
How do I present a RichFaces tree with a specific node already expanded

I have a JSF page that displays a RichFaces Treeview, from a TreeNodeImpl model generated in the backing bean. Now I want the page to display initially with a specific node expanded / selected. Preferrably this expansion should be controlled from the backing bean (no javascript wizardry) The whole tree has been generated at the time o...

How do I access a non-managed-bean class in JSF page?

I am using facelets. I have one class: public class foo{ public static String foofookoo() { return "tookoofoopoo"; } } How do I access this on my JSF page because this is a simple POJO not a managed bean? ...

JSF: How can I check whether I'm in the "Restore View" phase?

When a particular method in my managed bean gets called, I want to know whether I'm in the Restore View phase of the JSF Lifecycle. How can I do this? ...

invoke javax.el.MethodExpression from jsf component

Hello gurus I have a jsp tag wich takes a javax.el.MethodExpression as attribute: <%@ attribute name="action" required="true" type="javax.el.MethodExpression" rtexprvalue="true" %> within the same tag i have: <h:commandLink action="#{action}"> link text </h:commandLink> I'm getting the following error when i try to click the l...

Mixing jsf el and Javascript

I was wondering if anyone out there knew of a way to have EL expressions in included JavaScript files be evaluated by JSF. I was hoping that Seam might have a way around this but no luck so far. All I want is to be able to use localized messages in my Javascript functions which are shared across pages. ...

Problem using Hibernate Projections

Hello! I'm using Richfaces + HibernateQuery to create a data list. I'm trying to use Hibernate Projections to group my query result. Here is the code: final DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria .forClass(Class.class, "c") .setProjection(Projections.projectionList() .add(Projections.groupProperty("c.id"))); .....

JSF with Enum 'Validation Error: Value is not valid'

I have an enum whose code is like this - public enum COSOptionType { NOTAPPLICABLE, OPTIONAL, MANDATORY; private String[] label = { "Not Applicable", "Optional", "Mandatory"}; @Override public String toString() { return label[this.ordinal()]; } public static COSOptionType getCOSOption(String ...

JSF library for Master - Details screen

I have a JSF - Spring - iBatis Technical stack. I need to create Master Details relationship screen with two level of Master_Details captured in single screen. Which JSF library gives support for such requirements? Exact Need: Have to create at least 5-6 screens with Header - Line - LineItemDetails - LineTaxDetails ...

JSF Page does not submit when onclick javascript is added to menu item?

I show some detail using popup windows. I want to close those when the user clicks on sign-out link. I have a JavaScript function that'll close the windows. The sign-out link is rendered using Navigation MenuModel. The definition in faces-config is as below - <managed-bean> <managed-bean-name>signoutNavigation</managed-bean-name> ...

How to Highlight image based on selection in JSF

The images are displayed horizontally using <t:dataList>. At first no images are selected if selected it has to be highlighted. If user changes the selection the old has to go normal and new has to be highlighted. while in edit mode we need to highlight the already selected image and they may change in this mode so highlight should chang...

Not getting image in h:graphicImage in JSF

Hello, I have this very strange error with h:graphicImage This code works fine :- <h:graphicImage value="/Common/Images/#{item.templatePicName}"/> And this one doesn't :- <h:graphicImage alt="${app:getCommonImagePath(item.templatePicName)}" value="${app:getCommonImagePath(item.templatePicName)}" /> It only shows alt value /Common...

the markup document following the root element must be well formed

I am getting the following error while saving my faces-config.xml: the markup document following the root element must be well formed And my xml is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-facesconfig_1_...

I am working in JSF and Richfaces technology.

I need to club rich panel menu with iteration to fetch data from database. kindly help ...

f:ajax problem JSF

This is my code :- <p:carousel var="item" animate="true" circular="true" rows="2" effect="easeOutStrong" value="#{RegisterBean.objBlogTemplateList}"> <h:inputHidden id="hdnBlogTemplateId" binding="#{RegisterBean.hdnBlogTemplateId}" value="#{item.templateId}"/> ...

Can we mix JSF RI 1.1 and Tamhawk and primefaces,etc in one application.

Can we mix JSF RI 1.1 with Tomahawk, Primefaces, MyFaces, etc in one application? ...

Horizontal placement of components in JSF.

Hi, Should be simple but I couldn't find the answer, I would like to place components horizontally instead of vertically. What I'm trying to achieve is a rich:toolbar with 2 or more rows. I've been trying to do that with a toolbar that has a panelgrid and two panelgroups like this: <rich:toolbar...> <f:panelgrid columns="1"...> ...

What will be better view with JSF technology

I am using Struts Tiles with JSF to have one header, menu and footer across application. Is there any other like struts to have one header, menu and footer. Is this feature available in faceslets and what viewing technology would be better for easy development. ...

How to validate datatable in JSF

I have two JSF <h:selectOneMenu> components. One called category another is subcategory. If I select category, then subcategory changes dynamically. When I click search command button, then it displays a <h:dataTable> with boolean checkboxes. The problem is: if none of the checkboxes is selected, then I need to show the error message l...

After rich:extendedDataTable sortby, other actions are not getting executed

I have several tabs and one of the tabs uses rich:extendedDataTable. If sortBy is clicked in the page where table is used and if I navigate to another page, it looks for the bean of the old page and throws an error saying that sortyBy of the column is undefined. E.g. If I use sortBy on userId in tab1 (where the column must have sortBy="...

jsf immediate="true" question regarding binding to session bean

Hi, I have a listing page that goes to an add page. The add page has a name textbox whose value is bound to a session scoped bean. The listing page has an add button that goes via an action method to the add page. This action method clears the object that the name textbox is bound to. I also have a cancel button on the add page, which...