
parameter value lost (seam framework)

Hi, After clicking on an image, the user is redirected to a new page like: /viewPalermoUser.seam?accountId=100245 with the code: <s:link title="#{messages['palermo.userlist.view']}" view="/portal/custom/palermo/administration/viewPalermoUser.xhtml" propagation="none"> <f:param name=...

JSF setting div class after validation exception

Hi there, at the moment I've got a construct like this: <div class="line"> <label>Label</label> <h:inputText id="text-id1" required="true" ... /> </div> Now when a validation exception is thrown I show them in a <h:messages ... /> Is it possible to set the error class to my wrapping div? ...

JSF panelGroup - 1 span for all?

I'm wanted to use a panelGroup to group my inputs and their labels e.g <h:panelGroup styleClass="#{jsfServicesError.errorClass}" binding="#{jsfServicesError.myComponent}"> <h:outputLabel for="company" id="companyLabel" value="#{bundle.IDENTITY_COMPANY} * :"/> <h:inputText id="company" label="#{bundle.IDENTITY_COMPANY}" value="#{manager...

How to reactivate code assist in my xhtml page (eclipse 3.5, jboss tools 3.1, jsf 1.2)

Hello everyone, I developp jsf xhtml pages with facelets, and i always had code assist for all the taglibs i declared i my xhtml root element (h, f etc..) But, since, like 30 minutes, when i ctrl+space i only have regular html and ui:* proposals. I didn't change anything. It just broke, no error message, nothing. I searched the web, ...

When JSF 2.0 will be released?

I got interested in looking at JSF 2.0 as a potential technology to use. Does anybody know when this version is scheduled to come out and how active is the project in general? ...

Facebook sharing feature on seam

Good morning all. I'm developing a web application, using Seam. I have the following problem: I have my site with Locale set to "en". I'm trying to share a specific page: ../pt/news.xhtml?id=8 The first portion of this url (/pt/) "tells" the webserver that the article displayed on news.xhtml page with id=8 must be in portuguese. To do...

How to have unique keywords and description on each page of jsp/jsf ?

Our website skill-guru has dynamic contents. So we have lots of test and quiz and each page has this at top The keywords and description has to be unique for each test page. meta name="keywords" content="keyword 1 , keyword 2" meta name="description" content="The description goes here" How can we set this dynamically ? This is JSF ...

How to set a define inside other define

Hi all! I'm developing a web application in jboss, seam, richfaces. I'm using a template(xhtml) as master page of all others and there i set two insert tags. <ui:insert name="head"/> <ui:insert name="body"/> The problem is that in pages that use this master page as template, the <ui:define name="head">...</ui:define> must be defined i...

JSF bookmarking problem

I have a h:datatable that display employees data. I want the user when click the employee name to navigate to a new page which URL looks like employees?id=<some id> I've tried to combine JSP EL with JSF EL, but no way out. ...

Which version of JBoss AS supports JEE6 (sepcially JSF2.0)

Which version of JBoss AS supports JEE6 (sepcially JSF2.0)? ...

Java: How to log any time something put in session?

I am evaluating a JSF Java project with 100 or so screens and would like to be able to log every time something is put in to the HTTP session along with who's calling the method on the session object and what the paramters are, to make it easier for me to know what's going into session when I click through the site. So I want a log lik...

For some reason JSP documents output XML instead of HTML

OK, so I am trying to set up a simple JSF application. I'm using NetBeans 6.8, Glassfishv3 and Maven2. I made a JSP document like so: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <html xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core" xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"&gt; <f:view> <head> <title><h:outputText value="#{Welcome.title...

WARN: Could not register destruction callback

15:11:14,676 WARN FacesRequestAttributes:121 - Could not register destruction callback [org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DisposableBeanAdapter@1059fd6] for attribute 'purchaseController' because FacesRequestAttributes does not support such callbacks This warn message appears in my log a lot. For every managed bean whenever...

Can I "pass" an object with a JSF param tag?

What I'm looking for is to have an f:param tag with an Object of my own choosing in the value attribute. Then, in the backing bean method for the action, I would like to be able to pull this Object from the request. (Sorry if my terminology isnt so good, I'm new to JSF). Now, I can pass Strings around in request parameters just fine. I ...

JSF: Clearing Session Scoped Bean

I was wondering, How would I do session.remove("userBean") in JSF after user closes the window (hitting 'X' of browser) on JSF 1.2. I was thinking to put a confirmation pop up after user hits 'X' of browser but not quite sure how do I access or bind the Ok button to my defined method, where I have that logic to clear the scoped bean. ...

file upload in JSF

I am using tomahawk 1.1.9 fileupload component t:inputFileUpload It displays a placeholder for the file that gets uploaded and a button that has label "Browse". I want to hide that Place holder and want to give my own label to the button instead of "Browse". ...

Seam outjections will be removed ?

Hi, Jacob Orshalick (author of Seam Framework: Experience the Evolution of Java EE ) said: Outjection allows you to make variables available from the current context for injection or access through EL. This can be beneficial if you want to loosely couple several components that inject the same context variable (like the current use...

How to upload file with jsf?

One serious restriction is that I can't use Tomahawk or RichFaces or anything else. ...

JSF converter property

I am trying to register different converter instances in the faces-config, using a standard converter class to which different parameters are passed. The code below registers two DateTimeConverters, the first one for dates including time and the second one for time only. But the pattern property never gets set. Can this be done? <conve...

Why JSF calls getters multiple times

Let's say I specify an outputText component like this: <h:outputText value="#{ManagedBean.someProperty}"/> If I print a log message when the getter for someProperty is called and load the page, it is trivial to notice that the getter is being called more than once per request (twice or three times is what happened in my case): DEBUG ...