
chart component for java server faces

hai.... anyone know chart component for java server faces? ...

Dynamically add the component in JSF?

In my application the component has to change dynamically. I am having a Datatable in that i am having two column, first is a <h:selectoneMenu> in the menu i am having two data(the data are 1 and 2) if 1 is selected then a <h:inputText> should appear and if 2 is selected <h:selectoneMenu> should appear. Need help to do this? My JSF ...

JSF2 and Maven - hot deploy?

Hi all, I'm on a project involving a JSF 2.0 frontend. The project is using Maven as the build tool, with a few modules for the different layers of the system. One of which is a WAR module, which is the deployment artifact. What I would like is to have a nice development process, which is similar to that of using Netbean's Web Project ...

Facesmessage severity

If I have a FacesMessage Object, how do I find severity. FOr eg: getSeverity()...... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ...

Occasional weird Glassfish errors, resolved by a restart?

I'm developing a web app using netbeans with GlassFishv3. Every once in a while when I add a new feature in my app, glassfish starts nagging with stupid errors, after a lot of time wasting and panicking, i restart glassfish and run my application again, then suddenly the errors all go away and my site starts acting correctly. (or in cas...

Where JSF and struts2 fails/goods

I am begining a web system and can't decide what technology use! Struts2 and JSF (with jboss seam) are a nice choices, but I can't decide which's better. In JSF have some that I don't like, maybe its "paradigm" no action like. And Struts2, the peoples here don't use more. The system is a map collaborative web site. ...

JSP/JSF conversion to ASP.NET

I have a pretty big JSF web application. I must convert the application to ASP.NET. I already converted the Java code to C# code manually and also using JCLA (Java Language Conversion Assistant from Microsoft). What is the best way to convert the JSF part to ASP.NET? Is there any tool that can help shorten the work? For example convert...

where can i download tomahawk and sandbox tag libraries or jar files

Hi I have to use tomahawk and sandbox tag libraries in my application. can anyone suggest me the dowloading path for the libraries or jar files. ...

where can i get the sandbox tag library jar file

Hi I am trying to use sanbox in my jsf application. So i need tag library for sandbox or jar file can anyone help me out in this. ...

Best practice for the user authentication on JSF 2.0?

Hello, i search for the best way how i can make a user authentication in my JSF Webproject. I have found this very good Example from BalusC at stockoverflow (by the way Thank you BalusC). But i dont understand this System. I have written a registration page. After the registration the user is into my database. But who can i use the j_se...

How do I enable code-completion in Netbeans 6.8 for facelets in JSF 1.2?

I'd like to enable code completion for facelets + JSF 1.2 in NetBeans 6.8. I'd prefer to enable it for a free-form project that I build using my own Ant build.xml, but I see no options to enable that, so I'm willing to go with a "Web Application with Existing Sources". Sorry for all of the screen-shots. I just want to show what I did. ...

jsf message severity

How do I able to fetch all the messages with SEVERITY is ERROR only. I tried: Iterator<FacesMessage> messages = facesContext.getMessages(clientId); while (messages.hasNext()){ if(messages.next().getSeverity().toString()=="ERROR 2")System.out.println(messages); } Is this th right way? It doesnot intercept messages with ERROR severi...

Problems with Clearing InputText in a JSF Datatable

I'm trying to reset some input text fields, inside of a data table, using a cancel button. The issue I'm having is that, if I attempt to cancel it, but there are validation errors, it does not allow me to do so because it does validation first, finds and error, and outputs the error before it can rerender itself. The obvious solution is...

JSF invoke backing bean method and reRender components on ENTER key

Hi, I have a datatable with as search fields. I want a method on the backing bean to be invoked when ENTER key is pressed, as well as the DataTable to be re-rendered. My approach so far only works in IE 6, and 7, not in FF. This is the inputText: <h:inputText value="#{applicantProductListBean.applicantNameFilterValue}" id="applican...

Export the data into a PDF format with Tomahawk?

I my application i am trying to export the data from the into a PDF file using TomaHawk. While loading the page i am getting a Exception. i have Pasted my code and the Exception below. JSF Code <%@ page session="false" contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html" prefix="h"%> <%@ taglib uri="...

JSF/IceFaces Conditional Rendering

I am using Icefaces to conditonally render a component but it cant pick up the boolean: BeanCode: public boolean isEmpty(){ return true; } public int getCount(){ if (isEmpty()){ return 0; } return 1; } IceFaces <ice:panelGroup rendered="#{coverage.empty}"> //this doesnt work...

In JSF the "saveState()" method is being called twice. Why?

I put two output statements, one at the beginning of "save()" and one at the end for a custom JSF component. The "saveState()" is in the UIComponent object. Why ar e my output statements being printed twice? Basically this is what I see "entering save" "ending save" "entering save" "ending save" Thanks. ...

Text on the Button with space in between disappears in IE

I have some 6 buttons to be displayed in the toolbar and the buttons have to be displayed in such a fashion that there is a grouping i.e 3 buttons followed by a bit of space and then again another 3 buttons. I am using JSF as the UI framework. The issue lies when my last button in the 1st group has text with space in between has to be d...

How to create tabbed sections in JSF?

Hi, How To create tabbed sections in JSF? For example, in my home page, I need two tab sections namely, Personal and Official. How do I achieve this? ...

Question: Richfaces tabPanel - using the same page for the different tabs changing the content dinamically

I am using Seam 2.1.2 and RichFaces 3.3.2.SR1. <a4j:form> <rich:tabPanel switchType="ajax"> <rich:tab label="TAB 1" actionListener="#{outControl.tab1}" immediate="true"> <ui:include src="/pages/agenda/TabContain.xhtml" /> </rich:tab> <rich:tab label="TAB 2" actionListener="#{outControl.tab2}"> ...