
How to make switch case accept multiple data types in Java?

While using Java's switch case, it excepts only char and int, but I want to provide string cases. How to make this possible? ...

boolean expressions, why just two terms?

Given that it's valid to write a = b = c = 2; It would also be nice, rather than bool allTwo = a == 2 && b == 2 && c == 2; to instead write bool allTwo = a == b == c == 2; But I can't since a == b evaluates to a boolean which can't then be compared to an integer. Is there a language-design reason it has been implemented this w...

What is the python "with" statement designed for?

I came across the Python with statement for the first time today. I've been using Python lightly for several months and didn't even know of its existence! Given its somewhat obscure status, I thought it would be worth asking: What is the Python with statement designed to be used for? What do you use it for? Are their any gotchas ...

Overview of features in Clojure coming from other languages than CL

I am searching for an overview of the features of Clojure that are coming from other languages than Common Lisp. For example: STM: language X, Y and Z Your input is welcome! ...

How can I add similar functionality to a number of methods in java?

I have a lot of methods for logging, like logSomeAction, logAnotherAction etc. Now I want all these methods make a small pause after printing messages (Thread.sleep). If I do it manually, I would do something like this: //before: public static void logSomeAction () { System.out.println (msg(SOME_ACTION)); } //after: public static ...

Are strings created with + concatenation stored in the string pool?

For instance String s = "Hello" + " World"; I know there are two strings in the pool "Hello" and "World" but, does: "Hello World" go into the string pool? If so, what about? String s2 = new String("Hola") + new String(" Mundo"); How many strings are there in the pool in each case? ...

Java stuff you didn't know you didn't know

Possible Duplicate: Hidden Features of Java What are some Java language features or Java related tools that you were embarrassed to find that you didn't know about? Examples for me are: jmap RuntimeException Please post things every Java programmer should know about, be they language features, tools, or facts about how the...

Understanding Ruby Enumerable#map (with more complex blocks)

Let's say I have a function def odd_or_even n if n%2 == 0 return :even else return :odd end end And I had a simple enumerable array simple = [1,2,3,4,5] And I ran it through map, with my function, using a do-end block: do |n| odd_or_even(n) end # => [:odd,:even,:odd,:even,:odd] How could I do this with...

python ? (conditional/ternary) operator for assignments

C and many other languages have a conditional (aka ternary) operator. This allows you to make very terse choices between two values based on the truth of a condition, which makes expressions, including assignments, very concise. I miss this because I find that my code has lots of conditional assignments that take four lines in Python: ...

Why is only one implicit conversion allowed to resolve the parameters to a function in C++?

This works: #include<cstdio> class A{ public: A(int a):var(a){} int var; }; int f(A obj) { return obj.var; } int main() { std::cout<<f(23); // output: 23 return 0; } while this doesn't: #include<cstdio> class A{ public: A(int a, int b):var1(a), var2(b){} int var1, var2; }; int f(A obj) { return (...

What features of C++ are not compatible with compilers other than Visual Studio?

I was told to avoid using features of C++ like these as it makes it difficult to port the code to other compilers. The example I was given was using #ifdef instead of #pragma once in my header files. ...

What is the purpose of case sensitivity in languages?

Possible Duplicates: Is there any advantage of being a case-sensitive programming language? Why are many languages case sensitive? Something I have always wondered, is why are languages designed to be case sensitive? My pea brain can't fathom any possible reason why it is helpful. But I'm sure there is one out there. And ...

Language for back-end math-intensive sections

I have recently begun working at a company wherein there are very few (2-3) programmers and many more engineers. As a result, the default language of choice has become I look at some of the math-intensive portions of the programs that have been written thus far and I'm certain that these portions could be improved considerably if...

why is objective c considered a simple langauge?

I have heard it said that Objective c is a 'simple' language, i.e. in terms of it's language features. It's really the only language that I know but I did a bit of Java before and, in terms of language features, they seem to be pretty close. I have never touched C++. Is there more features to C++ compared with Objective-C and if so, is ...

Algorithm that converts numeric amount into English words

What is the most efficient way to convert numeric amount into English words e.g. 12 to twelve 127 to one hundred twenty-seven ...

C1x: When will it land, what to expect?

C99 still isn't supported by many compilers, and much of the focus is now on C++, and its upcoming standard C++1x. I'm curious as to what C will "get" in its next standard, when it will get it, and how it will keep C competitive. C and C++ are known to feed on one another's improvements, will C be feeding on the C++1x standard? What ca...

What is the official name for this syntax feature?

What is the name of the character at the end of each of these lines? Dim _int As Integer = 1I Dim _short As Short = 1S Dim _long As Long = 1L Dim _single As Single = 1.0F Dim _double As Decimal = 1D I've always called these "type specifiers". I assume that's incorrect as I'm unable to find the official documentation using this term. I...

What C# language features help you to reduce lines of code and improve readability?

I came across a C# language feature today courtesy of ReSharper, the ?? operator. This helped make the code even more concise than my initial attempt. See below for iteration in improving lines/length/readability of code. A first attempt could be something like.. if (usersEmail == null) userName = firstName; else userName = usersEm...

Is there an authorative programming language feature list?

I'm looking for things like Dynamic typing, Static Typing, Weak Typing, and Strong Typing. As well as OO features like polymorphism, inheritance, nested classes, inner classes, abstract classes, pure virtual functions. Also, things like reflection, static binding, dynamic binding, etc. However, I'm not really looking for things like ...

What features must a language have?

I've been playing with Clojure recently and it got me thinking... What are you looking for from a programming language before you will consider using it out of choice? What is it about a language that will make you take notice and look into it? Things that immediately sprang to my mind are the tools available. I find having a very good...