
Unable to compile class for JSP: nme cannot be resolved

I am trying to connect JSP with MYSQL Server 5.1.49 using TOMCAT 6.0. I am able to connect JAVA with MYSQL but unable to configure mysql with tomcate and getting below error org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP: An error occurred at line: 54 in the jsp file: /checlLogin.jsp nme cannot be resolved 51: ...

JSF app on mobile phone - no scrolling in divs

Hi, I'm writing a simple web application for mobile phones using JSF/Hibernate. I want to display images in a div but since the image size is quite big (400-500 px) I need to add a scroll to that div. It works fine on my PC browser but on mobile the scroll is not visible and only a part of the image is visible. Here is the code: <div c...

How can I easily use a JSP page as an email template using Spring?

My emails will need to be HTML anyway and I don't want to introduce another HTML generation mechanism (e.g. Velocity) into my project if I don't have to. It would be nice if image references in the generated HTML could be converted into attachments automatically. ...

Enchanced jsp:include implementation

One of the things that has always bothered me about <jsp:include..> is that it's not possible to pass non-String values into the included page as distinct inputs to the page. For example, I'd like to be able to do the following: <c:forEach var="item" items="${listOfItems}"> <jsp:include page="mypage.jsp"> <jsp:attribute name...

How to set precision for EL division on JSF

How can I set precision for such EL result? <h:outputText value="#{businessPlanPreviewBean.plan.a1 != 0 ? businessPlanPreviewBean.plan.a2/businessPlanPreviewBean.plan.a3 : 0 } " > </h:outputText> I tried <f:convertNumber maxFractionDigits="2" /> but no luck... <f:convertNumber pattern="#,##" /> - the same thing Mojarra JSF implem...

Difficulties to understand radio buttons logic

Hello All, I am having some difficulties while trying to understand the radio buttons logic. I have two radio buttons and their name is FR. From the database, I am retrieving a value which is "F" or "R". I would like to do that If the value = F then the radio button which is Freeze to be checked else the other radio button to be c...

Setting java string variables value depending on html checkbox selected

Hi I have two check boxes with table names when any check box is checked i wants to save that table name in to a java string which i can use in the query to get data from that table or update that table. I have used onClick functions and also got the check box value but not getting how to access it in the rest of the code so that i can ...

JSP and tag files UTF-8 encoding

Hello, I am using Spring 3.0.3 + sitemesh + JSP and I am experiencing troubles with encoding of result page. I have used Spring's CharacterEncodingFilter to encode response and request with UTF-8, I have stated in JSTLViewResolver appropriate contentType. I also have saved my jsp's and tag's in UTF-8 format. What I would really want t...

Should I learn Java before JSP?

I have the opportunity for a new job in which I'd be moving from PHP to JSP. I've done a little java in the past but am just wondering if I should revise my java knowledge before attempting to learn JSP? ...

Accessing Map elements via Enum key in Freemarker

Hi all, I'm trying to access elements in a HashMap. The keys of this HashMap are defined by an Enum. After going through the documentation, I figured that in order to be able to access the Enum, I have to send it to Freemarker like so: BeansWrapper wrapper = BeansWrapper.getDefaultInstance(); TemplateHashModel enumModels = wrapper.get...

Maximum <jsp:include> depth.

We're using an application build using Weblogic Workshop 10.3 and running on weblogic server 10.3. I'm trying to display a tree of data using recursive calls to a jsp page using <jsp:include>. The problem I'm having is that after about 3-4 layers deep the page doesn't get rendered anymore. Log statements around the JSP include show th...

Exception encountered with fiji charts even after including all the required jars.

My requirement is to dynamically populate graphs on the basis of data retrieved from the database. The jars included are as follows: flamingo-service-jsf-1.6.1-SNAPSHOT.jar amf-serializer-1.6.1-SNAPSHOT.jar common-annotations.jar commons-beanutils.jar commons-collections.jar commons-digester.jar commons-logging.jar el-api-1.0.jar el-imp...

Getting URL value from HashMap in a JSP page (Using Struts2)

Hi, I am trying to get my page to link to a certain URL that is stored in a HashMap (the key is some name, and the value is the URL I want to link to). I'm not very good at describing this, but here is my code: For the JSP page: <table> <s:iterator value="dependenciesList" id="dependency"> <tr><td> <a href="<s:url value="pro...

How to filter (remove) JSP content from user-submitted pages

Overflowed Stack, I have a Java web application (tomcat) whereby I allow the user to upload HTML code through a form. Now since I am running on tomcat and I actually display the user-uploaded HTML I do not want a user to malicious code JSP tags/scriptlet/EL and for these to be executed on the server. I want to filter out any JSP/non...

Freemarker or JSP ?

which one is better? i want to make web based application , new to Java world but not to the programming..... ...

How do I determine stale session versus no session in Java

Hi We have a site where the user gets a navigation bar to allow navigation of search results. When the user goes away for lunch or whatever, and the session times out, clicking next in the navigation which is still on the screen will show the next page, but will then lose the navigation since it was stored in the now stale session. Thi...

Java exception problem

I got this exception in time of running a web application in java. What does this mean? exception.name = javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate ...

mixing static html pages and JSPs

Hi, I ran into something that I never thought of before and it stumped me. I have a site done using servlets and JSPs. There is an auth mechanism that works well and is much liked. There is now the need to add a static directory containing static HTML pages under the same umbrella. The requirement is that these pages should not be con...

How to use multiple buttons (one on each line) for JSP page using Struts2

Hi, I don't really know how to title my question, but I have a JSP page with a table displaying elements from a database, and I want to have a button for each row to either delete or edit that particular row. Here is the part of my JSP page where I generate the table (the table and buttons are generated fine) <style type="text/css"> ...

At IE7, action "javascript:history.back()" in JSP jump back to main page, not previous viewed page.

Below are the code pieces in one jsp page, the function is to jump back to previous page, it works on Firefox 3.5, but does not work on IE7, at IE7, it will jump back to main index page. how to enhance it to support IE7/Firefox at the same time? <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO...