
JEE6 vs. Spring 3 stack

I'm starting a new project now. I have to choose technologies. I need something light, so no EJB or Seam. On the other hand I need JPA (Hibernate or alternative) and JSF with IceFaces. Do you think that such a stack on Spring 3 deployed on Tomcat is a good choice? Or a JEE6 web application could be better? I'm afraid that JEE6 is a new t...

JSF 1.1: Having /login/foo and /login/bar be served by the same code

We have a generic JSF 1.1 (myfaces 1.1.4, tomahawk 1.1.9, uses "*.jsf" to map to jsp files) where we need a more flexible way to handle user logins. The basic issue is that the application as such does not know which backend the user needs to connect to, and that has until now been added as a parameter to the URL to the generic login pa...

How to sort datatable using richfaces

Hi, I am trying to sort datatable using richfaces. cab anyone help me out in this. ...

Facelet selectOneMenu with POJOs and converter problem

Hi, I want to have a facelet page with a formular and a dropdown menu. With the dropdown menu the user shoul select a POJO of the type Lieferant: public class Lieferant extends AbstractPersistentWarenwirtschaftsObject { private String firma; public Lieferant(WarenwirtschaftDatabaseLayer database, String firma) { this...

JSF/Seam - new component instance on submit?

And my confusion with JSF continues. This is a continuation of a question asked yesterday, but I feel it warrants a new question. I have a single seam component that expects a URL parameter to be injected for retrieving a List<String> from a method. This works perfectly on the first navigation to the page. The List is used to display man...

Unable to find class 'com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler'

Hi All, I have Richfaces application which I deploy to Glassfish v3. For many weeks (almost) everything works fine, but suddenly today a got following error. I have jsf-facelets-1.1.14.jar dependency in my pom.xml. I have no idea how to fix that. Help!! Source Document: jndi:/server/swmind.rcp.web/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml Cause: Unable...

How to number JSF error messages and attach number to invalid component

I want to number any JSF error messages (e.g. validation, conversion messages) that appears if a user enters invalid input in a couple of input fields. For example like this when the user sends the form: Name cannot contain numbers E-mail is incorrect ----- Form ------ (1) Name: John 13 Doe Age: 30 (2) E-mail: myemail@domain ...

ViewHandlerWrapper Error in JSF Application

I have application written with JSF and RichFaces. For some reason I'm getting error below. I tried to find a solution but had no luck. Can someone help me to fix this issue? The app work fine, it just bothers me to see this error in my logs. [#|2010-03-23T23:06:53.286+0000|SEVERE|sun-appserver9.1|org.ajax4jsf.application.ViewHandlerWra...

Automatically tidy up JSP/JSF files

Hi, I am working on a webapplication and I do most of the XHTML stuff in an editor. Every once in a while I froget to close a tag or mess up the nesting (we all get distracted sometimes ;-)). So I commpile, package and run my webapp (using maven mvn clean package jetty:run-war only to notice that displaying the view (where I messed up ...

How to apply style class for t:commandSortHeader in JSF?

In my application i am using t:commandSortHeader for sorting purpose, is it possible to change the default arrow thats is shown to some other image using styleClass attributes. If possible how to do that. Kindly help. ...

Icefaces graphicImage supported filetypes

Which image filetypes are supported when you pass through a byte[]? ...

External Reference to Richfaces modal

Hi, I need to get a <rich:modalPanel id="mod1" .../> component to load an external page on "show" action, defined as: <a4j:commandButton value="link" id="l1" reRender="mod1" oncomplete="Richfaces.showModalPanel('mod1')"> <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{mybean.someParam}" value="#{myOtherbean.someOtherparam}" /> </a4j:co...

Displaying custom error message for a blank field in a simple JSF application

Hi all, I was trying out a simple JSF application, in which I need to check if the "name" field is blank, then display an error message. The code which takes the field's value is: <h:outputLabel value="Name"/> <h:inputText value="#{greeting.name}" required="true"> <f:validator validatorId="NumValidator"/> </h:inputText> The contr...

Setting date from selectInputDate to object

I have a date controller which does various things. Once a calendar date is set, I want to pass the value from the date controller to another bean. The problem I have is that the setPropertyActionListener gets called before the user clicks on a date. Is there a way to get the date from the selectInputDate after selection and pass to a b...

hyperLink on jsf error messages problem

I am trying to put link in the error messages produced by JSF. For this I am using the custom renderer, it works(clicking the error, focuses the respective input field) but the problem is , all the form values gets empty. ie when error occurs, all the input fields get empty. Any suggestion will be appreciated. package custom; p...

EJB3 Business Delegates

Is there any reason for making delegate when using EJB3? Because the only real benefit i see from delegate is that it allows to hide lookup and access details of EJB architecture. Well it also provides some decoupling but it's mostly unused, imho. With EJB3 we have injection so now i can just create a variable with @EJB annotation and us...

rich:tabPanel and problems when filed has required="true"

Hello, Let's consider following, simplified example: we have 2 tabs withing , each tab has and at the moment we want to switch from one tab to another, and the inputText is empty (we dont want to submit value from it anyway, we want to go to another tab) we get "Validation Error: Value is required." the example code: <!DOCTYPE html...

MarshalException: CORBA MARSHAL 1398079745 / Could find classes

Hi, we did a cleanbuild in netbeans, checked the jdk version and deployed everything at the server but still got the following error. Can somebody help? javax.servlet.ServletException: #{RegistrationController.register}: javax.ejb.EJBException: nested exception is: java.rmi.MarshalException: CORBA MARSHAL 1398079745 Maybe; nested excep...

JSF view id as request tokens

I read somewhere the view ids used by JSF framework have a happy side effect of acting as request tokens and thus foiling CSRF. Can someone please tell me if this means I dont have to do anything from a programming point of view (ie). As a programmer, if I use JSF I dont have to worry about CSRF? ...

Using Session Bean provided data on JSF welcome page

I use JSF managed beans calling EJB methods that are provide data from database. I want to use some data already on the welcome page of the application. What is the best solution for it? EJBs are injected into JSF managed beans and it looks like the injection is done after executing the constructor. So I am not able to call EJB methods ...