
Should menu items always be enabled? And how do you tell the user?

So one of the things that has been talked about a few times on the podcast is whether menu items should always be enabled to prevent "WHY ISN'T THIS AVAILABLE!" frustration for the end user. This strikes me as a good idea, but then there's the issue of communicating the lack of availability (and the reason why) to the user. Is there any...

How does one write good error messages?

While this is more of a written language issue than a coding one, it is something that programmers must do in circumstances where copy is not provided by a client or someone else. Any examples of error messages, good or bad, are welcome to make the point. I briefly searched and could not find a dupe thread. Ok, have at it. Thanks, all. ...

What is the proper method for coding, then retrieving business rules static error (NOT exception messages) messages in an ASP.NET web application?

I've skinned this cat a few different ways over the last 6 years.. hardcoded strings, static classes with consts, and resource files. What approach do you use, and why? Bonus points for integrating with client-side error messages! ...

English Error Messages in German Visual Studio 2008 / ASP.NET

This might be a bit weird question, but I'll give it a shot: HELP, my Visual Studio 2008 / ASP.NET is giving me GERMAN error messages. Besides the fact that translations tend to be not as good as the original text, I can't search for those and find relevant answers to my problems on the internet. So: How do I switch my German Visual St...

How much information in error messages to regular users?

I'm want to get an idea how I should handle end-user visible error messages in my web application. How much information do you give in error messages? Do you redirect all errors, regardless of type, to a common error page, or do you have a small set of pages (404, 403, all others)? Do you give error codes that the user could reference/...

Custom error handling ASP.NET

I want to use custom exception handling, for example instead of using (Exception ex) i want to use (LoginException ex) or (RegistrationException ex) or (SomeNameException ex) is it possible to design such custom exception handling in ASP.NET webforms? ...

Sort or Order Error Messags in error_messages (Rails)

Is there any (simple) way to get some control of the order in which a model's errors appear in the view? Ordering the rules does not seem to help whatsoever. ...

How to interpret some of the Error messages from Xcode console?

Hi As my programs involves more and more code Im starting to get a bit frustrated with the error messages that are thrown in the console: 2009-11-14 14:31:57.513 FC[915:5b27] *** -[SearchResultParser respondsToSelector:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x82d28e0 This one is not the worst as it actually tells me that it has t...

Using .Resx files for global application messages?

So I'm using a Global Resource file for all static messages within my site. Mainly error messages etc.. They do not need to be localized, but I felt it was just a good idea to store them all in one location. Would it have been better to use just a static class called "SiteConstants" or something? Or is using a RESX file okay? Thanks...

How to use error_messages_for in a multi-model form?

I have two models: Album and Track. Album has many tracks, and Track belongs to album. I'd like to have the ability to create as many tracks as needed while creating the album, similailiy to railscasts episode 197. Unlike the railscasts episode, though, the Track form contains both a title and a description - both are required. Right n...

Zend Framework command line see errors

I'm using a method outline by gregor ( to create command line execution for parts of my application such as cron jobs, admin tasks, and the like. It works, however, no errors get reported when I create a new object that has not been defined (misspelling) and oth...

How to number JSF error messages and attach number to invalid component

I want to number any JSF error messages (e.g. validation, conversion messages) that appears if a user enters invalid input in a couple of input fields. For example like this when the user sends the form: Name cannot contain numbers E-mail is incorrect ----- Form ------ (1) Name: John 13 Doe Age: 30 (2) E-mail: myemail@domain ...

C++ error message output format

If I want to trigger an error in my interpreter I call this function: Error( ErrorType type, ErrorSeverity severity, const char* msg, int line ); However, with that I can only output Name error: Undefined variable in line 1 instead of Name error: Undefined variable 'someVariableName' in line 1 I'm working entirely with strings (...

How to suppress Maven "Unable to find resource" messages?

How can I tell Maven to suppress the "Unable to find resource" INFO messages for repositories in which it cannot find a dependency, but display those where it does find the dependency? That is, display the hits, but omit the misses since these drown out and obscure the hits. For example, instead of this output: Downloading: http://do...

How to make Matlab include all the dimensions of the expression when error is thrown because dimensions not agree?

So I am debugging some Matlab code and I get the dimension-doesn't-agree-error for some expressions. It's all nice that Matlab points to the correct line etc. However it would be nice if Matlab would output the dimensions of the variables involved in the error text so I don't have to deal with sizing them up myself. Sometimes for a long ...

Customize Spring Error Message

Hi, I want to change the default error messages being thrown by Spring. I basically have this form. Format of the date should follow "mm/dd/yyyy" <p> <label class="label">Start Date</label> <form:input path="dteStartDate" /> <form:errors path="dteStartDate"/> </p> Everything works fine, but during binding I get this me...

customize error message for nhibernate

when deleting an entity in nhibernate i get an exception with this error message: delete statement conflicted with column reference constraint ..etc of course the exception is wrapped in long series of exceptions. the error message is normal, but can i make nhibernate shows more polite error message to the user ?? in another words: is t...

How to configure sqlalchemy to throw error messages in english ?

Sqlalchemy is throwing me error messages in french On my french-configured linux (ubuntu) lappy. What do I have to do to have those error messages in english ? PS : (my-coriolis)chaouche@jogger:~/$ echo $LANG en_US.utf8 (my-coriolis)chaouche@jogger:~/$ ...

Is it possible to create detailed error messages from complex database queries?

Let me illustrate this question with a simplified example. Assume I am building a project using python with a PostgreSQL relational database. In my database I have two tables "parent" and "child" which are N to M related through the table "parent_child". I want to be able to retrieve some data about a specific child owned by a specific p...