
Communicating different properties in multiple faces-config.xml

Hi, Is there a way by which different managed beans in different faces-config.xml placed in multiple WARs. ...

JSF Problem with selectInputDate

I have a problem with selectInputDate: I have a backing bean which I am binding to the selectInputDate... I have a menu which when the menu changes I set the date to now to the same property the selectInputDate is bound to. For some reason, the date changes correctly but the selectInputDate then calls a set and overrides the value with ...

RichFaces rich:insert takes a long time to output large files

Hello I'm using a RichFaces <rich:insert like this: <rich:panel header="my head"> <a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <rich:insert src="#{MyBacking.myPath}" highlight="groovy" /> </a4j:outputPanel> </rich:panel> If I have a 60k file to output, it takes 23 seconds. I've got a requirement to output the contents of so...

JSF html component on WebSphere 7.0

We are in the process of upgrading to WebSphere 7.0 on Windows 2008 R2. Our applications currently run on WebSphere 6.1 on Windows 2003. We use custom controls we wrote using JSF 1.1 in our applications. Our controls seem to render and interact fine, however whenever we use a JSF HTML component such as: <%@ taglib uri="http://java....

Factorizing the "rendered" attribute over several JSF elements

Given the following JSF fragment: <h:outputText ... rendered="#{bean.r} /> <h:outputText ... rendered="#{bean.r} /> <h:outputText ... rendered="#{bean.r} /> How can I factorize to something that would look like: <h:someKindOfGroupOrSomething rendered="#{bean.r}> <h:outputText ... /> <h:outputText ... /> <h:outputText ... ...

Invoke web-services in JSF

Hello everybody, I need to write invoker for web services in JSF. Any guidlines you can give me? Which lib(API) should I use? Thanks ...

Bean validation VS JSF validation

When facing the problem of validating a property in a JSF2 application there are two main approaches. Defining the validation on the ManagedBean using an Annotation @ManagedBean public class MyBean { @Size(max=8) private String s; // Getters setters and other stuff. } or declaring it on the jsf page: <h:inputText value=...

sharing session between WARs

Is it possible for the session data of one war file to be shared by other war file ...

How to add marker to rich:gmap component?

Hi everyone, I can see that I cannot specify the gmap marker in atribute.. I suppose that I need to use a4j function inside this tag. The problem is that I am complete newbie to this stuff... Could anyone tell me how to do this? step by step solution would be greatly appreciated... I have api key and map component (worked with lat and l...

How to handle dynamic role or username changes in JSF?

I have a JSF application running on glassfish 2.1 with a EJB 3 backend. For authentication I use a custom realm. The user authenticates using the e-mail-address and password he specified on registration. Everything is working quite well. Now I have two related problems: 1) The user can edit his profile and -- naturally -- he can also c...

How do i append query string from managed bean to url? JSF

Hello, Can this method work? public String sayHello(){ return "Hello.jsp?name=" + "laala"; } I am unable to access, query string using the above method. I tried ${param.name} as well as request.getParameter("name"). They both return null. Please help! ...

JSF and CXF not working together

I want to make dynamic web service invoker in JSF with CXF. But when I load this simple code I get error. The code: JaxWsDynamicClientFactory dcf = JaxWsDynamicClientFactory.newInstance(); Client client = dcf.createClient("http://ws.strikeiron.com/IPLookup2?wsdl"); The error: No Factories configured for this Application. This happens...

JSF - managed bean in variable?

Hi! Weird question, but i need to find an answer. Is there any way, in which i can manage managed beans in JSP? I`ll try to explain, what i want to do: Imagine, i have JSP page, which, for example, is called document.save.jsp. I have some various documents with different types. Each of them have their own bean. For example: BillDocume...

How to set default value of h:selectOneRadio button

Hi All I am unable to set the default value of h:selectOneRadio as i need radio button to be pre selected <h:selectOneRadio id="myRadio" value="#{Externalbean.addressFlag}" > <f:selectItem itemValue="1" itemLabel="Yes"/> <f:selectItem itemValue="0" itemLabel="No"/> </h:selectOneRadio> and my backing bean is private String addressF...

What does <h:messages> do in JSF ?

Hi all, I am learning JSF and came across this line: <h:messages layout="table"></h:messages> in a sample application ? Am not sure what does this line do? I get no error when removing the line from the code, and am able to run it and get the same output ? ...

Having problem with ReRender in JSF.

EDIT - Simplifying the Question. When X components rerenders Y, what is the process that occurs? Mainly, what is the order of the the read/write of each of the values? (Assuming the X onchange occurred which triggered the value change of Y) I am interested mainly in order of the reads and writes to each of the bound values of the compo...

JSF/Seam - call one component method for many radio groups

I've got the following jsf page: <h:form> <ui:repeat value="#{list.categories}" var="cat"> <h:selectOneRadio id="sel1Rad" value="#{list.choose}" layout="pageDirection"> <f:selectItems value="#{list.names}"/> </h:selectOneRadio> </ui:repeat> <h:commandButton id="submit"...

JSF - 2 a4j:actionParam in one commandlink bug

Hi! I have such structure in my jsp: <h:commandLink action=#{docbean.save}> <a4j:actionParam name="somename" value="bill_all" assignTo="#{billdoc.billType}"/> <a4j:actionParam name="somename" value="bill_document" assignTo="#{docbean.doctype}"/> </h:commandLink> While debugging i saw, that billdoc.billtype and docbean.doctype...

what is best a to use logger in JSF application

what is best way to use logger in JSF application ...

how to implement logout process in JSF application

how to implement logout process in JSF application ...