
tr:inputText submitting value 0 instead of null

We are using a tr:inputText in a JSP page and when there is no value written in the inputText the form is submitting a 0 instead of null. We are using Trinidad 1.2.2 and Tomcat 6.0.20 (we also tried with Tomcat 6.0.14 as we read that this could happen with certains Tomcat versions). we reproduced this problem with an h:inputText too. Th...

Javascript syntax checking within a JSP file not working

Hi Guys, I'm using eclipse 3.5 with WTP 3.0 to develop a web app using JSP and Javascript etc. Sometimes I need to embed Javascript code directly into a JSP file eg. to use a string out of the resource bundle message. My problem is, that I can not find a way to turn on Javascript syntax checking within a JSP file. Can somebody help me w...

Creating JDBC Connection with Oracle 10g using jsp.

I am able to connect to Oracle 10g (using ojdbc14.jar driver) with java. But when I use the same code in a servlet or file with .jsp extension, I am getting class not found exception. I am not able to understand why this is happening. Do we have different connection strings for JDBC in java and jsp? This is what I use to connect to oracl...

How to get country name using geocode?

Hi everyone, Please tell me how to use geocode to get current country name where the site is loaded. I have to store country name in session.Also have a javascript to find out country name but i used jsp pages so it wont allow to store javascript varialble in JSP session.Plaese if anyone knows answer help me.In geocode GClientGeocoder()...

Integrating Birt reports in JSP

While running my report on the Sever I'm getting this Exception" javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/tagext/TagSupport org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(JspServlet.java:275) javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:717) root cause java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:...

How do I extract the request URL to the views using Spring Roo?

I am using spring roo. I am not able to find a method to extract the request URL from the browser in the template. eg: http://localhost:8080/mysite/about/advisors . I want to extract advisors from it. I tried using ${pageContext.request.requestUri} but it returns the url like default.jspx. Please tell me how to do it? ...

Is there a notepad++ plugin that makes JSP comments format correctly?

I would love Notepad++ to show the comments correctly (see screenshot) Is there any plugin that takes care of it? Or is there any way I can get it to default to another languages' formatting when I load a JSP file? ...

Store DB field to File

I have a String field in the DB (mySQL) and on click of a button on a JSP page I want to download the contents of that field to a file on the client machine. The client can give a name or a default name I should be able to give. My server is tomcat. ...

JSTL vs Old School JSP EL Conflict?

I have been developing a web application for about six months with no framework or JSTL support. After recent decisions, I have decided that I am interested in integrating JSTL use into my development, but am not sure what the repercussions would be. If I were to begin using JSTL in my application, would I have to go back and refactor al...

Combining a string with the value of a variable to be the name of another variable in EL

Hi all, I want to do something like this: <display:table name="${summary${index}}"> But it does not work throws exception: "${summary${selChrm}}" contains invalid expression(s). I would like the user to use a drop down list to choose a selection and put in the variable index. Then the table will display the corresponding list of java...

storing a value from EL in jsp

I have been using EL(expression Langugage) in JSP, where I need to store the value from EL. Ex: $(param.name.value) where name is a textbox I need to stored the name value in a string in JSP, how to do it. ...

Use JSTL to control what content to be used in a table.

Hi all, I would like to use a different ArrayList for the content of a table based on a user selected value. I am using the display:table tag for the display <display:table name="${aVariableName}"> <display:column property="trackNumOfType" title="Track (# of Types)" sortable="true"></display:column> <display:column property=...

How can I create an absolute url in a jsp?

If a have <c:url value="/article"/> in a jsp, I actually want it to produce http://mysite.com/context/article. Is there any simple way to acheive this? ...

Tomcat and Servlet issues

I'am encountering a problem with my Web Apps and cannot find any answers on the web. I have a Java Web App that works on parallel with tomcat and apache using mod_jk. Everything works fine, but after one day of running in tomcat, one of my main servlet doing ajax request stop working. All the others work fine. By this i ...

Can't get jsps to isntantiate java classes in glassfish

I'm trying to a simple thing: instantiate a normal Java Object from a JSP deployed in the default domain on GlassFish. GlassFish can never seem to find the class so I keep getting NoClassDefFoundErrors. The JSP is found, but not the classes. I have put copies of the package directory containing the class everywhere, in almost every di...

How can JRE be enough for Tomcat to handle JSP files? Why not JDK?

Can someone clearly describe how JRE handles the JSP files which contain pure JAVA codes? I know that byte codes of JSP files are not placed in the WAR file. It consists of compiled CLASS files and plain JSP files. It says in Tomcat's RUNNING.txt "Apache Tomcat 6.0 requires the Java 2 Standard Edition Runtime Environment (JRE) version 5...

Pass arrays from a jsp to a function in a js file via the onload attribute in the body tag

Hi all, I have a jsp and a js files. I would like to pass arrays from the jsp to a function in the js file via the onload attribute in the body tag. How can I do that? For example: <head> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> var indexNames = ['chIndex', 'recordIndex']; var indexLocation = [0, 1]; <...

Lite protection of a website for private viewing?

Hi, I'm developing a web app. I'd like to be able to let some friends see it, but not others that stumble upon the url. I was going to put a landing page and then a simple password box. Once the correct password is entered, I'd just record it in the session and expose the site as usual for the rest of the time they keep the browser open...

What is the proper way of handling configurations (database login and passwords, etc.) in a dynamic web project?

I just got my hands on doing dynamic web programming using JSP. What is the proper way to handle the configurations? For example, database name, host, login, and password, and indexing directory in the server, etc. My concern is mostly about the security of the passwords. Currently I hard code the data into the .java files, I don't thin...

Are empty fields in form of JSP null or ""?

Hi, When a form is passed in to a servlet are empty fields "" or null? So for example in a form where you have First name as a field and last name as a field Dean - First Name - Last Name So what is it registered as in the servlet? Thanks in Advance Dean ...