
Importing jsf fragments

HI, I am using Eclipse, JSF. I have a jsf fragment a .jspf file which will be used across multiple projects and called by different .war projects. I was wondering if there is a way to place the .jspf files in 1 project and then import it into another project for use when displaying the different jsp files. I could just copy them over ...

Default value on JSP custom-tag attribute

When defining an attribute for a custom JSP tag, is it possible to specify a default value? The attribute directive doesn't have a default value attribute. Currently I'm making do with: <%@ attribute name="myAttr" required="false" type="java.lang.String" %> <c:if test="${empty myAttr}" > <c:set var="myAttr" value="defaultValue" /> </c...

How do I access file in WEB-INF in JSP?

I am using Tomcat. I would like to put the config file in WEB-INF instead of the default root class path which is WEB-INF/classes. Currently I put the config.xml in WEB-INF and use the following relative addressing to locate it: InputStream input = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("..//config.xml"); I...

Where to put sql queries in jsp

I am working in a jsp project. I have several SQLs. Currently I hard code them in the relating .java files. I guess this maynot be the proper way to do. Where should I put them? In a config.xml or sql.xml? Put them into a properties file? or put them in files with .sql extension separately, but them what is the proper and easy way to acc...

using one of list items for headerValue of s:select tag

Hello. I have a list and I show it with s:select without any problem but I want it's header value to be one of list's items and it differs on different runs. something like this: <s:select list="roleList" name="role" headerkey="" headerValue="%{euser.role}" cssClass="textfield"/> value of 'euser.role' is one of 'roleList' items but i...

spring security changing spring_security_login form

i am using spring security and i am wondering how to change the default login form i have found out that i need to point to my new form location. i want to keep the existing functions of the existing default form that has all the login exception display. so i must know how to reproduce it first. in my research i come across with it ...

Weblogic throws CompilationException.

javax.servlet.ServletException: weblogic.servlet.jsp.CompilationException: Failed to compile JSP /WEB-INF/content/intro.jsp messages.tag:2:30: The encoding specified on the page cannot be different than detected encoding for the file. <%@ tag body-content="empty" pageEncoding="utf-8" %> ^----------^ If I re...

Detect if Javascript is enabled?

Hi, Is it possible to detect whether javascript has been disabled if so redirect to another page? My application is being developed with JSPs, as I am using a lot of fancy javascript stuff in my application. Thanks in Advance Dean ...

Calling a webpage from another webpage via jsp

I am trying to figure out how to do the following. I have webpage at a certian location called www.hello.com/logout.jsp What I am trying to do with logout.jsp is delete all the cookies that were stored when initially logging in. The problem is that there exists a cookie for a website with a different domain that is stored when logging ...

How to print the values from datatable(Arraylist) using javascript ?

I have a datatable in a JSP page and a print button. On click of the print button it will open the print option dialog and print the datatable values. Now, I have button onclick="callsubmit()". javascript: function callsubmit(){ window.print(); window.opener.document.location = window.opener.document.location.href; window....

How to get web content before visit that web page

hi, how to get description/content of web page for given URL. (Something like Google gives the short description of each resulting link). I want to do this in my jsp page. Thank in advance! ...

Convert a JSP contained in a String to a Servlet programatically

Hi there, I have a JSP in a string variable in a servlet and I would like to compile it as a JSP myself (on the fly, programatically). Right now what I am doing is saving the string to a file and accessing that file (which generates the resulting servlet) - something like: // and He created JSP from mere html code final String jsp = c...

Why do we need DOCTYPE to the HTML/JSP pages ?

I have very basic question. I don't know this question makes any sense or not. I don't know the reason why we need DOCTYPE to the HTML/JSP pages also. The pages will work Without DOCTYPE also. ...

How to open new popup window from liferay portal using jsp ?

How to open new popup window from portal using java script. I have jsp page with button , if i click the button need to open new popup window from portal. onClick="window.open('/html/viewpdf.jsp','mywindow','width=500,height=350,toolbar=no,resizable=yes')"> this doesn't working jsp page. ...

How to include dynamic JSP from another server on a JSP page

I am writing a some code that to dynamically include an HTML snippet in a page. Basically, I have course information on one server, which I want other servers to be able to include with a single line of code. If it was on the same server, I would use this: <jsp:include page="coursedescription.jsp?subj=ENGL100" /> But the JSP page i...

How to print datatable all values ?

How to print the datatable values using jsp ? i need to print(hardcopy) of all datatable values in jsp. I used the javascript function for open printer dialog: function callsubmit(){ window.print(); window.opener.document.location = window.opener.document.location.href; window.close(); } But this option pringing the whole page....

Deploying a jar in Jboss

Hi, I have some .jspf files that are fragments which I include in a new .jsp file. The reason they are fragments is that they are reused across multiple jsps with some additional components. My issue now is that I want to use these .jsps in 2 different .war files. So I created a new .jar file which includes these jspf, now I am trying...

how use global variable in javascript for main and newwindow

Hi, I have two jsp(one is main page, another one is new window) and single javascript file. MainPage and New Window have 'Test' , 'ClickedCount' buttons. First, I click 3 times in MainPage 'Test' button . Then i open New Window. Now , i click 2 times in newWindow 'Test' button. So totally i clicked 5 times. each time i click, i co...

Post parameters in two forms when onchange happens in one of them.

I have dropdown lists in two forms in a single .jsp. I would like the change of any of the lists to trigger a post back to the .jsp itself with the currently selected parameters in both forms. But I couldn't get it work. Here is the relevant part of the code: Both forms are in the SearchBrowse.jsp. This is form1 (form2 will have an iden...

JSP drop down list | Page refresh

This is how I have implemented the <select name="doctype" id="doctype" class="textarea" onchange="fillLabel()"> <% DocumentManager documentManager = new DocumentManager(); List keyTypes = documentManager.getAllKeyTypes(); Iterator ite = keyTypes.iterator(); while(ite.hasNext()){ Obje...