
Writing a proxy in JSP

Hi people! I am trying to write a JavaBean to be used in a JSP, such that when a user writes the url to an external website the bean filters the page before displaying it to the user. Now what I tried to do till now is to download the page using an HTTPUrlConnection, does the filtering, saves the filtered html inside a temporal local h...

MIME type in jsp

In jsp page directives we mentioned contentType="MIME-Type", in this MIME means what? ...

Overriding the JSP servlet (filter "*.jsp") to wrap in an authentication model

Hi there, Can the JSP servlet that filters on *.jsp (org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet in Tomcat 6) be extended in some way so whenever someone goes to a JSP page I can do some server side authentication to check whether the user can view the page. Our current technique is a taglib in a common include that is imported into each JSP ...

Manage Session when broswer has disable cookies

Hello All... I wants to know that How can i Manage Session if the client browser has disabled cookie feature.. If I wants to implement it in simple JSP - Servlet, then how can I do that ? Thanks in advance... ...

Layout issues in IE 6.0

Im having some issues with my layout in IE6 (corporate business, ideally id tell them to shove ie6 :P) Link to the site is http://www.clickcommercial.co.uk Ive just applied the twinhelix png fix method and that "appears" to have worked ok - but I was under the impression it should fix the issue with repeat backgrounds? As you can see,...

read a JSON object in java

how can we read a JSON object in a JSP , Servlet or in any other java program? ...

No Jsp Editor with Eclipse Galileo 3.3

I just installed Eclipse Galileo, but have no JSP editor. In file associations, on the Preferences page, *.jsp was not even mentioned. When I added it and went to associate with the built-in Jsp Editor, there was none in the list. Note: I have WTP 3.1.1 installed. Any ideas? ...

JSP PageContext from a Groovlet (Groovy Servlet)

I'm trying to use Groovlets in place of JSPs in an integration framework but one of the vendor's libraries relies on the javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext available in a JSP. I found the GroovyPagesPageContext class that's part of Grails for GSPs. Anyway to use Groovy in this situation and have a handle to the jsp PageContext? I have not...

Pass a value from JSP to Javascript

I am working with google maps and I am trying to pass a value from my database (Access) to my javascript code. I have var centerPoint = new GLatLng( <% Double.parseDouble(myclass.getLatitude()); %> , <% Double.parseDouble(myclass.getLongitude()); %>); where myclass.getLatitude() returns a string representation of my latitude and I ...

How do I get the current time in a different TimeZone in Java?

OK - I feel pretty dumb asking such a basic question, but hey. I'm trying to get the current time in a different timezone in a Java webapp. I've tried the following obvious solution: in my servlet, Calendar localCalendar = Calendar.getInstance(myBean.getTimeZone()); then I pass the calendar object through to a JSP as a request attribu...

difference between using http and https in session management of jsp

When I am using HTTP protocol, there is no issue with sessions. But when I am using HTTPS protocol, I am facing problem in JSP. When it is moving from one tab to another tab, session is automatically getting expired. How can I resolve this issue? ...

With JSP, does the taglib URI mean that my site is reliant on the URI resolving?

Hi, I'm trying to implement a sitemesh decorator in my site. The example on their site has a full URI linking to their site for the taglib part of the decorator file: <%@ taglib uri="http://www.opensymphony.com/sitemesh/decorator" prefix="decorator" %> Does this mean that my site is reliant on being able to access that site? Because i...

is there any server configaurations needs to change for session management

I have developed an application with JSP and Flex. In that Flex application interact JSP with HTTP service. I deployed application in one server that server URL is with HTTP it is working fine. But when I deployed this project in another server (HTTPS) the application is not running. There in JSP session is not handled. Is there any serv...

error appears in jdeveloper 11g 11112

hi all, i need help on compiling my project in jdeveloper 11g. previously my application (jsp+servlets) works smoothly in jdeveloper 10g with oc4j (deploys in WAR file). but since i migrate to jdeveloper 11g, it appears several errors like this : <Nov 27, 2009 1:13:50 PM WIT> <Error> <Deployer> <BEA-149265> <Failure occurred in the exec...

Add.jsp and Update.jsp or only one

How many JSPs to create to maintain one table for data entry. Add.jsp to enter a new record and Update.jsp to update an already entered record. Is this a good idea or create only one jsp and use that for add and update using some parameter as all the fields and functionality remains same. Only difference is at the time of update few fiel...

fetching the data from data base by using jsp

how to fetch the states from the the states table in mssql server db by using jsp as a drop down box ...

Math.sqrt(-5) -> Force Exception in JSP?

I've 3 .jsp files. index.jsp and sqrtcalculator.jsp and error.jsp. In index.jsp there's a text field and a button. In sqrtcalculator.jps there's the, well, calculator. Now, when I leave the field empty and press the button, an expection is called, because the field is empty. And I can then reroute to an individual error.jsp site to dis...

Math.sqrt(-5) -> Force custom exception & reroute and display error on custom error page

Since this not really answers my question, I'm gonna clarify. 3 .jsp pages, index.jsp, calculator.jsp and error.jsp. index.jsp contains (withoug html and body tags): <p><b>Enter the Number you want to know the square root of:</b></p> <form action="calculator.jsp" method="post"> <div><input type="text" name="number_textfield" size="40"...

In a spring messages.properties, how to ensure line break of error message when using an error code as key ?

In messages.properties: error.code=This is error message.\nThis is next line of error message. Now, when I set "errors.rejectValue" with this "error.code" for a form field, I cannot get the line break of '\n' to display on the jsp page when displaying the error message using the form:errors element. Instead of '\n', using <br/> also ...

<c:if> tag for JSF page

Used to develop Portlets and JPS's, so have a dilemma. task: display <h:dataTable> only when list isn't empty Is it possible to provide <c:if> tag for JSF page? ...