
How to make a keyboard shortcut to close dialog with Xcode/Interface Builder?

This seems awfully basic but here goes. If you are keyboard-oriented you get used to using Command-W to close windows all the time in OS X. I'd like to add that capability to the dialogs I am creating in Interface Builder for my program. I can see how to add a keyboard equivalent to a button action but what if I don't have a button? Sh...

What is Visual Studio Keyboard Equivalent of Resharper F12 (Go to the next / previous highlight)?

When working with Resharper, I often used F12 and Shift+F12 to cycle through all the highlighted 'errors' found by Resharper. That keystroke, Alt+Enter, Alt+Up & Alt+Down are my favorite way to fix errors quickly w/ Resharper. I know you can do Shift+Alt+F10 / Ctrl+. to fix the squiggly errors offered by the smart tags, but I need a f...

Reloading PBKeyBindings.dict while Xcode is running

I am creating my Xcode key bindings by editing PBKeyBindings.dict, since this seems to be the way to create commands that are sequences of method calls. This works fine, but one must reload Xcode to have the changes take effect. Is there some way to prod Xcode into reloading this file as it is running? ...

Locate current file in IntelliJ

How do I locate the current file in the project structure? (Similar to Visual Studio's Ctrl-Alt-L). What is the name of the operation (so I can define it in the keymap) ...

Vim: Key map bindings to open Firefox in background

" Open firefox - maps to Option|Command|f map <M-D-f> :!/Applications/ -no-remote -P dev The above works but blocks in Vim. I want to do: map <M-D-f> :!/Applications/ -no-remote -P dev & but Firefox does not open. Any suggestions on creating a key binding f...

VisualStudio: Shortcut for when Renaming Variable

In Visual Studio, when you rename a variable name in its definition, there's a little underline in the last letter so if you hover that, you'll get the option "Rename OldVaribleName to NewVariableName" and so rename all entries in that procedure of that variable. Is there a shortcut for that and not use the mouse? ...

Map Scrollwheel to buttons?

I want to make the mousewheel up and down send the + and - keys respectively - directly to the OS, as if it came from the keyboard. But only when the Win Key is pressed. That is the Windows 7 Magnifier uses win-- and win-+ to zoom in and out, and I want to do that via win-mousewheel, the way it should have worked. Any similar solution...

WinForms key press isn't working right

update: I've modified the code below to reveal some additional information regarding the key that was pressed. update #2: I've discovered the root cause of the issue: we have an HTML control (Gecko rendering engine) on our form. When that Gecko rendering engine navigates to some Flash control, suddenly ~2% of our key presses don't get t...

How can I get a list of unbound keyboard shortcuts in Visual Studio 2008?

I'm looking for keyboard shortcuts and cords that aren't bound to anything in Visual Studio 2008. I'd settle for an über list on the net somewhere or even a macro or tool that might spit them out. I'm mainly interested in finding keys to use for cords but with Visual Studio's default key bindings and Resharper's additional bindings the c...

Is there a Create New Folder in current project keyboard shortcut for Visual Studio 2008?

Im using Reshaper keyboard shortcuts all the time and it helps a lot in everyday development. But i constantly need to create new folders in my Visual Studio projects so this means -> move the mouse from keyboard, use the mouse, right-click the desired project, choose menu Add->New Folder, type folder name etc. Its tedious! Is there ...

What's the quickest way to navigate to the top of a class in Visual Studio

If I'm editing deep within the body of a class, what would be the quickest (ie. fewest keyboard shortcuts) way to navigate to the top of the class declaration (the line that contains "class ClassName" ...

Searching for backslash character in vim

How to search word start \word in vim. I can do it using the find menu. Is there any other short cut for this? ...

Shortcut for "Jump to" submenu in coderush/refactor pro

Is it possible to set a shortcut for the "Jump to" submenu that shows up when I right click on a method(could be a class, interface etc...) with coderush/refactor pro installed? I'm using version 3.23 of DXCore, CodeRush and Refactor! Pro, with VS 2008. ...

c# Window Form Shortcut key

Hello! I'm building a Windows Form application where I have a menuStrip and a toolStripMenuItem called Preferences, that self explainatory is for opening a preferens form. The problem im having is that I have bound the shortcutkey for that item to Ctrl+P wich opens the printer dialog, wich i assume is defaulted in all windows forms. I...

XCode Intellisense Question

I've always seem to work around this lack of knowledge but I thought I would ask the community. I hope this question will make sense. In XCode, when I call a function that has several parameter the intellisense pops up. When I hit TAB the first time, it takes me directly to the first parameter. How do I get to the next parameter easi...

Is it possible to map a hotkey to "compare to each other" in eclipse?

The key mapping options in eclipse are voluminous, but they don't seem to include "compare to each other." Is there something I'm missing? ...

Closing Flash Player in Flash Shortcut

Is there a shortcut for closing Flash Player in Flash? It frustrates me to the death when I have to click every time ...

Blocking specific keyboard key combinations using c#

I need the block certain keyboard shortcuts using c# in windows applications. All the key combinations will be specified in config file. Like : Alt + F4 Win + E Win + L what shud be the configuration in app.config for this ? And please help me with some sample code. I am a new bie in this. ...

Is it more difficult to program on Lenovo/Apple keyboards due to Ctrl key positioning?

I ask because I noticed while researching a new laptop, that Lenovo keyboards have the Fn key in the left corner of the keyboard instead of Ctrl (famously it seems). I also discovered the same configuration is present on Apple laptops. Obviously Ctrl is used quite frequently by developers: they are often power-users, relying on many s...

What's the trick to write code faster in Eclipse?

I know there is a trick that when you type quickly code in Eclipse, you can hit some secret keys and it will auto-complete the missing parts. Who knows them? example: I have someVeryLongVariablesWhichIWantToTypeFast and I start typing someVeryLongVa but nothing happens. Only when I type method names a yellow box appears that wants to he...