
Struts2, String null check.

Hello, I'm trying to do a null check on a String but it won't work. <s:iterator value="matrix" var="row"> <tr> <s:iterator value="value" var="col"> <td> <s:if test="%{#col==null}">0</s:if> <s:else><s:property value="col"/></s:else> </td> </s:iterator> </...

Login validation using JSTL (JSP) but stuck with error : "Unterminated &lt;sql:setDataSource tag"

Hi, I am getting following error when I try to perform login validation using JSTL Custom Tags org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /checlLogin.jsp(12,38) Unterminated <sql:setDataSource tag Please find below software specifications I have - I have placed JSTL.jar and Standard.jar at CATALINE_HOME...\WEB-INF\lib - Working with s...

Controller that simulates spring:message tag?

I'm designing help/hint system for my webpage, I'd like to incoroporate jQuery based contextual help. My idea is that I would post request on event and show given repsonse in special div or so. I would like to get similiar behaviour as <spring:message> tag, post message code and get String representation on localized message. It woul...

How to gather user input in a JSP so that it can be stored in database

I dont know JSP. I have written the below Java JDBC code which must be integrated in JSP. import java.net.URL; import java.net.URLConnection; import java.sql.*; public class searchlink{ public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { Connection con=null; Statement stmt=null; Statement stmtR=null; String link="h...

Parsing string variable with jstl

Here's my problem. I need to set up a process, preferably with jstl/jsp, that depending on what a client enters in a URL parameter, a certain URL will be returned, with the same parameters passed on, and opened via javascript pop up function. Problem I am having, is that the choose statement is not finding one of the parameters unless ...

Clean URLs using jsp/ servlets?

I am planning to make a CMS using jsp and servlets. Could anyone tell me how to implement clean urls using this technologies? ...

Hidden file names in URLs in jsp

I am developing java application.I want to hide the jsp and html page. please any body know please tell me? ...

Expression Language & Eclipse warning: "items" does not support runtime expressions

i have the following JSP: <%@ page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %> <%@ page isELIgnored="false"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Ty...

JSTL: String Comparison issue using c:When tag

I am facing problem when comparing 2 strings values using C:When tag I am trying as follow <c:when test="${dbUserName eq uName}"> Where, dbUserName = “sohail”. It is fetching value from db column uName = “test”. This is actually input value on login page But comparison always giving result true… Here is complete code <%@ page c...

Query returns "No data found" JSP/Oracle

I've been looking this over for a while now and can't seem to pinpoint the problem. Does anything stand out that would cause a java.sql.SQLException: No data found ResultSet rs = null; rs = s.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM customer"); out.println("<tr><th>Customer ID</th><th>First Name</th>&nbsp;</th></tr>"); while(rs.next()) { ou...

redirecting to another page after an ajax response from a spring controller using jquery

HI we are using spring MVC as our application framework and in one of our modules we need to make an ajax request from one of the jsp's based on the response from the controller we need to redirect to another page. $.ajax({ type: 'POST', dataType:'text', async: false, url: "${requestContextPath}/home.htm...

Using request object parameter as a name of application scope attriubte in JSP

I have a request object with String attribute name1. When request is sent to JSP I would like to use name1 parameter as a name of application scope bean to retrieve its status. I have tried <jsp:getProperty name="${name1}" property="status" /> and ${${objName}.status} and ${applicationScope.${objName}.status} but it does not w...

How to set keepgenerated property in tomcat 7

I added <init-param> for keepgenerated with a value of true that is default value according to spec for servlet <servlet-name>jsp</servlet-name> in CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml. But the generated JSP servlet is not available in work directory. Can anybody explain what I'm doing wrong? ...

First time using .JSP; getting "JSONCore cannot be resolved to a type" (JSONCore is a local class)

Decided to use Tomcat and .JSP for one of my latest projects, and I've hit a little snag. It seems my local class "JSONCore" "cannot be resolved to a type." Snippet of index.jsp (problem area): <% JSONCore jsonHandler = new JSONCore(); jsonHandler.searchSongs("search_query").getString("songID"); %> Snippet of JSONCore.java: i...

java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response

I get the following exception when I'm trying to request loading images from server on client side: 241132533 [TP-Processor1] ERROR [/jspapps].[jsp] - Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: getOutputStream() has already been called for this response Can any one explain this exception t...

Design Patterns web based applications

Hello all, I am designing a simple web based application. I am new to this web based domain.I needed your advice regarding the design patterns like how responsibility should be distributed among Servlets, criteria to make new Servlet, etc. Actually I have few entities on my home page and corresponding to each one of them we have few opt...

Error in JSP taglib directive

I receive the following error while deploying in weblogic: Parsing of JSP File '/pages/RegisteredEmployee.jsp' failed: /pages/RegisteredEmployee.jsp(5): Error in using tag library uri='/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld' prefix='html': The Tag class 'org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag' has no setter method corresponding to TLD declared attr...

Alternative to "Referer" Header

I have used the code "request.getHeader("Referer");" The code seemed to work fine. But recently I found out that it is not working in IE. IE was throwing null. I am now left clueless about how to go forward. Is there any alternative for "Referer" header which can get the previous link and work correctly in all the browsers? Setting a cu...

JSP getParameter (IE problem)

I have next from: <form action="relogin.jsp" method="post"> <input type="text" id="authname" name="login" value="<%=login%>" tabindex="1" title="<%=bundle.getString("[Login]")%>" /> <input type="password" name="pwd" id="authpass" value="" tabindex="2" title="<%=bundle.getString("[Password]")%>" /> <input type="submit" name="ente...

spring GenericFilterBean usage

I'm using spring GenericFilterBean as a filter to display the menu of my application. A shopping cart is there part of menu. When the user adds an item to the cart the database gets updated. I can see the updated cart value in the filter. And putting the value to the HttpServletRequest from the filter. But the jsp page displays the old v...