
How to render or hide a jsf subview based on a method call (which returns boolean)?

I have a context loader class which loads an XML file with info on which components to show or hide on a page. On the JSP pages, within the 'rendered' attribute for a subView,, I would like to make a call to ContextLoader.displayPageComponent(String pageId, String componentId) which returns a boolean. Does this work in JSF? If not, is ...

JSF 2 partial form submission without ajax

I have an existing JSF 1.2 app that was a portlet running on glassfish v2. I'm converting it to a webapp running on glassfish v3. The app uses tomahawk subforms in several areas. Tomahawk has not been update for JSF 2, which is what ships with glassfish v3. We would like to update our app to JSF 2. Is there a JSF 2 equivalent to tom...

send post data in jsf

I just cannot figure this out, it looks really simple but I'm relatively new at jsf. Here is the old stuff: Plain old html form tag like this: <form name="someForm" action="somewhere" method="post"> <input name="param1"/> <input name="param2" /> </form That is sending data by post to a location specified in the action attribute...

paging in jsf1.1

How to implement paging in JSF 1.1? ...

How to display image in jsf and onclick provide a file upload (to replace)

Hi, I would like to display an image on my web page and provide the user the ability to click it and upload another image to replace it. Either myfaces or Richfaces works.. (I know tomahawk has some solution but i'm wondering if that's the only solution. The least libraries I use the better..) Thanks! ...

toggleOnInput in ice:rowSelector does not seem to work for commandButtons

I have a ice:datatable with ice:rowSelector. In each row there's a button. The click on the button should not trigger the rowSelector so I thought I could use toggleOnInput="true" but it does not work...event with this property set the table row is de/selected on button click. Any workarounds? <ice:rowSelector value="#{item.selected}"...

Integrating JSTL With Facelets

Hi, I am considering using Facelets and JSTL in the same web project. Are there any issues in integrating these ? ...

JSF vs Stripes, which is best?

Which is best, or in other words, whish is easiest to use? Stripes or JSF. Although I haven't used both in anger I need to gauge what is the best option to work with for both starting new projects and converting existing Struts projects. I have a fear that JSF won't render as nicely as I want but what are others experiences? Seems Str...

JSF OnClick commandbutton

How do I use Javascript to "click" on a CommandButton? I tried the following but it doesnt work: <ice:panelTab id="searchResultsTab" label="Search Results" onclick="document.getElementById('form:searchTabs:0:refreshButton').click();"> Thanks. ...

Override jsf implentation in WAS

Hi everybody, I want to develop richface implented app on Ibm Websphere. I include *.jars under WEB-INF/libs and it runs succesfull. But first deployment proccess is realy terriable.. So I want to add libraries to server, not include in application. (i belevie it could increase 1st deployment).. Is there a way to override server imp...

JSF Composite Component

I'm trying to create a composite component for use in my Seam application, and I'm running into problems with the simplest "hello, world" component. I have placed a file named hello.xhtml in {jboss deploy}/application.ear/application.war/resources/greet : <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org...

JSF single select box with customizable look-and-feel

I'm looking for a control that allows me to choose a single option from a list of choices via a dropdown box. The h:singleSelectMenu or h:singleSelectListBox worked well, but now I have a requirement to customize the glyph that triggers the dropdown. I've looked at the RichFaces components, but I don't see anything like a single select b...

how to make the s:link open in a new window

How to enable opening links exposed via s:link in a new window http://www.jsftoolbox.com/documentation/seam/09-TagReference/seam-link.html ...

Securing a web application

What steps can be taken to make sure a web application using Hibernate, Spring and JSF is secure? What vulnerabilites can exist and what security framework if any is standard? ...

JSF and Ajax4JSF on WebSphere 6.1 --> Problem with Form Submission

Has anyone setup JSF1.1 with Ajax4JSF on websphere 6.1 ? I followed the instructions as mentioned in the developer guide . The problem that I am facing is that once I use a4j:support on any of my h:inputText item, the form values are not getting set in the backing bean on the submission of the form. I do have <h:messages> tag present jus...

JSF calls java.net.URLEncoder.encode() method

Is there a way to call java method in .xhtml? I just want to be able to call java.net.URLEncoder.encode() method from xhtml file. Is it possible to do this? In jsp it was very easy to do <% String encodedURL = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(url, type); %> ...

Can objects be (de)serialized in richfaces xhtml?

Can Richfaces (de)serialize objects? Say for instance, I have a row of data being displayed in a richfaces table. Can I serialize the row of data to a string and later deserialize it back into a row? ...

Binding Contents of a ListBox to Selected Item from Another Listbox w/JSF & Managed Beans

Hi there! I currently have a JSF application that uses two listboxes. The first, say ListBox1, contains a list of manufacturers; each option comes from the database (via a method getManufacturers in a class called QueryUtil), is populated dynamically, and its value is an integer ID. This part works so far. My goal is to populate a se...

How to add dynamically a component in JSF2 during an Ajax request.

Hello, I am currently trying to dynamically add a new component to the JSF component tree during an ajax request. In fact I add a child to the UIViewRoot component in my AjaxBehaviorListener which is fired on server side during the ajax request process. The issue is that the new component is not rendered. It seems that this component ...

Ajax and sophisticated graphics in Java web-app

In my opinion WWW will sooner or later come to full-blown AJAX web-sites, so that we wouldn't have page reloads every time you click somewhere. Now I want you to ask this. What tools and frameworks can one use to make a Java Web-application running on Tomcat have AJAX functionality like "in-place, with no page reloading" table sor...