
Storing information about the current thread in a custom threading implementation

I'm trying my hand at working with threads at an assembly language level. I'd like to store information about the current thread, including things like the thread ID, etc. My current thought is placing a pointer to the thread information structure at an aligned address, such as (ESP & 0xFFE00000) for a 1MB stack. The immediate problem I...

convert english to arabic

Hii,i m building a chat application.How to convert english to arabic and display in arabic language.please help. ...

Embeddable language with good string manipulation support

I've been working on a C program which does quite a lot of string manipulation, and very often needs to be tweaked and recompiled for some sort of special case processing. I've been thinking that embedding some scripting language with good string manipulation support might make sense for the project. What language would provide the best...

How to know in what technologies run a webapps

Language, We can see some webapps that run in Java beacause the .jsp .jsf .do .faces extension is shown in urls, or .php for PHP, or .asp, aspx for .NET, but i some other is not displayed, like for example. Does exists some technique for knowing that? ...

C# Multi Language Application - with Community Support ?

I have to create an application whose interface will be changed by end user for his lang. and the end user may be the community which will change the all the UI details.... what will be the best way to do this? if I go with .net resources then user needs to use the settelite assemblies and that they cant make them selves. if I go for ...

How do you categorize your languages and technologies on resumes or promotion materials?

I have them categorized like this: TECHNOLOGIES Scripting: Ruby, PHP, ColdFusion, Perl, Javascript/AJAX Compiled: ActionScript3, C, C++, Objective C, Java, J2ME, Assembly Frameworks: Ruby On Rails, Flex, Flash, Smarty. Wordpress, Joomla, Thematic API’s: Facebook, Twi...

Good Language for Spider and Indexer

I love Ruby and its framework, but I don't think that Ruby On Rails is the best choise to develop a Feed-parser and Indexer. Maybe Python or Java are better choises. What language do you suggest? ...

assembly file extension, .s79, .s82, s90, .asm, .s, etc...what are their differences?

Just saw assembly extension as titled in a couple of platform, but just wodering how they are different. Thanks. ...

the best way to make codeigniter website multi-language. calling from lang arrays depends on lang session?

Hi friends, I'm researching hours and hours, but I could not find any clear, efficient way to make it :/ I have a codeigniter base website in English and I have to add a Polish language now. What is the best way to make my site in 2 language depending visitor selection? is there any way to create array files for each language and call...

Google AdSense - language

I want to add Google AdSense on my site and I want adds to be in X language (not English). How can I tell google which language is used on the site? Thanks! ...

What is this programming language?

mob/verb/test(N as num) What language is this code from? ...

Best Language for a Mandelbrot Zoom?

Hi, I've been pretty interested in coding a Mandelbrot Set zoom and have already done it twice. However there were problems with each one. The first time I thought it'd be cool to do it in javascript... but that was so damn slow. Then I did it in C++, which worked great until you zoomed so far that the units on the graph got to the sma...

Language dependent routes in ASP.NET MVC

Has anyone had any experienced with making language dependent routes with ASP.NET MVC? What I would like to do is have localized url's to improve SEO. So for example would map to the same controller/action as I have tried browsing around a bit, but I could not find anyth...

does a disaster proof language exist?

When creating system services which must have a high reliability, I often end up writing the a lot of 'failsafe' mechanisms in case of things like: communications which are gone (for instance communication with the DB), what would happen if the power is lost and the service restarts.... how to pick up the pieces and continue in a correct...

Detecting current iPhone input language

Does anybody knows, can I get the current input language and/or keyboard layout in iPhone application? Can I also get a notification when input language was changed? ...

What is so good about gettext for language files?

Everywhere on SO when it comes to making a multi language app in PHP everyone say that gettext is the best way to do it. I am just wanting to know why? Like what makes this method below, less efficient then using gettext? <?PHP //Have seperate language files for each language I add, this would be english file function lang($phrase){...

Why does comparison and empty() behave like this in PHP?

PHP: $a = "0"; $b = "00"; var_dump(empty($a)); # True (wtf?) var_dump($a == $b); # True... WTF??? var_dump(empty($b)); # False WWWTTTFFFF!!?? I've read the docs. But the docs don't give explanation as to why they designed it this way. I'm not looking for workarounds (I already know them), I'm looking for an explanation. Why is it lik...

Server Side Language for Scalable TCP-socket application

Which amongst these would be well suited for a scalable server side TCP socket based Web application. Java, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby. You could base yours answers Primarily on: Rapid Application Development. Available frameworks(If required) for getting the job done. Secondarily on: Performance Support In addition you could a...

detect language from string in PHP

in PHP, Is there a way to detect if a string is English or non-English string. suppose the string is in utf-8 format? ...

Why is there no standardized wiki markup language?

For as many wiki tools as I have used, each time I must learn yet another markup language. Why doesn't wiki markup get standardized like HTML, XSLT, SVG, and other web languages? ...