
Generate new time-lagged variable in R

I'm creating a time-series object with new variables using the transform() function in R and cannot find the proper function to calculate the difference in variable C between today and yesterday. This is what I've got so far: O H L C Typical Range 2010-07-23 1092.17 1103.73 1087.88 1102.66 1098.090 ...

background-size lags JavaScript?

I have a div with the background-size: 25%... I have some JavaScript that does a dropdown box. Without the div, the transition is smooth, however with the div present, the dropdown box is very choppy. Its only choppy when the background-size is set to 25%... Is there a way to fix it so it isn't laggy? ...

(vim profiling) VIM 256 colors mode, laggy php files

Hi, I'm using 256-colors theme in vim (set t_Co=256) and all php files opens about 8 seconds. It's my local dual-core machine It doesn't depend on color scheme I used (zenburn, wombat, wombat256) HTML, Python, JS or every else files opens momentary It takes about 8 sec even to create new php files (:o newfile.php) I've setting up my te...

Visual Studio 2010 Intellisense slows down everything

Hey. I have the issue with Visual Studio 2010, after a while, running exceptionally slowly and slowing everything else down with it. I'm meaning: Most other open windows become unresponsive Typing is delayed Build times increase 10-fold Saving takes forever I am sure this is an Intellisense issue; disabling it solves everything, and...

Removing iPad right after keyboard typing

Hi everyone, I'm trying to make a simple writing app for iPad. I added UIButtons above the keyboard manually without using inputAccessoryView. After launching my app in iPad or iPad simulator, I pressed UITextView to pop up the keyboard. Then if I pressed UIButton immediately after pressing any key in the keyboard, UIButton didn't r...

Accurate signal delay calculation in Python

Hi, I'm trying to calculate the lag between two signals in Python using cross correlation. The two signals are almost identical except for a very small timelag. I've tried numpy.correlate and scipy.convolve (alot faster) and both works relatively well but gives a small error. I'm starting to suspect that the error is the result of Pytho...

Cocoa Touch - Hypothetical Lag Comparisons

Hey all, I'm developing a rhythm game for the iPhone at the moment, just wondered if anyone had any thoughts on the best pieces to use for reaction time. I have all the coding worked out, and I've narrowed it down to about 2 ways: 1: Using instances of UIButton that bypass the UIControlEvent or whatever, in order to use touchesBegan an...

ListView scrolling lag in android

Hi, I am having a customized list view in my application, which is showing an image and text. The Image I am getting from URL, using the code below: private static Drawable ImageOperations(Context ctx, String url, String saveFilename) { try { InputStream is = (InputStream) fetch(url); Drawable d = Drawable.c...

Android ListView Laggy and Child Views Shrinking

I am programatically building a ListView that does FILL_PARENT for width, and WRAP_CONTENT for height, then centering it in its parent view. The ListView is semi-transparent so the activity behind it is visible, so I use: list.setCacheColorHint(0); list.setBackgroundColor(Color.argb(200, 0, 0, 0)); Other than that, it is a completely ...

Java Repaint on MouseMoved causes lag

Hi, I'm trying to make my java app repaint each time the mouse has been moved to update the screen when the user moved over a diagram ( -> display the name of the diagram ) and when the user does not move over a diagram ( -> do not display any name of a diagram ). But this causes a huge lag when running the application ( I see the scree...