
can you load multiple jsf wars in one classloader?

i have 3 war files with JSF installed, 3 faces config, when i make them all load into one class loader that is part of the EAR, it fails on initialization errors. like below. seems like JSF does not like to load multiple times in one classloader, has anyone tried this? to load a EAR with 3 JSF wars? java.lang.NullPointerException at...

How to insert multiple input boxes during run time in JSF richfaces

HI, suppose i have one input box which takes value for mobile no. and when the user wants to add another mobile no at that time user will click 'plus' button. as soon as he clicks the plus button another text box should appear and user should allow to enter another mobile number i want code in JSF richfaces please help me out. Thanks i...

Before the lablel for each of the menu item, there is space with the some color, i want to remove the color.

Hello, I am using richfaces dropDownMenu component which contains a set of rich menuItems. When the menu items are displayed, a extra space is displayed before the lablel for each of the menu item. But I have a requirement of not displaying the space before the labels and to change the color. I used the css to reduce the space: .rich-...

Parent Page becomes ‘frozen’ in Safari after commandLink with target=“_blank” is pressed in JSF 1.2 mojara

On my webpage when i press command link its opening a new page perfectly on IE7/Firefox 3/Chrome/Safari 4.0.4 but after this none of the parent page's command buttons are not working ,this happens only in safari.I am using JSF 1.2 mojara. Following is the my command link code: <h:commandLink onclick="submitPrint('selectedAttributes',cr...

keeping the header fixed in datatable while allowing its contents to scroll

I have a table with header and data. When I am scrolling the header is also getting scrolled my code is as follows: <div style="height:200px;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:scroll;"> <h:dataTable cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="60%" headerClass="HeaderCellSorted" columnClasses="DataCell" rowClasses="OddRow,EvenR...

Problems with deploying JSF project from Netbeans to Tomcat

Hi! Googled everything, but can't find solution for my problem. When i'm trying to deploy my project to Tomcat, i have such errors in Tomcat log: SEVERE: Error configuring application listener of class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/ServletRequestListener I tried to deplo...

Resizing the window in web application JSF richfaces

I want to resize the window as and when user adjust the browser. I am catching the resize event and changing the height and width. But it's not working for all. Please give some idea. I am doing in JSF richfaces. ...

How to configure tomahawk and trinidad to work together

Hi, I am new to JSF. I want to use inputListOfValues component from Trinidad in my application which also uses Tomahawk. I have added the required jars for Trinidad and before getting inputListOfValues I tried one simple inputText to be printed on browser using Trinidad. I was not getting any configuration errors but it was not printin...

How can I get listOfValues or autoComplete in JSF

Hi, I want to use the listOfValues or autoComplete component in my application. Currently I'm using tomahawk and not able to find any related component for autoComplete or listOfValues. Can anyone please suggest me if there is any other way to do it using tomahawk ? ...

Bean value update problem in jsf 1.1

I have One Jsf form that contains 2 Beans. First Bean scope: Session. Second Bean scope: request. When some values are added via First Bean to second Bean, the updated value is not displayed in the form. I don't know how to do. Please help me. ...

JSF 1.1 and Ajax4jsf not working properly on Websphere 6.1

I am working with JSF 1.1, Ajax4JSF. What I find is, if I enable a4j:support for some of JSF's inputText items, it is not working as expected. I have something like this in the code <h:inputText value="#{bean.desc}"> <a4j:support event="onkeyup" reRender="id"/> </h:inputText> And what I find is, sometimes it does not work, for example...

Can I ReRender a JSF Component from backing bean code?

Hi, Can I rerender a jsf ui component when a valuechangelistener method is run? The reason i'm asking is that my valuechangelistener method changes the values of the input boxes in the backing bean but they don't seem to be rerender. What happens eventually is that the values that are printed on screen are saved to the backing bean, ove...

DataModelSelection on list exposed via EntityQuery

Is it possible to have support for enabling DataModelSelection on a list page paginated via EntityQuery? (All the examples load the list by performing a query on the @Factory method). But, I would like to re-use the existing pagination mechanism and just enable the ability to support DataModelSelection on it. I am also assuming that Dat...

how to apply filters in jsf

I have a filter and I get Page not Found error when any client requests a JSF page in my web application. I don't know how to fix this issue. Here is my filter code: HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request; HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) response; HttpSession ses = req.getSession(true); String pageReques...

How to set header font style as bold for the header of the table in a pdf file, in jsf

I have used PdfPTable to convert table data into a pdf file using com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable. Table is displaying, but table data and the header are in same style. To make difference i have to set the header font style to bold. Can anybody help me out in this? I have attached my code here. Thanks in advance. import java.awt.Color;...

Using JBoss EL on Weblogic 11g (

Hi, I have a facelets 1.2 application that I am running on Weblogic 11g. I want to use the JBoss EL implementation that allows me to call bean methods with arguments. For this, I have packaged the jboss-el-2.0.1.GA.jar in my WAR's WEB-INF/lib directory. I have also added a context-param in my web.xml to override the Sun implementation. ...

SEAM nagivation based on function with parameters

How do you setup a navigation rule based on a function with parameters in SEAM ? For example <page view-id="/firstPage.xhtml" back="enabled"> <navigation from-action="#{actionBean.fetchItem(int index)}"> <redirect view-id="/itemDetail.xhtml" /> </navigation> </page> Thanks ...

page redirection problem via Bean in Js1.1

I have a requested scoped managed bean, called AuthenticationBean. I am developing a smal application with a login module, user activation and deactivation. When I click on the activate or deactivate link, then the action is processed in AuthenticationBean. I want thereafter redirect to some page depending on the activate or deactivat...

Internationalization & Localization issue

Hi all, My application supports internationalization and localization, each user can choose his preference language and the application will reflect it perfectly. the issue is when the first user selects English and the second one selects French the resource bundle for the first user will read from the French resource after refreshing h...

Where is Visual JavaServer Faces on Netbeans

I'm currently following a tutorial in a book, and it instructs to create a Java Web App with the Visual JavaServer Faces framework. The screenshot in the book shows both the JavaServer Faces framework and the extra Visual JavaServer Faces framework. I can't seem to find the plugin / download in the netbeans plugin page, or when I google ...