
Insert line breaks in hidden fields value - Java

How would I go about inserting line breaks in the value of hidden fields? For ex. this is how my hidden field looks like: <input type="hidden" name="dahidden" value="<%=da.getFname() %> <%=da.getLname() %> <%=da.getEmail() %> <%=da.getPhone() %> <%=da.getExt() %>"> I tried the following: value="<%=da.getFname() %> <%=da.getLname() %...

Make a Struts2 Table into a table that uses the DisplayTag library (in JSP page)

Hi, I have a table in my JSP page generated with Struts2 tags and some HTML: <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Action</th> <s:iterator value="columnNames" id="name"> <th> <s:property value="name" /> </th> </s:iterator> </tr> <s:iterator value="%{table}" id="row"> <tr> <td> <s:form theme="simple"> <s:hidden key="row" /> ...

How to receive 2 or more different Exceptions?

I have written a code to add user into DB. I need to redirect to EmpInfo.jsp, when we receive duplicate entries. I need to use more Exceptions for that and also i want to know how to redirect. response.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); Connection conn = null; String url = "jdbc:mysql:/...

jsp page as css file on Tomcat

I want to have a css file which is in fact a jsp-page. One of the reasons is that I would like to use c:url tags to make the path to images context-independent. So far I only found a possibility to set this up in server.xml. But I need it for my webapp only, and not server-wide. Update: Setting the content-type to text/css of course ...

Nested map<K,V>'s instead of List< Object[] > as return values. Any problems?

The situation occurs when getting some data from the database to compose a report that is grouped by various fields. For example, grouped by month, then type and then actual vs prediction. The database query returns simply a List< Object[] >. But it is boring to directly render it as an HTML table. What I do is to group the data inside a...

Get value from a row in a JSP page using display tag

Hi, Sorry for a bunch of Struts2 / JSP questions, but I have a table generated with Display tag: <display:table name="table" pagesize="10" id="row" requestURI=""> <display:column title="Action"> <s:form theme="simple"> <s:submit action="remove" value="Remove" onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete...

How to manage file path when accessing from different directory location?

I have few web pages sitting in different directories and my goal is to have some sort of organized structure so that I can access to js or css files without hardcoding the path. For instance, the directory structure is: root --- js --- some.js | |--css --- some.css | |---pages ---- main.jsp | |---ot...

Are there any major shortcomings to using Sun's JSP template solution?

This is 10 years old, but still appears to be one of the most widely accepted JSP template solutions. Is this still a viable approach for basic templates? http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/javaserverpages/jsp_templates/ I've heard some developers discuss Tiles, but from what I can tell the biggest benefit of tiles is that...

how to display selected data in jsp page

My requirement is explain below, I am having Arraylist in "DAO" class which contains n number of customer names.and I have set that ArrayList in "domain object" and using that "domain object" in jsp page to display the customer name. I am using session scope in jsp page like below, <c:set var="listCustomer" value="${ItemDataRespons...

Unable to connect MYSQL database using JSP and TOMCAT

I am unable to connect database “test” created in mySQL using Java Server Pages (JSP) & Tomcat. I am getting the error message "Unable to connect to database". I am using following software specifications Tomcat 6.0 jdk1.6.0_21 mySQL 5.1.49 mysql-connector-java-5.1.13-bin I have configured following environment variables as follow ...

JSP, Spring, Struts or GWT for College Project

Possible Duplicate: Choosing a Java Web Framework now? I am a final year student doing my Bachelor in Enginering(Computers) course from Mumbai University. We are supposed to do a project for the final year and my group has decided to build a webapp for geographicaly separated developers to work collaboratively on projects onli...

Unable to find a value for "length" in object of class "java.lang.String" using operator "."

Why does this JSTL expression not seem to be able to use the length method of the String class: <c:when test="${displayName != null && displayName.length > 0 }"> <p><c:out value="${displayName}"/></p> </c:when> It produces this exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.e...

Is there a cross-platform way for accessing the JSP servlet?

In Tomcat, we can configure the Web app to treat non JSP files as JSP using the JSP servlet: <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>jsp</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/scripts/my.js</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> Is there a cross-platform way to map resources to the JSP servlet? UPDATE: While there's not a cross-platform way availa...

Java/JSP Web File Manager like CKFinder or KCFinder

I like CKFinder, but it is a commercial product. I also like KCFinder, but it works on PHP only, I need it to run on Java/JSP. Know any open source Java/JSP web file manager? Edit: The next best thing I found is this, http://www.vonloesch.de/jspbrowser.html but it is quite old and basic. ...

Any reference source codes or documents for iText 5.0.3 ?

Is there any documents and reference source codes for iText 5.0.3 (especially for HTMLWorker) ? Another question is in iText 5.0.3, HTMLparser is obsoleted ? ...

How can i get the colon in my jsp page while using Json?

In my project I am using a JSON object. Here, they format the actual string into a JSON object. Wherever a colon occurs it will separate and print it in different lines in the jsp page, but in my case part of my data needs to display the colon in the jsp page. Because of the json object it will be print in separated line. For example, ...

How can I embed an html page into a jsp whilst avoiding repeated logins yet hosting the html separately to the web app?

I have a tomcat hosted web-app, in one of the jsp pages the webapp displays I am using an iframe to embed an html document. I need to have the html pages separate to the web-app so that they can be altered without requiring a relaunch of the original web-app or access by editors to the web-app. It is also essential that html pages are ...

Save Image from Servlet generated image src to HardDisk

I don't know how to automatically retrieve and save an image to my harddisk given this html source: <img src="https://someRemoteServer/servlet/GetItemServlet?ts=32352.3&amp;itemtype=blabla"&gt; I tried wget, but it only saves the request GetItemServlet itself to my harddisk. I want to iterate through 700 images on the remote Server ...

Spring-mvc 3.0 crud with checkboxes issue

I am doing an simple user crud. My ApplicationUser has the following properties: private Long id; private String password; private String username; private Collection<Authority> myAuthorities; private boolean isAccountNonExpired; private boolean isAccountNonLocked; private boolean isCredentialsNonExpired; private boolean isEnabled; A...

jsp:include not working with Expression Language (JSP version 2.5, EL enabled)

I've read: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2168832/expression-language-in-jsp-not-working but it's slightly different. Using EL for referencing file works fine like the one below. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/css/global.css"/> However when try to use JSP include tag with EL e...