
English Error Messages in German Visual Studio 2008 / ASP.NET

This might be a bit weird question, but I'll give it a shot: HELP, my Visual Studio 2008 / ASP.NET is giving me GERMAN error messages. Besides the fact that translations tend to be not as good as the original text, I can't search for those and find relevant answers to my problems on the internet. So: How do I switch my German Visual St...

Getting local dictionary for function scope only in Python

I keep ending up at this situation where I want to use a dictionary very much like the one 'locals' gives back, but that only contains the variables in the limited scope of the function. Is there a way to do this in python? A bit more about why I want to do this: I'm playing with Django and when I go to give my templates context, I am ...

Getting local variables from a stack frame on the JVM

Is there any way to get a map or other data structure of the local variables in the current scope in on the JVM without using a debugger? That is, to get the locals of the current stack frame? I know that there are stacktrace objects, but StackTraceElement has no way to get access to any state. It just tells you what method was called ...

Modifying locals in Python

locals is a built in function that returns a dictionary of local values. The documentation says: Warning The contents of this dictionary should not be modified; changes may not affect the values of local variables used by the interpreter. Unfortunately, exec has the same problem in Python 3.0. Is there any way round this...

How does exec work with locals?

I thought this would print 3, but it prints 1: def f(): a = 1 exec("a = 3") print(a) ...

Is there any way to affect locals at runtime?

I actually want to create a new local. I know it sounds dubious, but I think I have a nice use case for this. Essentially my problem is that this code throws "NameError: global name 'eggs' is not defined" when I try to print eggs: def f(): import inspect frame_who_called = inspect.stack()[1][0] frame_who_called.f_locals['egg...

Python: load variables in a dict into namespace

I want to use a bunch of local variables defined in a function, outside of the function. So I am passing x=locals() in the return value. How can I load all the variables defined in that dictionary into the namespace outside the function, so that instead of accessing the value using x['variable'], I could simply use variable. ...

Strange results in my locals window for VS2008

static void Main(string[] args) { List<string> myList = new List<string>() { "A", "B" }; string myString = "abc"; int myInt = 42; System.Xml.Linq.XElement root = new System.Xml.Linq.XElement("abc"); Console.WriteLine(myList.First()); //breakpoint on this line Console.WriteLine(myString); Console.WriteLine(myI...

Getting local variables of function

Hi, I'm trying to get a local variable from a decorator. An example: def needs_privilege(privilege, project=None): """Check whether the logged-in user is authorised based on the given privilege @type privilege: Privilege object, id, or str @param privilege: The requested privilege""" def validate(func, self, *args...

Search Value in VS2010 Debug Locals and/or expand all Nodes

Hi, does someone might know how to search for a value in the locals in visual studio 2010 or at least how can I expand all nodes, subnodes? ...