
javax.servlet.ServletException - how could i get to the cause?

Hi, i'm getting a very strange error while opening one of the pages in my web app. The application is built on Seam 2.2 and is using JSF (RichFaces) in the presentation layer. I run it on Tomcat 6. In logs everything looks fine - each next JSF Phase executes normally, and after the last one, there is this moment when the request starts...

Data table multiple row selection

How to change background color of row when I click the checkbox? ...

HIt counter in JSF

I want to add a hit counter to my JSF web app. Like in PHP we can use an external text file to store the count and increment and write it on every request. How to use in JSF? ...

User activation problem in JSF by providing a link to user?

I am giving a link to user to activate his account. Link is http://xyz.in/JSF_WEB_WFE/faces/index.jsp?confirmuser=jona&emailid=valid. I read the parameters in a Beans constructor and then making some decision like, activated / already activated. It works fine in local but while we deploy in web some times it works fine and some time ...

Blank page shown in Mozilla Firefox

I have a jsf page which works perfectly fine[Both in IE and Mozilla Firefox] when the application is deployed locally. But i deploy it at the client place and I try to access the page in mozilla FF i get a blank page but it shows up properly in IE. Now if i do a remote desktop connection to the system where the application is deployed ...

Workaround for richfaces combobox hotkey bug

Hi, Does anyone know a workaround for the bug https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-8076 ? Just to clarify things, we have a form with multiple inputs, one of them being a combobox with auto complete features. We've setup a hotkey via <rich:hotKey key="return" ... /> It works great everywhere except in the combobox, and I would rea...

jsf web application with icefaces compaonent

Hello friends, I try to run one program in myeclipse where after creating one web project I added JSF and ICEFaces capability in the program. now after configuring Jboss web server when I start it I found following error. ERROR [[/webtest]] Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.jboss.web.js...

how to read querystring value via Managed Bean in jsf1.1

Hi How to read query string value via managed bean in jsf1.1 ...

I am unable to get the selected menuItem from <f:setPropertyActionListener. I have used binding for rich:dropdownmenu.

<rich:dropDownMenu direction="bottom-right" jointPoint="tr" submitMode="server" binding="#{backing_activityCreate.menuComponent}"> <a4j:support event="onitemselect" action="#{backing_activityCreate.changeActivityType}" > <f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{backing_activityCreate.activi...

Need to Remove the extra space below the rich:menuItem

I have added 1 rich:menuItem inside rich:dropDownMenu. but in the UI there is a extra space below the menuItem. how to remove that space. ...

Javascript function is not getting called onclick of hx:commandExButton

When I click on the hx:commandExButton the Javascript function should get called, but it is not getting called. The Javascript function is as follows: function test() { alert('ss'); return "true"; } The hx:commandButton is as follows: <hx:commandExButton type="submit" value="Search" styleClass="action2" id="searc...

Combine two datatables in JSF 1.1

I have two datatables. One is to display names. Another contains three <h:selectOneMenu>. I want combine those two datatables. I don't know how to do it? Expected result: ----------------------------------------------- Datatable1 Datatable2 ----------------------------------------------- Lic Date month year Premium ...

JSF 2.0 custom composite controls & nesting

Greetings, I'm trying to implement my custom TAB control. I'd like it to be based on new composite components feature of JSF 2.0: <i:tabControl width="480" height="320" value="#{backingBean.someIterable}" var="tab" > <i:tabItem href="#{tab.href}" caption="#{tab.caption}"/> <i:tabControl/> The problem is I don't know how to impleme...

JSF Double Click perform action

Hi, How can I execute a backing bean action when a user double clicks on a menu? e.g. using a selectManyListbox I assume I would need some javascript to execute a backing bean action using ondblclick. Is there a way to do this? Thanks, Dwayne ...

get GET parameters in JSF's managed bean

Hello! Can someone tell me how to catch parameters passed from URI in JSF's managed bean? I have a navigation menu all nodes of which link to some navigation case. And i have two similar items there: Acquiring products and Issuing products. They have the same page but one different parameter: productType. I try to set it just by adding...

This page calls for XML namespace declared with prefix br but no taglibrary exists

I just finished the Netbeans introduction to Hibernate tutorial ( http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/web/hibernate-webapp.html#01 ) and I am getting the following error: "This page calls for XML namespace declared with prefix br but no taglibrary exists" Now, I have seen a similar question somewhere else: http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?thre...

Acl mechanism for JSF

Is there some ready-to-use ACL mechanism for JSF? I know JBoss Seam comes with something like that, but switching to JBoss Seam is not an option in my case. What I need is to easily define which pages given user is allowed to see and which actions to invoke. ...

Click event of buttons is not fired when it causes onChange event of textbox is fired first

Hi All, I have a textbox like below <h:inputText value="#{bean.strQuantite}"> <a4j:support actionListener="#{tabacListCommandeAltadisDetailBean.actionListenerQuantity}" event="onchange" /> </h:inputText> I input some value into the textbox above and keep the caret i...

JSF command button attribute is transferred incorrectly

I have following code in jsf page, backed by jsf managed bean <h:dataTable value="#{poolBean.pools}" var="item"> <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputLabel value="Id"/> </f:facet> <h:outputText value="#{item.id}"/> </h:column> <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> ...

JSF Rendering Issue (Page getting cached)

I am facing a strange issue with JSF. I have developed one controller and bind it to request scope. I need to access one jsf page like http://localhost:8080/selectRule.jsf?type=A and on the same IE session I want to issue another request like http://localhost:8080/selectRule.jsf?type=B as we can see, only the type is changing here. Th...