
run jsf application with myeclipse and jboss server

I develop simple jsf login application,that use icefaces component but, when I tries to run it in jboss server I got following error. Can't find TLD for location [http://java.sun.com/jsf/core]. JAR containing the TLD may not be in the classpath Can't find TLD for location [http://java.sun.com/jsf/html]. JAR containing th...

How to get the ui:param value in Javabean

Hello, I am learning facelets and Seam and I'm facing the following problem: I have 2 xhtml files, one includes the other and each one has its own Seam component as backing bean. I want to send and object to the included facelet and obtain that object in the backing bean corresponding to the included facelet. I'll take an example to exp...

Data table headers alone coming if there is no values to load

if there is no data to display, jsf data table shows headers only. How to say that no records available and also tell me is there any way to get the row index with out having a specific method. thanks in advance . . ...

How to sort a data table if we are using <t:columns> in JSF?

Hi I am studying tomahawk, I just want to know if I generate a datatable using <t:columns> then how to sort the dataTable on the click on the header of that particular column, like we are using <t:commandSortHeader> in normal <t:column> attribute. Kindly Help. ...

How do i display data in horizontal orientation in JSF as repeater in Asp.Net?

Hello, I saw datatable component in JSF and it typically renders as table row by row. But what do i do if i want to display something not in vertical orientation but in horizontal manner? Say, suppose i want to make a photo album so i need to be able to display rows of database table in column format. ...

JSF Testing for Enum equality

Is it possible to test for enum equality in JSF? i.e. <h:outputText value="text" rendered="#{myBean.enum==BeanEnum.enum1}"/> ...

How to use JSF's h:selectBooleanCheckbox with h:dataTable to create one object per row?

I have a Facelets page with a h:dataTable. In each row of the h:dataTable there is a h:selectBooleanCheckbox. If the checkbox is selected a new Object should be created with the data out of the corresponding row. How do I do this? How to get the selected rows or their data in a backing bean? Or would it be better to do it with h:sel...

JSF/ADF/PPR can't refresh the page as expected

Hi, I am having issues with JSF/ADF/PPR on refreshing the page incorrectly. I have a selectManyCheckBox with 5 options in it, one of the option is 'All'. If users check that checkbox, I should check all the others. <h:panelGrid styleClass="myBox leftAligned" id="applyChangesBox"> <af:selectManyCheckbox id="changesCheckedBox"...

JSF inner datatable not respecting rendered condition of outer table.

<h:dataTable cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" styleClass="list_table" id="OuterItems" value="#{valueList.values}" var="item" border="0"> <h:column rendered="#{item.typeA"> <h:dataTable cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" styleClass="list_table" id="InnerItems" value="#{item.options}" var="option" border="0"...

Problem with Richfaces running with NGinx proxy

Hi, I got a problem with my Richfaces application. I am using it with JSF and GlassFish v.2 on my localhost and combination od dataTable and dataScroller works fine. While moving the app to the VPS running Tomcat but proxied by Nginx server, everything crashes. Exactly the scroller is working, but the dataTable view is not refreshed! ...

Is there any rich text editor component for JSF RI ?

I am using JSF RI 1.1. How to add rich text editor component? Is there any rich text editor component available? I am displaying set of images horizontally using the below code. Selected image is stored in database. while showing the images in edit mode, how to highlight the previously selected image? <t:dataList var="item" v...

MVC architecture example using JSF 2.0 and EJB 3?

Somebody knows an example of this? an application made with JSF 2.0 and EJB 3? directory structure, etc, those kind of things, I’m trying to approach the best way to create a Java EE app using those technologies. ...

Can I ReRender the entire tree of a component?

Hi, I have a JSF application with several major components and a component tree under each. On a certain event (Value change) I would like to reRender the entire component tree for one of those components. For example: can I rerender components 1,2 and 3 in one shot here: <h:panelgroup id="1"> <h:panelgroup id="2"> <h:panelgroup i...

Login System details in JSF

how to use gmail user,yahoo user like that user their account to login my application which developed in JSF i want like Openinviter? ...

Facelet does not convert formatted currency correctly

Hi, I have the follwing code inside a facelet page: <h:inputNumber value="bean.property"> <f:convertNumber type="currency" /> </h:inputNumber The converter is because there can be a kind of default value inside the input field, which comes from the bean property. Everything is rendered correctly. The value inside the input field...

How to pass get-parameter to backing bean in jsf?

I have a get-parameter with name controller. When I try to pass it (with propertyChangeListener) to my backing bean I get null instead of the real value of that parameter: <h:commandButton value="#{msg['mail.send']}" styleClass="mailbutton" action="#{mailSender.sendMail}"> <f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{mailSender.controller...

Dynamic page with JSF

Hello everybody! I need to make dynamic web-page/form in JSF. Dynamic: In runtime I get the number of input fields Ill have together with buttons. I'll try to demonstrate you what I need to make. inputField1 inputField2 inputField3 BUTTON1 inputField4 inputField5 BUTTON2 inputField6 inputFiled7 inputField8 inputField9 BUTTON3 I hope...

JSF Render response programmatically

I have one parent page with a parentManagedBean (attached to Session Scope). On click of a button on this parent page, one popup comes which has a childManagedBean (attached to Request scope). Now ChildManagedBean holds a reference to parentManaged bean through JSF's managed property facility. On this popup window, user selects some op...

How to redirect to index page if session time out happend in jsf application

I am using JSF RI 1.1. How to redirect to index page if session time out happens? ...

JSF Spring Bean set property

Hi, i have a JSF web application. I use Beans as Spring Beans (not JSF managed beans). Now i have an URL to application www.xxx.com?parameter=2 I would like to set this parameter into bean on the page load. I now how to do this with spring web flow but with JSF Navigation i cant do this. What do you think about using JSTL c:set or jsp...