
JSF redirect on page load

Short question: Is it possible to do a redirection, say when a user isn't logged in, when a page is rendered? ...

What is the best view layer for Spring 3 ?

I'm investigating presentation layers to be used with spring in our new project. I'm coming from PHP+Prado and want to move to something what is as simple as Prado and more powerfull than PHP. I like Spring 3 and Spring MVC. It's very simple to learn and start working with. But I'm looking for "view framework" better than simple jsp. I ...

Tomcat 6 JSF/JSP filename configuration problem

Hello I've a JSF app deploying from Eclipse Ganymede through Tomcat 6. The latter suggests JSP 2.0. I'm using Sun RI JSF implementation and RichFaces 3.3.2SR1. My index.jsp file on request from the browser causes this error to the console: 05-Mar-2010 12:04:41 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationDispatcher invoke SEVERE: Servlet.se...

JSF 1.2 NavigationHandler custom navigation

Hello. I am trying to extend the NavigationHandler in JSF 1.2, and to keep a stack of the visited pages (more precisely, the view-ids, along with the action and the output). I try to implement a custom action, such as "go_back", that will take me back to the previous page. My current NavigationHandler: import javax.faces.application....

Changing font universally - richfaces

i was wondering is there a way to change font universally for richfaces irrespective of what skin i am using. ...

JBoss Seam: component installed in JNDI, access of component says Not Bound

My SFSB Seam component is bound to JNDI on deployment, as evidenced by this log message: Component: example, scope: CONVERSATION, type: STATEFUL_SESSION_BEAN, class:com.purecharger.action.ExampleAction, JNDI: purecharger/ExampleAction/local My interface: @Local public interface Example { public List<String> getExample(); ...

Generate Documentation for JSF 2 composite components

I'm looking to generate documentation for a custom JSF 2 composite component library. The composite components are not referenced in any faces-config.xml file, but rather the .xhtml files for the composite components are stored in META-INF/resources and use the new composite:interface tag to define the interface. For JSP tag libraries,...

Using java to create a dynamic rich:panelMenu

Hail This attempt at using component libs to access a Map<String, ArrayList<String>> <rich:panelMenu style="width:35%" mode="ajax" iconExpandedTopGroup="/img/logListIcon.png" iconCollapsedTopGroup="/img/logListIcon.png" iconCollapsedGroup="/img/logListFolderIconClosed.png" iconExpandedGroup="/img/logLi...

problem with jsf / icefaces depended form fields and validation

Hi, I have a form with 3 fields (simplyfied example). The first one is a checkbox. <ice:selectBooleanCheckBox value="#{backingBean.bean.visible}" ID="checkbox1" partialSubmit="true" > The second one is a <ice:inputText ID="text1"> The third one is also a <ice:inputText ID="text2" required="true" validator="mycustomvalidator"> t...

Problem regarding listShuttle component in richFaces ?

I am a newbee for Richfaces components, When i am using the <rich:listShuttle> the Arraylist specified in the targetValue is now getting updated with the latest data? Kindly help MyJSF File <a4j:region> <rich:listShuttle sourceValue="#{bean.selectItems}" id="one" targetValue="#{bean.selectItemsone}" var="items" listsHeight="150" sou...

JBoss RichFaces vs IceFaces vs Apache Trinidad - JSF component libraries comparison

What do you think/use for interface layer? The "backing" layer will be Spring 3. The criteria are : Your private opinion Components Documentation AJAX Integration Browser support Community Tool support (Eclipse, NetBeans) I found some comparison topics but it was about 2007 and old versions. ...

JBoss Seam: components injected into POJOs, but not Session Beans

I have a Seam component that handles login, with the name "authenticator": @Name("authenticator") public class AuthenticatorAction implements Authenticator { @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em; @In(required=false) @Out(required=false, scope = SESSION) private User user; public boolean authenticate...

JSF component for Gantt chart

I need a jsf component for representing Gantt chart. Does any components library (like RichFaces) contains this component? ...

How can I get popup window using commandButton in Trinidad?

How can I get popup window using commandButton in Trinidad? My problem is that by clicking on Add button from dialogdemo.jspx, not any popup window or dialog box is opened. This is dialogdemo.jspx file: <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="http://java.sun.com/JSP/Page" xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:tr="http://myfaces.apa...

ICE Faces outputResource

My domain model has the ability to output the byte array of a pdf file. Is there a way to go directly from the byte array to the outputResource without having to create an intermediate bean to store the array into a Resource? This would be a lot easier as I dont want to put Faces code in the domain objects... ...

How to get old value from JSF/ADF validator?

I have a requirement to validate an JSF/ADF input field only if the value of that field changed by users. If the value on the page is the same as the value in the model, skip validation for that field. I am using JSF and Oracle ADF Faces, I know JSF life cycle and I can make my own converter or validator, but I can't find the old value ...

How to make datatable headers span a number of columns

I have a simple JSF datatable, which currently has four columns, one header row and (with current data) three data rows. I have to add three extra columns; that part's easy. I also want to add another header row before the existing header row with headers that span a subset of the columns. The desired result is something like: Column 1...

how to work around the icefaces ice:selectInputDate validation issue

When using the IceFaces ice:selectInputDate a date selection always triggers the form validation. So when a user selects a date all validation errors are shown. That's especially tedious when the date input is at the beginning of the form and all fields are empty. Then the user will get presented with all the "Value missing" error mes...

Netbeans + Facelets + Jboss EL

I've got a problem with JBossEL in NetBeans. Jboss EL provides method execution besides java bean binding. So th code : <h:outputText value="#{welcomeController.getWelcome(request)}" /> is correct and works fine. But NetBeans shows me an error: The function getWelcome must be used with a prefix when a default namespace is not spec...

JSF Back Button

Hi, How do I make a link which navigates the user back one page (i.e. same as clicking browser back)? Thanks. ...