
Computer readable list of human names / phone directory?

Hi all, I'm trying to compile a decent .zwl file for squiggly spell checking in Flex; using British words, not American as supplied by default. Ive managed to create a decent British list of words and ran them through the AdobeSpellingGen app to get a .zwl; great stuff. However i need to add into this list a list of names, so they won...

High-traffic, Highly-secure web API, what language?

If you were planning on building a high-traffic, very secure site what language would you use? For example, if you were planning on say building an site, that had to handle tons of credit card transactions via an API, what would you use building it from scratch? I would imagine that most sites handling similar tra...

Language Agnostic API Generation

I am currently working on a design for a collection of subsystems, and I would like to be able to offer the API's exposed by a given subsystem for use by other subsystems. In the past, I have used SWIG to expose C api's to a variety of other languages. This has worked well for me, but ultimately the API is defined in C. So basically one...

Can this boolean expression be simplified?

(A Or B) And Not (A And B) ...

Pragmatic Programmer Techniques - who, what, where...

Few questions. But all very much related. 1) How many of the SO crowd are using 'pragmatic programmer' tools/methods/techniques including, but not limited to (some of the obvious): a) Source code control system. b) Active use of branching, tagging with SCS. c) Task/Bug tracking (integrated with SCS). d) If DB development is involved, l...

How do I bridge the gap between my database design and the user interface design?

I know how that question looks, but I'm quite serious. I am trying to create an application that will help me in learning databases (sql, queries, proper database design, etc). I'm using a pet project at work so I have something to focus on with actual requirements. The original project was written ("Frankensteined together", as the orig...

How do I build a lockless queue?

Hi, I've spent today looking into lockless queues. I have a multiple producer, multiple consumer situation. I implemented, for testing, a system using the Interlocked SList thing under Win32 and it doubled the performance of my heavily threaded task based code. Unfortunately, though, I wish to support multiple platforms. Interlockin...

Recommended Socket Server frameworks

I've written my fair share of loops around accept() or select(); fork() or Thread.start(). I'd like to avoid doing it again. I'd prefer not to re-use my own code. And I'd like to take advantage of benefits that a 'serious' framework offers, such as preforking, thread pooling, etc. What frameworks do you recommend - in any language - th...

Lockfree standard collections and tutorial or articles.

Does someone know of a good resource for the implementation (meaning source code) of lock-free usual data types. I'm thinking of Lists, Queues and so on? Locking implementations are extremely easy to find but I can't find examples of lock free algorithms and how to exactly does CAS work and how to use it to implement those structures. ...

Code Golf: Sierpinski's Triangle

The challenge The shortest code, by character count to output an ASCII representation of Sierpinski's Triangle of N iterations made from the following ASCII triangle: /\ /__\ Input is a single positive number. Test cases Input: 2 Output: /\ /__\ /\ /\ /__\/__\ Input: 3 Output: /\ ...

Proxy Authentication -- HTTP/HTML Details?

My company produces a program that, among other things, needs to connect to the company's servers for updates and e-commerce purposes. We've had this for a long time, but we've never figured out how to handle "proxy authentication", where a proxy server requires a name and password before allowing the program to access the Internet. Thi...

Improving Q-Learning

Hello I am currently using Q-Learning to try to teach a bot how to move in a room filled with walls/obstacles. It must start in any place in the room and get to the goal state(this might be, to the tile that has a door, for example). Currently when it wants to move to another tile, it will go to that tile, but I was thinking that in the...

Tunneling A Protocol Through HTTP - Advice

What are the best examples of real life protocols that tunnel through HTTP? XMPP/Jabber? I'm looking for actual links to documentation? or specs for how they tunnel. I'm in working on project where I'm wondering if I should start with REST, XML-RPC, or SOAP and then have a fast TCP flavor of the protocol. Or start at the low level and t...

Regexp for chroot-like path building in a Linux environment

Consider the following security problem: I have a static base path (/home/username/) to which I append a user-controlled sub-path (say foo/bar.txt). The content of this file is then read and presented to the user. In the case described the full path would be: /home/username/foo/bar.txt Now to the problem. I want to control so that the...

Is there a language and platform agnostic declarative GUI language that isn't XML?

Basically, I'm looking for a least common denominator declarative GUI language that would be perfectly suitable for rendering with JavaScript to HTML/CSS, with Python to wxPython and with C# to WinForms... emphasis on the least common denominator. Otherwise, I'm perfectly aware this is almost impossible. Basically, JSON for declarative G...

Is it exists any "rss hosting" with API for creating feeds

Hi, I am creating a desktop app that will create some reports. I want to export these reports as RSS or ATOM feeds. I can easily create feeds with Rome lib for Java. But I have no idea how to spread them. I thought about embedding httpd into my app, but it's bad idea, because a computer can be behind NAT or turned off. I need some kind ...

Smallest functional UI unit?

Hi, I'm making a timeline with relatively small bars representing events over time. Right now they are roughly 8px by 200px (the length is variable, but all are 8px high). Is there a standard reference for what size is standard or minimum for what types of interaction? For example I just want a mouse-over on these bars to highlight th...

Assignments, i.e. Code Kata, for Coding Dojos

I would like to gather a list of assignments, i.e. Code Kata, for Coding Dojos. Please provide a name and a short description of the assignment or a link. I'll kick off things with FizzBuzz. Update There are some good links in the answers so far but I don't believe that mathematical and algorithmic puzzles are the best for a coding do...

How to use linear interpolation estimate current position between two Geo Coordinates?

I have the following available: last reported lat,lon w/timestamp target lat,lon estimated time to target heading How can I interpolate an estimated position over time? I know that's enough to calculate the required average velocity for the remainder of the trip. Given a straight-line distance, it's pretty trivial. I know it has to ...

Internationalization on database level

Could anyone point me to some patterns addressing internationalization on the database level tasks? The simplest way would be to add a text column for every language for every text column, but that is somehow smelly - really i want to have ability to add supported languages dynamically. The solution i'm coming to is one main language ...