
Book rec(s) for an ASP.NET/C# developer looking to build in JSP+Tomcat?

I'm a senior-ish C# developer used to ASP.NET & IIS, but a project's come along for which I'll need to use Java/JSP and Tomcat, both of which are new to me. I've got a bit of experience with Java, but none with Tomcat or JSP, so I'm looking for a book ( or books) that'll help me get up and running with JSP and Tomcat quickly. (The proj...

Ajax and Java

I have backend code written in Java. The code has about 12 classes. However my partner on this project who is writing the interface (which uses Ajax) is more familiar with C# and .net. What would be quicker to learn Ajax with Java or to rewrite it in C#. ...

Piecemeal Conversion from Struts to Tapestry 5

I have a Struts (1.3.8) application that I'd like to convert to Tapestry 5. There will probably not be time to do the whole conversion in one fell swoop. I'd like to deliver new functionality in Tapestry and convert existing Struts / JSPs as time permits. Has anyone attempted something like this? Can Struts and Tapestry co-exist? ...

ajax loading but intermittently in a jsp

All, I have included some ajax pages in my jsp as in the following way:- ajaxpage('', 'contentarea') where content area is a div id the JS loads the ajax in the following format document.getElementById('contentarea').innerHTML=page_request.responseText But the problem is the part thats loaded with ajax is intermittent... any help ...

A Java Server side (Jsp, velocity, whatever) Calendar component?

Do you know of a Java Server side calendar component. Not a date picker, but a way to display months or weeks as in google calendar with events from my db. ...

How to write XML formatted JSP with generics?

I'm writing a web application using JSP, and I really like to use the "XML style" JSP directive (i.e. <jsp:scriptlet> instead of <% ). But if I use generics in my code, the code content is not valid XML and I get compilation errors when the server (I use Jetty 6) tries to parse the file as XML. For example, I want to write: <jsp:script...

Will using jQuery make my site load slower?

I am planning to use jQuery in my new website. I have some questions about jQuery: if I am using jQuery in my site, will page load slower than a normal js. our project is a social network site. is jQuery suitable for it? Please, give me your suggestions. ...

Uploading all files in a folder with Flex

I want to make a file uploader with Flex. However, I want it to select a folder and upload all the files in the folder. It would be much better if I can actually check the files before uploding. I'm using Flex with JSP in the back-end. Is there a way to do this? So far, all I found from googling around is how to make file uploader for...

Validation problem with JSP and Eclipse

I have this simple JSP page in Eclipse and the first line in the file is: <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8" %> Eclipse however, puts a yellow warning icon before this line with the following tooltip message: Multiple annotations found at this line: - Line breakpoint:ind...

Concept and programming for Accessing xml file that uses xsl file in a jsp Code.

Hi, I am a beginner in accessing backend xml files(which acts like a database) in a jsp code. can any one please provide me the links and references that provides good understanding for beginners like me. pls help. ...

How to stop arrow keys scrolling in two DIVs in a JSP page

I have a JSP page with various DIVs, one containing a table. I can select a row in the table and then change that selection using the arrow keys. That is fine. I select a row in the table and press a button which causes a hidden DIV to be displayed. This new DIV contains a SELECT pulldown. If I click on the SELECT pulldown and then us...

Jasper in jetty throws IllegalStateException on getOutputStream but not on Tomcat

I have a web application that's currently running under Tomcat 5.5.25. I'm attempting to port it to Jetty 6 to take advantage of the rapid refresh time for jsp and UI changes especially. Since my JSP files are JSP 2.0 compliant, I'm running jetty under maven using the configuration suggested on the maven jetty plugin web site. This con...

What would be the light way to render a JSP page without an App/Web Server

First, some background: I will have to work on code for a JSP that will demand a lot of code fixing and testing. This JSP will receive a structure of given objects, and render it according to a couple of rules. What I would like to do, is to write a "Test Server" that would read some mock data out of a fixtures file, and mock those obj...

How to create a photo gallery with slideshow effect of the images placed in server folder using jsp/servlet/javascript

I need to create slideshow of the images which are in server.These images would be changing as the user uploads. I need this using jsp/javascript/servlet/ajax ...

JSP vs Velocity what is better?

What is better between JSP and velocity in - Performance - Ease of use - Ease of creating reusable components - Availability of open source 3rd parties - IDE support ...

Comparing struts ognl value to scriptlet value in JSP

I have to compare this to a value like below: ${page_id } ---- <% out.print(a); %> <c:if test="${page_id != a}"> How can I do this? ...

Flow of struts

Can anyone tell me the control flow of struts. Which program will be called first? ...

Issue opening Excel documents with Internet Explorer

I have run into an issue in which IE does not open up the Save As/Open dialog box for an Excel document like Firefox does. So I have created a servlet filter that is using '*.xls' as the url pattern. The issue that I now face (since this is the first filter I have created) is how to get the name of the file that the user wants so that ...

JSP tag lifecycle

i just introduced a bug into my code because i seem to have misunderstood the jsp tag lifecycle. The tag worked like this before the bug: i pass the tag some collection as an attribute, and it displays it as a table. The collection was passed into the JSP from the controller. after the bug: a removed the attribute which set the collec...

Using SiteMesh with RequestDispatcher's forward()

I'm attempting to integrate SiteMesh into a legacy application using Tomcat 5 as my a container. I have a main.jsp that I'm decorating with a simple decorator. In decorators.xml, I've just got one decorator defined: <decorators defaultdir="/decorators"> <decorator name="layout-main" page="layout-main.jsp"> <pattern>/jsp/main.jsp<...