
How does EL search for an attribute?

How does EL search for an attribute in JSP? and how to disable it? does any one know the performance of EL? ...

Can I do my own HTTP header attribute?

Hi, can I make my own headers in HTTP request? e.g. This is normal HTTP request GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: google.com User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT x.x; xx; rv:x.x.x.x) xxx Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: xx,en-us;q=0.7,en;q...

onselect in one combo it changes data dynamically in other combo?

Hello sir I am new to the jsp and ajax world. my problem is If i select one combo option then it should change the other combo options dynamically without submit button press. for example if i select the country then it should shows their states in other combo. I am using servlet & JSP and MS-ACCESS as backend. please reply as soon ...

Logout code in JSP

I am using basic level authentication and I need best logout code in JSP/Servlet. I am using JSP & servlet and MS-Access as backend. Is it required to create session in JSP? ...

Benefits of databases as opposed to XML in a lightweight shopping site?

I have a lightweight online shopping site based on JSP and XML, and I'm wondering what the particular weaknesses of this system are as opposed to, say, PHP and MySQL? I know JSP can use Java APIs, but I feel PHP has a more "natural" relationship with HTML and also has the benefits of being dynamically typed, and is far more widespread a...

JSP useBean scope question

Hi there, I have 4 JSP pages index.jsp - default index webpage. Index.jsp includes the build.jsp to initialize the web service as well as the header.jsp (to display the form with the dropdown element. Users can select a value from this form and submit the form to formControl.jsp.) build.jsp - This jsp is included in index.jsp before th...

JSP useBean Request scope question

Hi there, I am setting the values of a java bean from a jsp page which has the useBean scope of request. Does this mean that the java beans will lose their value once a user navigates away from this page? ...

jQuery JSP Capture element being set after action of submit to change the CSS

I have a JSP which has jQuery and wanted to change the action message CSS on successful submit. So I have a page that a user enters info into, hits submit and then a span tag with the class actionMessage or actionError displays at the top of the page (After submit). Wanted to know if I could check for the element after page submit and a...

jsp dynamic gui

Hi, i am asking myself if it is possible to somehow create a dynamic gui in jsp. So that i could have something like a dropdown menue for the country and based on what i have selected in that window a dropdown menue for cities, without reloading the jsp page. Or, in a dialog with multiple input lines, to be able to add an additional line...

Is there a way to display a HSSFWorkbook Object in a JSP page?

Is there a way to Display a HSSFWorkbook Object in a JSP page without having an output file in the server side. In the code below I am providing the template file and the beans required for net.sf.jxls.transformer.XLSTransformer.transformXLS(InputStream is, Map beanParams) to return me a HSSFWorkbook object. I now need a way to use this ...

Tomcat 6: Importing utility class from WEB-INF/classes

Hi All, (I've removed client name because of NDA) Java/JSP newbie here. I have a JSP site and I have a 'Functions' class in WEB-INF/src/client/project/Functions.java In the Functions.java, the package is com.client.util This is compiled and ends up as WEB-INF/classes/client/project/Functions.class WEB-INF/classes/client/project/Func...

JSP website pre-database configuration

I'm working on a website in JSP (in GWT really, but on the server side, it's really just JSP), and I need to configure my database. I know HOW to code in the database connection etc, but i'm wondering how/where the database config should be saved. To clarify my doubt, let me give an example; in PHP, a website usualy has a config.php, w...

Is it an anti-pattern to put labels and such in property files (releated to JSP's and web development)

I see a lot of J2EE developers put labels in property files but don't use different Locales. So, you get a lot of missing property exceptions. And the main thing is that it makes it hard to debug and read a JSP page. So over time, you have thousands of lines of property files that may or may not be used with the JSP file. For me, it ...

How can I redirect to logon.jsp with unencrypted password in the HTTPSession?

I have a j2ee web app that is using JAAS form based authentication. However, due to some unusual requirements, I cannot have the user enter their username and password directly into the logon.jsp form and have them submit it. Instead, I must gather the data on a separate page, and then later redirect to logon.jsp to log them in. What I ...

Creating a dynamic XML...

We have a flash retrieving information from an XML file. Right now we are having to hard code the XML contents and put it at a relative location w.r.t. the flash. Is there any way of making the XML dynamic other than writing to a outputstream to change the stored xml. I want the xml to serve up content just like a JSP. The approach I can...

displaytag problem

Hello everybody. I am trying to use displaytag for the first time and having a problem with the displaytag, that i seems not be able to solve. I googled for solution, but couldn't find nothing over internet. Everything else is working it is the only thing thats not working. Pretty much i am trying just do simple display of table. the ...

I met problem trying to use EL in JSTL tags

I'm trying to use expression language inside jstl tags but strange error occurs. "According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute value doesn't accept any expressions" The code is something like this: <c:out value="${header['host']}"/> But next code executes well: ${header["host"]} <c:out value="hello"/> I added js...

Why Can't JSP 2.0 Tag Files Have Body-Content of "JSP"?

The "new" JSP 2.0 tag file tags are incredibly useful, and for most cases (at least that I've seen) they provide a far more readable format than a Java class. However, while tag files can do almost everything a Java class tag can do, there is one giant thing they can't do: have "scripting" body content (ie. "<%" stuff between the start ...

Strange problem with JDBC, select returns null

Hello everybody. I am trying to use JDBC and my query is working in some cases but not working in others. I would really appreciate any help. Some of my code: public Result getSpecificTopic() { String query = "Select msg_body, msg_author from lawers_topic_msg";// where msg_id=2 order by msg_id desc"; try { ...

Basic question about JSF inputText and about Sessions in jsf managed bean

Hello everybody. First of all i would like to say that i got so much help in java in last few days, and would like to thanks everybody for their help. Now to my question. I am very new to JSF... I would like to know how can i read a value of input text from the managed bean. I know it is possible to read this way and it is very stright...