
what is the framework jsf?

I am beggining in jsf programming. I want to know where am i start? ...

Have you ever succeed in developing high-load web-applications with JSF?

I heard a lot about performance problems with jsf (and even asked related question here some time ago). But today I've heard concrete results of jsf performance tests. From the results where jsp showed response time 0-100ms jsf application showed 1000-1200ms. Testing of form submission showed 100-200ms for jsp versus ~1500ms for jsf. ...

Is it possible to create a write only fields bindings in Java Server Faces?

I am creating a form in JSF to save a new entity bean. I binding the properties of the new entity to input elements use the value property e.g. , where backing bean is JSF managed mean and newEntity is filed of the backing bean whcih contains a new instance of my entity. For properties which are value types (like numbers), the input fiel...

Extend Richfaces components - for example customize Datatable component for specific implementation

Hi, How to extend the functionality of Richfaces components for example Data table with custom header and sorting techniques. i have seen extended data table but did not get much information from it. Please point me to an example if at it is available. Thanks Soma ...

How to hide RichFaces component on load?

Hi All, I would like to hide selected rendered component (for example: label) on page load. This gives mi opportunity to subsequently show component after user action (for example: when user clicks link). Here is example: <a4j:outputPanel id="myPanel"> <h:outputText value="Text 1" /> <h:outputText value="Text 2" /> </a4j:out...

Best Web2.0 framework for Java?

Hi all, this question is quite related to the one asked here, however, I am not interested in the best web framework, but in the best web2.0 framework for Java. First, here is what I want to achieve: Cutting-Edge GUI experience (see e.g. stackoverflow.com ;-) , http://presentlyapp.com/ and so many more) Easy MVC handling (similar to t...

How do I return HTML from managed bean in JSF?

Hello, I have one method in my managed bean which returns javascript as a string. When the method is invoked from head tag, it works fine. But when it is invoked from body, the browser instead of rendering the javascript writes it as it is. What can be the problem? In my JSF page when i do #{IndexBean.EastRegionGadgets} in head it work...

Primefaces p:droppable components doesn't get laid out nicely

I am just trying to make a simple web page using drag drop of primefaces but it's not working, i mean it's behaving strangely. I have two outputpanel side by side with droppable each containing one graphic image with draggable. Problem is :- While dragging and dropping i want the photo should be laid side by side in outputpanel if it al...

How do i reorder rows in datatable using drag drop in primefaces?

Hello, I am using primefaces and JSF. Can anybody tell me how do i reorder rows of datatable usng primefaces drag and drop component? ...

How to get a desired substring form a String in java or jsf?

Hi, I am developing an application using JSF in Eclipse IDE with Derby as database. I have a feature to upload files to the database. But the file name is getting stored as "C:\Documents and Settings\Angeline\Desktop\test.txt" instead of "test.txt". How do I get to store only "test.txt" as file name in the database? This is my code in J...

How do I access properties from a custom class within a custom class in JSF?

I have a class Person and a class Name. Name contains two Strings firstName and lastName. Person contains a Name object as well as some additional info. How can I access the firstName and lastName attributes within person using JSF EL. I am using JSF 2.0 with annotations. I have a registration page where I am creating a new Person. I ha...

How to use RichFaces a4j:commandButton not using submit

Hello, I have an a4j:commandButton which looks like this <a4j:commandButton id="stopBtn" type="button" reRender="lastOp" action="#{MyBacking.stop}" value="Stop" /> </a4j:commandButton> When the app is deployed, and the button clicked, the stop() method is not being called. All the a4j:commandButton examples refer to forms, b...

jsf components rendering very slowly in IE ,but render faster in FF and chrome

I have a JSF application where the UI components render very slowly in IE7 but give a much better performance.Dont know what can be done ,but just throwing this question out for suggestion if any setting/configuration makes it perform better ...

accessing jsf bean from blazeds client

How can I access a jsf managed bean (say, icefaces) from a blazeds client? Will it be possible to share the same session information also ? (for eg, if I have a page with a jsf/icefaces component and a swf client - can they use the same session?) ...

Whats the best way of sending parameters between pages?

We are using JSF in our project (im pretty new to it) were every page have a back bean Java file. In order to move (redirect) from one page to another, i need to put all the parameters (search criteria) in the request scope before redirecting and then retrieve it back in the next page constructor. When you have few pages deep and you wa...

java.lang.illegalstatexception Application was not properly initialized

Hi, I am getting the following error when deploying an application on JBoss 4.2.1 7:05:59,673 ERROR [Application Name]StandardWrapper.Throwable java.lang.IllegalStateException: Application was not properly initialized at startup, could not find Factory: javax.faces.context.FacesContextFactory I browsed the net and I found ...

Call Javascript function on receiving ajax response in JSF 2.0

I'm using JSF 2.0 and it's new (actually old, but now incorporated in JSF) ajax features. I have something like this: <h:inputText id="name" value="#{coordinatesMBean.name}"/> <h:commandButton value="Reverse me!"> <f:ajax execute="name" render="reverseName"/> </h:commandButton> <h:outputText id="reverseName" value="#{coordinatesMBean...

Web application utility class

The following is a utility class that is called by a LoginBean to add and get a User object from a session through FacesContext. The application uses Spring. Should I use an annotation or is it an accepted practise to have static methods in this sort of class? If an annotation is advised, should I use @Component or @Service? // Annotat...

Nesting h:form tags in RichFaces a4j:included content

Hello How is it possible to enclose ajax-related elements with h:form tags in a jsp file which I want to then a4j:include in another jsp file given the suggestion (EDIT 3) to fix another problem by enclosing my a4j:include in an h:form tag? If my included code also has forms in that would suggest a nested form structure which will li...

JSF Locale exception

I'm new to JSF and I would like to internationalize my web page so the web site visitor would be able to switch between languages by clicking on flag icons representing each locale. I have edited my faces-config.xml and added resource bundle, default locale, and supported locales. Then I wrote a bean called changeLang.java which is suppo...