
Why is BackingBean method called multiple times when requesting facelet?

Hi, I'm working and learning about JSF + Facelets these days. I have a BackingBean and a Facelet xHTML page. When I request the facelet-page (only one time) the backing-bean-method is called multiple times. What could be the reason for this? I can't see anything special. Thanks in advance. Here is the facelet: <?xml version="1.0" ...

RichFaces rich:panel header not appearing

Hello I specified this <rich:panel> <f:facet name="header"> Panel #1. Changing Style Synchronously </f:facet> Each component in the RichFaces has a pre-defined set of classes you can manipulate with. If defined, those classes overwrite the ones come from the skin. </rich:p...

JSF Float Conversion

I'm using JSF 1.2 with IceFaces 1.8 in a project here. I have a page which is basically a big edit grid for a whole bunch of floating-point number fields. This is implemented with inputText fields on the page pointing at a value object with primitive float types Now, as a new requirement sees some of the fields be nullable, I wanted to...

Howto create a facelet-hyperlink with variable data as parameter?

Hi, I have two facelet-pages: customers.xhtml (with a list of customers) and customer.xhtml for detail-view of just one customer. I use a h:dataTable component inside the customers.xhtml: <h:dataTable var="customer" value="#{customerBackingBean.customers}">...</h:dataTable> Now I want to create a hyperlink for each customer in the ta...

JSF Adding Action Listeners

I'm creating a MenuItem dynamically and I want to add a custom listener when the MenuItem is clicked. I've tried adding addActionListener and setActionListener but neither of these get called when the link is clicked. It appears that there is a List called "listeners" attached to MenuItem (I can see this when debugging a MenuItem set...

JSF datatable refresh on page load

I have a data table in JSF which gets populated when user selects a drop-down menu. The list that table shows comes from a backing bean. This backing bean is in the session scope. So when user clicks on other links of the webpage and comes back to this page, it still shows the data from the data list with the previous selections. Questi...

Following the netbeans 6.8 JSF tutorial, form not displaying

As per title. I'm following the JavaServer Faces 2.0 tutorial (found here) - search for "To declare these components" to find roughly where I'm at. Everthing works up until a certain point, however when I'm told to comment out the html form component, and uncomment the JSF form component, nothing displays. If I recomment out the JSF fo...

How to Dynamically add a row in a table in JSF ?

In my application i need to add a row on a click of a button and this button will be in all the rows. Need help to do this? Item Class public class Item { public Item() { } private String value; public Item(String value) { this.value = value; } public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { re...

How to clear the password / login id fields on load

When i try to create a new user, the following fields (loginId which is an inputText) and (password which is an inputSecret) come with pre-loaded values. How do we clear these fields when the page is loaded <s:decorate id="loginIdField" template="/layout/edit.xhtml"> <ui:define name="label">Desired Login Name</ui:define> ...

Is tight coupling between the model and the UI avoidable when using RichFaces?

I am using RichFaces with seam and EJB3. Specifically I am using the rich:tree component. The problem I am worried about is the tight coupling between the UI and my EJB3 session bean. In order to make the tree view work, I was forced to include the Richfaces jar files in my EJB3 project. Is this a bad thing? The method below is ca...

Pop-up on validation error with ICEFaces

I have the following requirement: Each time a form is submitted and when there are validation errors a popup should be displayed saying "There are errors in the form..." (a ). I find this hard to do as I don't have the possibility to intercept the form submit action. The action method is only executed when there are no error messages....

Richfaces column Filter: How to fire an event on intro key

I have a rich:extendedDataTable and I am using column filtering. I want the filter to be fired once the user enters the "intro" key, but in javascript there is no such event. I want to do so because if I use events such as onkeyup I get too many requests and I have problems because of that. I'm using richfaces 3.3.0GA and facelets. Thi...

Partial refresh of page with IceFaces SessionRenderer - unwanted side effect

I have a page with two areas. Left area is for notifications which should be updated frequently. The right area contains forms. I thought I could use the IceFaces SessionRenderer for updating the left part of the page by using SessionRenderer.render("notifications") I have created a Timer which is executing the refresh each 10 se...

JSF Unit test getStyleClass requires FacesContext

I would like to add a unit test to test the style class gets set correctly. Unfortunately the getter getStyleClass requires a FacesContext. Any ideas? ...

RichFaces Tree with inline text and controls

I have implemented a tree view in RichFaces. Now I want to display data and controls inline with the tree nodes. For example: (Root Node) | ----(Tree Node 1) (Text and control Here) | ----(Tree Node 2) (Text and control Here) | ----(Tree Node 3) (Text and control Here) Here is the (simplified) mark...

How to read the value of the radio button

I would like to read the selected role information on form submit (a role is selected for a user from a list of roles). How do I read the selected radio button value in my EntityHome interface (Note: I didn't want to use the h:selectOneRadio option here) <tr> <s:div ren...

How to set the <td> width of h:selectOneRadio

http://www.jsftoolbox.com/documentation/help/12-TagReference/html/h_selectOneRadio.html How to set the width of h:selectOneRadio using the styleClass attribute, I would like to enforce a similar width for all elements within the above radio button group. ...

What alternatives to Spring+JSF/Facelets exist for web-development in java?

Let's consider only standard MVC architecture and don't touch SOFEA. I'm actually do my web-development with JPA (Hibernate)+Spring+JSF/Faceletes. To use JSF efficiently I also use at least Apache Orchestra and some components library (like Tomahawk or RichFaces). I've already stepped on a rake several times with jsf. The worst thing ...

Create and show thumbnail (byte[]) in JSF

Hello I'm uploading image to server and when image is uploaded it should show me a thumb of uploaded image. Thumbnail is not saved on hard disc I use InputStream and OutputStream. For upload i'm ustig tomahawk. my index.jsp: <h:form id="uploadForm" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <t:inputFileUpload id="fileupload" accept="image...

Preloading data into JSF page before response is rendered for the previous request.

I am a beginner in JSF. I am building an application where on loggin on user details from the database are to be displayed in another JSP. I use a managed bean each for all of my jsp pages (JSF) I have defined thier scope as request in my faces-config XML. On logging in the details are verified by an actionListener method in my login pag...