
a4j:commandLink stops working after being reRender

I have created this test case that isolates my problem. The a4j:commandLink action is not executed once the poll does an ajax update. It is executed if we close the modalPanel before the reRender of the poll. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance. test.xhtml: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:ui="http://java.sun.com/jsf/fac...

RichFaces rich:tree nodeSelectListener not being listened to

Hello I have a rich:tree component used like so: <rich:tree switchType="client" value="#{MyBacking.logTree}" reRender="selectedLog" var="item" nodeFace="#{item.type}" nodeSelectListener="#{MyBacking.processLogSelection}" style="width: 50px;"> ...

JSf 2 with Hibernate Validator 4 and Tomcat 6

Hi all, The problem I'm having is that my Bean Validation isn't working as I would expect. I have a Session Scoped Managed Bean with a name field that is bound to an h:inputText. The name must be entered, and have a minimum length of 1 character, and a maximum length of 5 characters. I expect that when I enter the name into the textbox...

JSF: Custom Converter Tag!

Details: Willing to define a converter which mask/format the input/output text value of ui-components, with given mask/pattern. However the value stored and displayed is un-formatted/un-masked. Why? What m’I missing? The code is defined as per post http://www.lunatech-research.com/archives/2007/06/13/facelets-date-converter Snippet: ...

Temoporarily suppress beanvalidation with JSF

Hello, i have a User class with a field for the e-mail-address and a password. @NotNull @Size(min=6) @Pattern(flags=Pattern.Flag.CASE_INSENSITIVE ,regexp="[^ ]*") private String password = null; @NotNull) @Size(max=60) @EmailUse // Check if the email-address is already in the database @Email private String emailAddress = null; This...

richfaces alternative for website application development

Can you let me know on the pros and cons of using richfaces and are there any alternatives for it. Its for a proposal submission for a web application. Its for managing documents and it will be intranet. There will be lots of users and main concern is security and ease of use. ...

Get a data from a web page into a PDF format using Tomahawk in JSF?

i am a newbie to JSf and Tomahawk Technology. In application i am having a datatable, i want store the information from he data table into a PDF format on a click of a button using Tomahawk and SandBox.Kindly Help. ...

JSF 1.2 app not working with GlassFish v3

Hey! Migrating to GlassFish v3 / JDK6u18 / NB6.8 makes me a lot of headscratching, and I'm quite confused now. My project (JSF, RichFaces, Spring) works fine with GlassFish v2 + JDK6u17. I'm using the same JAR's, and the same JSF version. One of my JSP's contains a <rich:tree>, this renders just fine, but if I post the values on this p...

Using EL 2.2 with Tomcat 6.0.24

With JSF 2 you should be able to do this: <h:commandButton action="#{myBean.myAction(myParameter)}"/> which would then call the action method, passing in the parameter (assume it's an Integer): @ManagedBean @SessionScoped public class MyBean { ... public String myAction(Integer myParameter) { // do something r...

RichFaces rich:panelMenu from RF demo causes error

Hello, I've got the RichFaces demo panelMenu source verbatim in an index.jsp page. As the demo doesn't supply any backing bean code to support this source, I created these methods in panelMenu.java: public void updateCurrent(String n) { logger.info("updateCurrent called with " + n); setCurrent(n); } public String getCurrent(...

How to embed an image with text in an RichFaces a4j:commandButton

Hello I would like to have both an image and text (from the value attribute) in an a4j:commandButton in my JSF page, is this possible? Thanks ...

Deserialized bean needs scoped dependencies

How can I inject dependencies into a deserialized bean? Some of my Spring beans should be serialized during the render-response phase of our JSF application, and then deserialized at the beginning of the next request. Some of those beans have dependencies which are scoped to the request. If I configure the dependencies with the scoped...

How can i get a SessionScope Object in my Bean

Hello, i search a way how i can access a class in the sessionscope. I have this class: @ManagedBean @SessionScoped public class UserManagerBean implements Serializable{...} and i will access some fields from a other bean. How can i do this? Thank you ...

Should I use Facelets "jsfc" attribute ?

Facelets uses the jsfc attribute to convert HTML elements to their associated JSF components. This is rather helpful for fast prototyping as it allows you to create your views using a visual design tool. However I recently discovered this blog post by Cay Horstmann where he lays waste to the use of jsfc together with complex components s...

How to integrate JSF with custom servlets?

I'm just getting started on JavaServer Faces and it looks very attractive. However I'd like to use my own servlets in the same web application as JSF. This might be really obvious, but what are the best practices for integrating JSF with a "normal" servlets-based application? This would include accessing JSF data from the servlets (read...

Error in getting Date input form user and storing in database using JSF

I am developing a web application based on JSF technology. I use Eclipse as the IDE and using Apache Derby as a database. When getting user input, I have one of the fields as a date field, i.e, Date of Birth. But when I update the database table, I get error report. Date Of Birth: <h:inputText value="#{employeeBean.dob}"> <f:convert...

Exception Handling Guideance in a JEE 5 Web App

I’ve been surprised by how hard it is to find best practices for this on the web since it must be such a common problem. App is based on Java 1.5 – JSF 1.2 with Faclets, Seam, JPA, Hibernate. Some Web Service calls. Some JMS. I’m after general recommendations for Exception handling. There are roughly 3 approaches I’ve seen used but...

Custom message with FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage is not displayed in page (JSF)

Hi! My page: ... <div id="header"> <!-- content header --> </div> <div id="content"> <h:messages /> <h:ouputText value="#{example.text}" /> </div> ... My managedBean: public class ExampleManagedBean(){ private String text; public String getText(){ FacesContext.getCur...

How to propagate a JSF locale to other layers in the application

In Java Server Faces, we normally get the locale of the current request with the UIViewRoot.getLocale() method, which would normally return the locale set in the browser. In a layered application, how can I read the same locale in other layers, where there's no access to the JSF objects? It seems that Locale.getDefault() is not suitable,...

Request-scoped beans and datamodel initialization?

UPDATE II: OK, I managed to narrow it down a little. I have a page with a datatable with sorting and filtering functionalities, both taking place in the DB. In other words, I do not use the embedded functionality of the rich:datatable I use, but rather let the DB do the work. I work with request-scoped beans. The only session-scoped be...