
MyFaces Tomahawk JSCookMenu - failure to navigate to page defined by action in faces-config

This is my first attempt at using JSCookMenu and its homepage (http://jscook.yuanheng.org/JSCookMenu/) has been down for more than a week, so forgive me if the answer to my question should appear on there. I have a simple web app, stripped down in order to test JSCookMenu's action forwarding to a new JSF page. I have an admin page with...

Download a file with JSF ?

Hello which is the right way to download a file using JSF?, just putting a link to the file ?? in that case how do i get the file URL?? i have seen one example using BufferedInputStream: http://www.winstonprakash.com/articles/jsf/file_download_link.htm What are the differences? Thanks ...

JSF 2.0 custom components with XSLT

Is it possible to write own JSF 2.0 components with help of XSLT? ...

JSF app on mobile phone - no scrolling in divs

Hi, I'm writing a simple web application for mobile phones using JSF/Hibernate. I want to display images in a div but since the image size is quite big (400-500 px) I need to add a scroll to that div. It works fine on my PC browser but on mobile the scroll is not visible and only a part of the image is visible. Here is the code: <div c...

How to set precision for EL division on JSF

How can I set precision for such EL result? <h:outputText value="#{businessPlanPreviewBean.plan.a1 != 0 ? businessPlanPreviewBean.plan.a2/businessPlanPreviewBean.plan.a3 : 0 } " > </h:outputText> I tried <f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" /> but no luck... <f:convertNumber pattern="#,##" /> - the same thing Mojarra JSF implem...

JSF and richfaces: h:commandlink in richfaces table not working properly

hi All, When using h:commandlink(or commandbutton) inside a rich:dataTable, the action specified is never invoked, neither is the corresponding managed bean instantiated(whether it is at request or session scope)... instead, the same request is performed.. (page reloads).. have seen what appeared to be similar issue on forums, but is no...

JSF with Hibernate sample web application

Are there any ready-to-use sample web applications using JSF, RichFaces and Hibernate? ...

Predicate's label in JSF on Nuxeo.

Hi everyone. I'am on a JSF problem using Nuxeo : I would like to get a predicate label (like "label.relation.predicate.inverse.Requires") out of this very predicate inside a JSF. I tried to do many things and all the objects I have are "statement" and "node". I tried to figure the label from the "#{statement.predicate.uri}" and wethe...

submitting form with p:commandButton jsf

I have a question regarding submitting form content with p:commandbutton that tends to work in the ajax way. If I have a code like this: <f:verbatim rendered="#{myBean.constructor}"></f:verbatim > <h:form prependId="false"> .... ..... <p:commandButton value="#{msg.Add_Parameter_Set}" update="addPar...

Is it a common practice to wrap all page content in a form inside a top-level template?

There is a top-level template in my project and it defines several sub-templates nested in a form: <h:form> <ui:insert name="header"/> <ui:insert name="leftbar"/> <ui:insert name="maincontent"/> </h:form> It's not my idea actually to build application in this way. I see both its advantages and disadvantages. The biggest p...

Manage back and forward in Richfaces

I'm using RichFaces component library and I want to manage the history of Ajax navigation, so the enduser can use the browser back and forward buttons. Is there any clean way to do it, design pattern, library, etc? ...

JSF Facelets rendering problem

Hey folks, I have a problem with my facelets: I constricted a nav part that displays login information for about curren user and a logout button. Login works properly. But after a user logs out, the nav part of my page displays Welcome, User (role) [Logout_Button] Whereas, what I want is the same thing that happens when you get ...

Manipulating the HttpSession in a JSF ViewHandlerWrapper doesn't work.

In a ViewHandlerWrapper-implementation I have following code: public void renderView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot viewToRender) throws IOException, FacesException { final String token = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); HttpSession httpSession = (HttpSession) context.getExternalContext().getSession(true); httpSession.setAtt...

JSF2: ui:include: Component ID must be unique

Hi, Basic question: Including a page, that contains a component with component id, multiple times cannot be done. But how can i have a reference to that component iside that included page? Example: included.xhtml .... <h:form id="foo"/> .... <!-- here i need reference to foo component of this page --> index.xhtml .... <ui:include...

JSF FacesTagExtraInfo class not in JSF 1.2 v.

I'm trying to move and old JSF v1.0 application from Sun One to Jboss 4.3 EAP that has jsf v 1.2 jars. I've been able to get the application to compile and deploy but when try to run it locally it gives me a ClassNotFoundException (and rightly so) for com.sun.faces.taglib.FacesTagExtraInfo It doesn't exist in the jsf_impl.jar, as it di...

Exception encountered with fiji charts even after including all the required jars.

My requirement is to dynamically populate graphs on the basis of data retrieved from the database. The jars included are as follows: flamingo-service-jsf-1.6.1-SNAPSHOT.jar amf-serializer-1.6.1-SNAPSHOT.jar common-annotations.jar commons-beanutils.jar commons-collections.jar commons-digester.jar commons-logging.jar el-api-1.0.jar el-imp...

How to get deployment directory path in JSF application?

Is it possible to find out deployment path from JSF application? One more question (if the answer for the former question is true): is it legitimate to store some uploaded files there? ...

JSTL c:if inside a JSF h:dataTable

I'm trying to put an outputLink inside a dataTable when the state is finished. <h:dataTable value="#{bean.items}" var="item" width="80%" > <h:column> <f:facet name="header"> <h:outputText value="State" /> </f:facet> <c:if test="#{item.state!= 'Finish'}"> <h:out...

How to get panelconfirmation action on success in icefaces ?

Hi, I want to get panelconfirmation success action for redirect to another page. How to do in the icefaces panelconfirmation ? ...

How to change the radio button or checkbox layout

We use h:selectManyCheckbox and h:selectOneRadio for rendering choices against a certain element. We would like the flexibility to layout the choices either horizontally, vertically or sorted in multiple columns. e.g. 1. Horizontally one two three four five six 2. Vertically one two three four five six 3. 2 columns one two three fou...