
hx:inputRowSelect in hx:dataTableEx

hi all, my requirement is that when ever i select a row(inputRowSelect ) in datatable i need to get the object for that selected row. there can be a single radio button and at the same time i want this to work for multiple selections as well(check boxes). i tried using valuchangelistner as well but didnt help. please give me pointers or...

on the fly switching the layout in jsp without restarting the application server

Hi All, how can i change the layout in jsp without restarting the application server?. and should not be with javascript. layout is nothing but form fields in two column table or arranged in different sections. Scenario is like i have one web page with initial layout as two column layout. if i switch the layout to another layout by s...

iframe query string

Hi, I have got the values by passing the query string in an iframe.src = "xyxz.jsp?name="+name+"&pass="+pass+"&id="+id. I need to pass those values which i have got to another jsp page <iframe src="xyz.jsp"></iframe> How can i do that? ...

Problem including jsp page with unclosed tags

Hi all I have problem including jsp pages. I have one JSP page where I must have not closed tags because in including page I continue filling them and close them. Page beeing included <div class="ui-layout-content"> <form id="kartaForm"> <%-- zalozka Budova --%> <m:zalozka id="tabs-1"> <m:sloupec prvni="true"> ...

JSP Spring-MVC Reusing Controller Logic

psuedo: @RequestMapping("/news/feed/featurednews/{feedname}") public List<NewsModel> getFeed(String feedname, @RequestParam("start", optional) Integer startIndex) { return feedService.getFeaturedNewsByName(feedname); } @RequestMapping("/news/{newsPageName}") public String goToNewsPage(Model m, String newsPageName) { m.addAttribut...

NetBeans 6.8: "Java Web" not an option

I'm following this tutorial to set up an existing set of files for a web application, run on Tomcat6, packaged through NetBeans on Ubuntu 10: http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/web/quickstart-webapps.html#setting And I'm stopped at the first step because it says to create a new project, and under categories select Java Web. This isn't a cate...

Where do I put the .tld file so that the resulting JAR file built with maven2 is properly packaged?

I currently have the following directory structure for my code: src |-- main | `-- java | `-- com | `-- upthescala | `-- tags | `-- ViewProtectTag.java |-- test |-- pom.xml |-- .project |-- .classpath `-- .hgignore I want to include a tld file for my JSP tag, and I'm not sure where to ...

File path on JSP and javascript

trying to put a file path in javascript. it is a pain \ is an escape character and it always kill the character after the backslash what i am doing is this i am trying to add the file path from a jsp view object attribute window.open("file"+<c:out value="${filePath}" />+fileName); but if there are backslash in the end of filePath,...

JSP + Busy Status on page load until all is loaded

I'm using JSP & Struts2 for development. When I login, I call an action, which inturn takes some time to load the data on the page. While the data is getting loaded, I want to show a busy cursor and once the page is completely loaded, remove off that. Also I'm using jQuery to a large extent. Is there a way to achieve this? ...

Java page redirecting

I am developing a project in Java. I want to start with a welcome page where I put a syntax of page redirecting. But, I want to display welcome page, 2 seconds and then redirect it. What should be syntax? ...

Java Page Rewriting

I am developing a java project. I want to display an extention of any webpage as '.jsf' evenif it is 'jsp' or 'xhtml'. What should I do? ...

How can I use use JSP 2.1 with Cargo maven plugin and Jetty6x embedded?

Hi I have a webapp that is using JSP 2.1, Servlets 2.5 and JSTL 1.2 on Java 6. I do my testing using the maven-jetty-plugin 6.1.1rc1 without any problems. From this link: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/JSP+2.0+v+JSP+2.1, I understand that jetty 6 will select JSP 2.1 if on JDK 5+, which is working fine. Here is the relevant sec...

JSP: FileReader with relative path throws FileNotFoundException.

Hello, I have some embedded Java code in which I'm trying to load a properties file that is located in the same folder as the JSP file: Properties titles = new Properties(); titles.load(new FileReader("titles.txt")); The code above throws a FileNotFoundException. How exactly does one refer to the 'current folder' in this situation? ...

How to Include a JSP in a PHP page

I wish to include JSPs include files which contain java code in a PHP template. The two includes in question are a header file, and a footer file. Anyone any experience of doing this? We are considering just doing a HTTP request to grab the resulting HTML from the JSP files independantly, but aren't sure if there will be slight performan...

tomcat not compiling WEB-INF/libs?

[irrev] I keep making guesses and asking accordingly as to what's wrong here, so take that under consideration. The project I'm working on is setting up a web application, the source of which was sent to us by a chinese company as a portal for the hardware we're buying from them, so a language and time-zone barrier prevents effective co...

How to avoid hard linking Frontend assets In Spring MVC

I am new to spring MVC coming with experience using PHP MVC frameworks and ROR. I am having a hard time finding the appropriate way to organize and include front end assets into the view templates. Here is the default code Roo produces for the default style sheet: <spring:theme code="styleSheet" var="roo_css"/> <spring:url value="/${r...

JSP outside a web container

Hello, I am starting a project that will have many "files" (like a web servers .html or jsp files). Each of these files will have "JSP" embedded in the files, for example; Hello <%="John Doe" %> I would then like to programatically send this file through a "JSP Compiler" and then get the output file. I have looked at the Tomcats...

Study on Spring Framework: Managed Beans as controller and Dispatcher Servlet as Controller

Currently in study of spring framework. I hope i can understand it properly and I think i need some help. This is spring doc on bean concept. http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-framework-reference/html/beans.html This is spring doc on controller concept http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.0.x/spring-frame...

How can i access javascript variables in JSP ?

I want to access Javascript variables in JSP code. How can I do that? ...

I have used jsp and java beans for an application of music store.but the set and get methods are not working

here is my jsp page <%@ page import="java.sql.Connection"%> <%@ page import="java.sql.DriverManager"%> <%@ page import="java.util.ArrayList"%> <%@ page import="java.sql.ResultSet"%> <%@ page import="Mybean.Bean"%> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Music Store</titl...