
jsp pageing problem

i am using the redy made paging tags.B But it give me a error of null pontinter exception. the first page is displayed correctly.But when i click next it gives the error <%@ taglib uri="http://jsptags.com/tags/navigation/pager" prefix="pg" %> <% Iterator i = null; Set tutorials = (Set ) request.getAttribute("tut_lst"); request.setA...

Nesting Apache Tiles Template

So I found this: http://tiles.apache.org/framework/tutorial/advanced/nesting-extending.html Here is the example: <definition name="myapp.homepage" template="/layouts/classic.jsp"> <put-attribute name="title" value="Tiles tutorial homepage" /> <put-attribute name="header" value="/tiles/banner.jsp" /> <put-attribute name="menu" val...

Best way to show the user full name in a JSP header file with a spring/struts framework?

I have a JSP struts application that uses Spring to integrate with the services/dao/database. Basically, struts uses spring to get the data from the DB, it builds the form and forward them to the JSP files. I have a header file that is injected in each JSP file using Tiles. I would like to show "Welcome John Doe" on each page inside th...

JSP Page Forwarding: Relative URL Issues?

Hi, I have a bit of an issue for my JSP site. I have it divided into three sections: a main folder within which a "resources" and an "actions" folder are. I house the files which show the site in the main folder, and validaton and action files in the "actions" folder. Upon entering a site, a user must login. I validate whether a user ...

JSP Redirect: Session Loss Issues

Having replaced a <jsp:forward page="URL"> with a response.sendRedirect("URL");, I find I know lose the session once the redirect occurs. Is there a way to preserve the session with a redirect, or to reconstitute the session cookie and send it along with the redirect? I know I could use JavaScript via window.location = "URL";, but that ...

JSP Pager Tag Library

i am using pager tag Pager Tag Library jsptags.com. Have anyone familiar with using this. I dont know how to pass the object in request my using the library tages request.setatttribute("obj","obj) dont works there. it gives when i try to read the same obejct second time ...

struts : passing object in session scope

i want to pass a object in session scope. i want to set this in struts action class. i use request.setAttribute("obj",objval) to pass value in request scope. how do i pass in session scope do i need to do anytnig in struts-config file? there is some parameter scope in struts-action file .has it got anythinh to do with that? is there an...

Is it possible to manually set the command object in an @RequestMapping method before Spring binding?

I have a JSP that has a Spring form in it. The form's command object is added in the controller before the JSP is rendered. Spring binds the form in the JSP to this command object, and will correctly handle it when submitting a NEW instance. However, I would like to persist the command object via DWR (which also works correctly), an...

How Do I Control Handling of Exceptions Thrown Inside jsp:include Includes?

I have a JSP, which includes another JSP via <jsp:include>. I also have (what I think is) a standard error page setup. The problem is that when an exception occurs inside the included file, it doesn't "bubble up" to the including JSP. Instead, it inserts the error page mid-way through processing the included JSP. Strangely enough, it...

Posting a form without changing pages in a jsp

In a jsp, how do you post a form without changing the page? In essence, I'm trying to: 1) First, kick off a servlet on the backend with a post to process the HttpServletRequest. 2) Second, once the servlet completes, a response message will be posted in a DIV on the page using prototype's Ajax.Updater function. All without leaving...

Google's AppEngine - java.nio.BufferOverflowException

I am playing with Google's AppEngine Java support. I have a fairly simple set of JSP pages, and was looking at the logs today, and saw that I was getting a BufferOverflowException from the following JSP file: <% response.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); %> I simplified the file to just this, and I still get the error. Any ideas? Here is th...

JSP, Parameter Passing without use of HTML Forms

I have done some research, and majority of the examples I have found use forms (obviously for user input) to collect data which is then passed to another JSP page through the request object. My question is: "Is it possible to pass a parameter between JSP pages IF the parameter hasn't been set in HTML tags?" Thankyou, Lucas ...

Get current filename in JSP

Is there a way to get which JSP is currently rendered, with JSTL or Struts (or without)? like _ _ file _ _ in Python and PHP? ...

Problem with HTML output in JSP

Hi, I have code which generates some HTML, but when I try to output this content in a jsp all '<' are replaced with '&lt;' and all '>' with '&gt;'. Here is the piece which renders the result: <c:out value="${data}"/> Can someone please explain what causes the character replacement, and how it can be avoided? PS: I've tried escapeXml...

Is it possible to read a properties file from all .war files deployed in a JBoss container.

Hi. I've managed to deploy a .war to the Jboss web container containing and read the pom.properties located under /META-INF/groupid-dir/artifactid-dir/ To access the file I've used the following code inside a JSP in the same war: ServletContext servletContext = getServletConfig().getServletContext(); InputStream in = servletContext....

JavaScript & JSP

Hi there, Firstly, I have done my research and already know that JavaScript = client JSPs = server side. I don't want to waste your time. My situation is that I want to execute JSP code from an event (not from a HTML form). I have a HTML link (<a href="...">XXX</a>), which is NOT within <form> tags; it just an ordinary HTML link. Thro...

How does struts 2 includes javascript files in a jsp from their struts.jar?

I've noticed that the javascript client-side validation feature of the struts 2 framework uses a javascript file that comes inside the struts2 JAR file. The javascript file gets included somehow in the JSP page apparently by just using a tag from the framework. If I manage to do this it will be extremely helpful for the many javascript ...

When to use a View Preparer for Tiles

I'm new to JSP and Tiles, as well as Java. We are currently replatforming our site using these, but I am confused as to when something should be put into a view preparer vs coming from the controller. For example, the current page I am working on will have a tile for pagination, including the content type (X of Y content-type). My origi...

Most effective way to process a string containing XML, in JAVA

Hello, I have a String which contains XML nodes within it, and am seeking to use DOM parsing to process this string to extract node values and store them in local variables. The XML which is stored in a String variable: <carGarage> <car> <make>Chrysler</make> <color>Red</color> </car> <car> <make>Musano</make...

problem with JSF h:commandButton

Hello everybody. I really need help on this one. I am having a simple login form in jsp file, and i try to use JSF and managed beans with it. When i first fire page it is displaying it content, however when push the submit button (h:commandButton) i am getting an error. Can somebody tell me what is wrong with my code ? error: javax.s...