
How Do I Make Json.NET the Default Json Serializer

If I have a web service (.asmx) and I want it to use Json.NET to serialize all the objects that I return from that web service, is there a way to do that? In other words, I have a class like this: [JsonObject(MemberSerialization.OptOut)] public partial class Person { public string FirstName {get; set;} publ...

JSON.Net throwing System.Security.VerificationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime.

I have a web application which uses JSON.Net to write out an array of data from a .Net Array(). When run in the VS2010 environment, it works fine. When run under IIS6 and .Net 3.5, it works fine. When run under IIS7 or 7.5 and .Net 3.5 when .Net 4.0 is installed (but the app pool and site is set to use v2 runtime), it fails with the e...

nested json c# object deserialization

i have the following json string (jsonString) [ { "name":"Fruits", "references":[ {"stream":{"type":"reference","size":"original",id":"1"}}, ], "arts":[ {"stream":{"type":"art","size":"original","id":"4"}}, {"stream":{"type":"art","size":"medium","id":"9"}}, ] } ] and the following C# objects class Item {...

JSON.NET, XmlSerializer and "Specified" property

I have a REST service which takes JSON and XML as input and does a SOAP call to an extenal service with the deserialized content. The classes which are used for deserialization are auto-generated from the wsdl of the SOAP service. I use the XmlSerializer in case of a XML request and I want to use the Newton JSON.NET JsonSerializer for JS...

Alternative to Json.Net

just curious if there is an alternative solution to the Json.Net library from james newton king ...

Cannot deserialize JSON array into type foo

I am trying to parse out data from oodle.com api feed using the JSON.NET lib. Part of the response JSON string to deserialize has the following 'location' structure: "location":{ "address":"123 foo Street", "zip":"94102", "citycode":"usa:ca:sanfrancisco:downtown", "name":"San Francisco (Downtown)", "state":"CA", "country":"USA", "latitu...

Serializing/Deserializing Dictionary of objects with JSON.NET

I'm trying to serialize/deserialize a Dictionary<string, object> which seems to work fine if the object is a simple type but doesn't work when the object is more complex. I have this class: public class UrlStatus { public int Status { get; set; } public string Url { get; set; } } In my dictionary I add a List<UrlStatus> with a key ...

How do I turn off whitespace delimiting in JSON.NET?

I'm using JSON.NET as a quick and dirty way of serializing an object to a string. It is being used as part of a logging framework, which means the output will need to be as human readable as possible. JSON.NET is good in that we can turn on Formatting.Indented for human readability, but say the StackTrace property inside an Exception. I...

Using JSON.NET, how do I serialize these inherited members?

I have the following: public class MyClass : SuperClass { [JsonProperty] public virtual string Id { get; set; } } public abstract class SuperClass { public int GetHashCode() { //do things here } } I cannot alter SuperClass. When I go to serialize to Json using JsonNet I'll do something like this: JsonSerializerSet...

Json.NET - Value-type members not getting deserialized?

I've been toying around with Json.NET and I'm liking it a lot. However, I've run into a problem when deserializing objects with value-type members. For example, consider this code: public struct Vector { public float X; public float Y; public float Z; public override string ToString() { return string.Format(...

Json.NET (Newtonsoft.Json) - Two 'properties' with same name?

Hi all I'm coding in C# for the .NET Framework 3.5. I am trying to parse some Json to a JObject. The Json is as follows: { "TBox": { "Name": "SmallBox", "Length": 1, "Width": 1, "Height": 2 }, "TBox": { "Name": "MedBox", "Length": 5, "Width": 10, "Height": 10 }, ...

Problem while sending JSON DATA

Hi , I have to pass my Json data in a particular format. My app is coded in vb. The following is my code : Dim jsonObject As New Json.JsonObject jsonObject.Item("count") = New Json.JsonNumber("0") jsonObject.Item("data") = New Json.JsonArray("") **jsonObject.Item("success") = New Json.JsonString("True")** The Probl...

Serializing/Deserializing generics dictionaries where the key is reference type with JSON.NET

I am trying to serialize something like this Dictionary. I also want to preserve the type information. By default, it appears json.net calls ToString() on the key. So that the resulting json is something like {$type':'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[Person, myAssembly],[System.Int32, mscorlib]], 'Person',100, 'Person...

C# JSON.NET convention that follows Ruby property naming conventions?

I am using http://json.codeplex.com/ and I am talking to a Ruby based Rest API. Problem is that most of the propertys have a ruby underscore naming convention. I am wondering if anyone knows of a way so that I can avoid having to Add lots of JsonProperty. For example I want to avoid adding the JsonProperty attribute and have a conventio...

NewtonSoft JSON, hidden field, escape chars

This is a little embarrassing question but here it goes. I have a hidden asp.net field that gets populated with a json string just before post back. I use JSON.stringify to set the value of the field like this function prepareForSave() { var commissionSplits = new Array; $("input[id$='ctlBidAgentId']").e...


Anyone having JSON builer/parser for .NETCF (Compact Framework) 2.0 version? ...

Parsing JSON on Windows Phone 7

I'm trying to do some simple JSON manipulation on the Windows Phone 7. JSON.NET looks great, but VS2010 complains when I try to add a reference to it. It let me add the Silverlight dll, but warned me that it could result in weird app behavior, so I'm skeptical that it would actually work. This looks like a fine way to serialize and des...

Deserializing JSON 2 Dimension array of values

Hi all, I've got a 2 dimensional of values in JSON format: [[57, 2], [57, 2], [58, 2], [55, 2], [60, 2], [54, 1], [59, 11]] Each of the pairs actually contains a pair of unrelated readings, and there is one pair for each minute. So in the first min, reading 1 is 57 and reading 2 is 2 and in the second minute, the readings are the same...

JSON.NET: Deserializing part of a JSON object to a dictionary

I have JSON like this: { "Property":"Blah blah", "Dictionary": { "Key1" : "Value1", "Key2" : "Value2", "Key3" : "Value3" } } I want to extract the "Dictionary" object as a Dictionary (so it'd be like Key1 => Value1, etc.). If I just had the "Dictionary" object directly, I could use: JsonConvert.Dese...