
How to specify a relative path for the jsUnit-ant-script?

JsUnit provides an ant-script with the target 'standalone_test'. This target uses the property url to identify the HTML-site, that executes the tests. These site is checked in, so that everyone should be able after a checkout to execute this tests. This works, but the url-proprty must be set to an absolute path, like file:///home/user/pr...

Getting Firefox 3 to work with JSUnit

Thus far this is what I've tried, I'm using Firefox 3.07 Make sure in about:config that the property browser.cache.check_doc_frequency is set to 1 which the browser interprets as "check for a new page every time". Make sure in about:config that the property security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy is set to false. When opening your browse...

Runnig JSUnit tests without a test suite

Is there a way to run JSUnit tests without specifying test suite file. I want to run all the tests in a particular package so that one does not have to remember to add any new test to the existing suite. ...

JsUnit Distributed Testing with Multiple Browsers

I am running a distributed JsUnit test, and everything is fine unless I specify more than one browser under browserFileNames in the remote machine's build.xml. A standalone test on that same machine works beautifully with multiple browsers. The distributed test against that machine runs the first browser in listed in browserFileNames, co...

Javascript Unit Testing Frameworks?

Can anybody recommend a Javascript unit testing framework. I've found JsUnit (http://www.jsunit.net/) and will start evaluating it. I just thought it would be good to get some input from the community. ...

Javascript: how to override public method in some class?

I have such JS class: SomeClass = function { // some stuff that uses initRequest this.initRequest = function() { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { return new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } } ...

any new firefox 3.5.X security improvements that'd prevent access "chrome://" uri paths in markup?

A little context: I'm trying to build and run the unit tests for the source of the Selenium IDE plugin. Everything builds correctly (through maven commands, et al) and the unit tests fire up an instance of Firefox. However, the jsUnit testRunner.html page freezes whenever a chrome://-accessed uri path is encountered. I realize there ...

Error using JsUnit with Hudson

I've just started using the JsUnit plugin with Hudson. The JsUnit tests are passing, but when the JsUnit plugin runs against the test output it's creating this error: [xUnit] [ERROR] - Couldn't split JUnit testsuites for the file 'tests/jsunit/logs/JSTEST-1266764410175-0.xml' into JUnit files with one testsuite. I'm not sure what I ne...

Must JsUnit Cases Reside Under the Same Directory as JsUnit?

I have installed JsUnit and a test case as follows: /home/chernevik/Programming/JavaScript/jsunit /home/chernevik/Programming/JavaScript/jsunit/testRunner.html /home/chernevik/Programming/JavaScript/jsunit/myTests/lineTestAbs.html /home/chernevik/Programming/JavaScript/lineTestAbs.html When I open the test runner in a browser as a fil...

JSunit usability

Is JSunit really a direct port of Junit to Javascript? So I have heard, but I am wondering why my company is not using it. My company has lots of smart minds, so If we are not using it I wonder if there are any major issues with Jsunit as a javascript test harness. Input would be much appreciated. thanks! ...

Unit test a firefox extension?

I'm working on a Firefox extension and started building automated tests using jsUnit. I run into permission errors running the tests from the TestRunner as soon as my extension code refers to any XPCom components. Is there a better tool for me to use for this, or how I can get around the permissions issues and continue to use jsUnit? ...