must allow selection of leaf nodes. The options I have looked at are: RichFaces Tree jsTree Is there a major benefit to one option over the other? If I use jsTree, wh...

Start class right after deployment, not at session start for JSF

For a web application I make use of JSF 1.2 and Facelets. The problem is that we now do the initialisation via a singleton pattern and that takes about 5-15 seconds because it read in data files (we are not using a database). This happens when the first user browses to the corresponding web page (the 2nd and other users don't have this ...

Richfaces 3.x under weblogic 8.1

Hi I have been developing a small project meant to run under weblogic 8.1. Richfaces according to documentation states that it supports weblogic 8.1. Weblogic 8.1 uses servlet specification 2.3 with jsp 1.2 This has been working on my locally installed version of weblogic 8.1 but when deploying to the sparc server, I start running into...

MenuItem Listener Test in IceFaces

I've created a MenuItem and added an ActionListener using allProducts.addActionListener(this); Is there a way to simulate the menu being clicked in a unit test? ...

RichFaces - using the same actionParameter with two brothers under one panelgrid.

Hi, I've got a panel grid with a rich faces support object and underneath that an action parameter object. <h:PanelGrid id="button" value="button1"> | \-<a4j:support event="onclick" action="#{bean.doSomething}" > | | | \-<a4j:actionParameter value="1" assignTo="#{bean.currentlySelected}"> | \-<a4j:ContextMenu> | ...

richfaces keepAlive not working

I have a mediaOutput tag which, in its createContent attribute, requires the backing bean to be in a certain state. A list of values, which is filled in an init method, must be available. I therefore added a keepAlive tag for the whole backing bean. I now indeed see the backingBean in stead of some (richfaces) proxy bean, but the filled...

AJAX call clears values in unrelated controls

I'm using RichFaces' a4j:support to toggle the visibility of some controls on the page. However, when the h:selectOneRadio button rdoRequestType is changed, it clears the values of the txtLibraryServerNumber and other controls in the a4j:outputPanel with ID "media". Why would one AJAX call on a page interfere with a different AJAX panel?...

where can i find schema definitions for jsf?

where can i find schema definitions for xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:c="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" ? ...