
Why is NavigationHandler.handleNavigation() not forwarding to view ID?

Inside of a phase listener class that runs during the "RESTORE_VIEW" phase, I have some code like this: public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent event) { FacesContext fc = event.getFacesContext(); NavigationHandler nh = fc.getApplication().getNavigationHandler(); nh.handleNavigation(fc, null, "/a/specific/path/to/a/resource.jspx"); } N...

How to do Page Not Found in JSF application?

How to do Page Not Found in JSF application? ...

when to use Serializable backing bean in JSF?

when to use Serializable backing bean in JSF? is there any factors to go for serialization like View Scope, Session Scope, Application Scope or is anything else which requires bean to be serialized. ...

JSF datatable row selection

How to select multiple rows in a JSF datatable? ...

jsf application in jboss web server

I try to run jsf application in myeclipse using jboss web server and following error while running jboss server. ERROR [AbstractKernelController] Error installing to Parse: name=vfsfile:/E:/ctn%20sodtware/jboss-5.0.1.GA/server/default/deploy/3aprwebdemo.war/ state=Not Installed mode=Manual requiredState=Parse org.jboss.deployers.spi.Dep...

How to zoom image on mouseover at some XY coordinate?

I display set of images(small). I need to show the larger image(300*300) at some XY co-ordinate when mouseover event occurs on an image while mousout larger image has to disappear . Please give some solution. ...

Richfaces modal panel and a4j:keepAlive

Hello! I've got unexpected problems with richfaces (3.3.2) modal panel. When i try to open it, browser opens two panels instead of one: one is in the center, another is in the upper left corner. Besides, no fading happens. Also i have three modes: view, edit, new - and when i open my panel it should show either "Create new..." or "Edit....

JSF don't find component in view root with the form id

I have a t:inputFileUpload inside the form, in the html of the display page the id of this component is form:inputFile but when I tried to get the component from the view root using "form:inputFile" the return is null, but when the "form:" is removed the return is the component. The component don't set the value in my managed bean, someo...

Seam/JSF/Facelets Compiler or Validator (equivalent of JspC for JSP)

Is there such a thing as JspC in the Seam/JSF/Facelets world? I used the Tomcat's JspC to validate a JSP/Struts application to validate if there are typos in the JSPs or some JSP was calling a Java function that didn't exist, etc. etc. From time to time I come across bugs in my current project (Seam/Facelets/RichFaces) where it's cause...

What to do to restrict the user from seeing the page with out login the website?

I want a page has to appear to user after logged in. But if we use that link we can see the page and its content only thing is that it wont be having user data. what to do to prevent this. what can be done in this scenario ? ...

How to call Javascript function in JSF EL conditionally?

I have to call Javascript funtion based on the bean value. i use the following code onmouseover="#{occasionBean.user.userPreference.defaultPreview==true?'':'Tip()'})" I need to send some parameters in Tip() like this Tip('<img src="pics/image.jpg" width="60">') Error i am getting is javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.faces...

c:forEach.items getting repetitively called

Environment: Seam, Richfaces The following code snippet causes the method getUsers to be called multiple times, how do I avoid this in my application so that it gets called only once. <c:forEach items="#{userHome.getUsers()}" var="_user"> </c:forEach> ...

validator="" attribute of <h:inputtext> in jsf causing exception

We are trying to migrate from WS5 to WAS7 and the jsf code is causing the following error Original Exception: Error Message: JSPG0227E: Exception caught while translating /jsp/listView/listViewUPD_MAP_UM01.jsp: JSPG0301E: Invalid attribute, validator, for deferred method returning void. Error Code: 500 Target Servlet: /jsp/listView/l...

can't edit my h:datatable

hi! i have this code: <h:form> <rich:dataTable value="#{my.lreqs}" var="req" id="reqs" width="630px" > <rich:column label="Value" styleClass="schColL" width="90px" style="text-align:center"> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="#{my.colVal...

How get Tomahawk functionality with JSF 2.0 (Glassfish V3)

I've started to upgrade an existing application written with JSF 1.1 and MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1 to JSF 2.0 to get facelets etc. I've now run into the snag that apparently Tomahawk is not JSF 2.0 compatible as it expects the stand-alone version of Facelets instead of the built-in to JSF 2.0 with the following error: org.apache.catalina....

calling webservice from jsf managed bean which returns List throws exception

Hello, I created a web service in java which returns List which works perfectly fine. But, when i call that webservice in my JSF managed bean it throws exception. Here is the jsf Managed bean :- package beans; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean; import javax.faces.bean.Requ...

Why does IceFaces seem to be eating my get request?

I have an IceFaces page which is powered by several Request scoped beans. When I make an initial GET request, I grab the external context via the faces context grab a GET parameter and use it to initialize my beans in their @PostConstruct method. However, if I try to link to the same page with a different get parameter, it seems to be e...

Custom Facelets components and attributes defined in taglib

Defining custom components in Facelets is easy and quick but there's one thing I can't figure out. Is it possible with Facelets to define what attributes my custom component has? I.e: I've created a component which is used in such a way: <blue:modalWindow id="editFeesWizard" width="500" height="440" title="Wizard"> and is defined i...

datatable scroll

I have a dataTable and I am using scrollBar if the records exceed ,lets say 20. The problem is after post back the div scroll bar goes to top. Is there anyway I can fix the resetting of scroll of div after post back. Thanks. ...

Why not the properties file in JSF accepted non-ASCII characters ?

Hi Folks, I wonder, Why not the properties files of JSF shouldn't/cannot (in eclipse for example) accept non-ASCII characters. As if I have some properties file named "messages.properties", I've to write in unicode escapped characters for non-ASCII characters, example: title=\u01af\u0020\u0a3f0 header=\u0ff0\u0020\u0ab1 This means t...