
Why are most of the biggest open source projects in C?

Hi, I'm having a debate with a friend and we're wondering why so many open source projects have decided to go with C instead of C++. Projects such as Apache, GTK, Gnome and more opted for C, but why not C++ since it's almost the same? We're precisely looking for the reasons that would have led those projects (not only those I've listed...

Tool to help write Excel formulas and IF statements?

This is an Excel formula with nested IF statements: =IF((B2="East"),4,IF((B2="West"),3,IF((B2="North"),2,IF((B2="South"),1,"")))) To essentially accomplish this: If cell B2 = "East" return "4" ElseIf cell B2 = "West" return "3" ElseIf cell B2 = "North" return "2" ElseIf cell B2 = "South" return "1" Else return "" ...

How to write that in assembly?

I have just started a part time course and I have limited class time. I am really stuck on this question, any help solving it is greatly appreciated! here's the question.... (a) write a subprogram which will take one argument, x, and return x*3 + 1. I.e. a Java method would be int fun(int x){ return x*3 + 1; } (b) Write a fragment o...

Concept Application Server IDE CIDE will not launch on XP in IE8?

I am trying with concept://localhost/Samples/CIDE/cide.con with the server running as an NT service A few code examples run (many crash Client.exe but not the server) e.g. concept://localhost/Samples/test.con runs. thanks ...

Assembly language je jump function

Hello everyone! I am trying to find online the usage of the assembly language function "je". I read that je means jump if equal and that is exactly what I want. What is the actual usage of this function, or in other words, how to I type this function to check a value and jump if it is equal to something? Please let me know. BTW, I am u...

translation algorithm

Recently I am working into the ability of translating a PHP web application from one language to another. Well, most of those I read involves having language files, then display the selected one like this: en.lang.php: <?php $_TEXT = array(); $_TEXT['welcome'] = 'Welcome to My Application'; ?> fr.lang.php: // french (i translated t...

Zend_Search_Lucene - How do I limit the results to a certain language?

Hi folks, I have indexed a website which is available in 14 languages, so far so good. Now I want to limit my lucene search to display only results in the visitor's language. Is there any (query)parameter or any option that I can set? Unfortunately I did not find anything. I am working with Zend_Search_Lucene if this should be relev...

Codeigniter get keys of language-files

Hi guys, I'm running into a I18N-problem here. I have a database with several variables stored. (e.c. *mod_sales*) To make my site I18N-able I'm using the language-class of CI-framework to read a line of a language-file (e.c. *$this->lang->line('mod_sales');* ). This will return me the value of that language-variable out of the langu...

open source language translation libraries and dictionarys

Which open source language translation libraries and dictionaries do you know? What is your experience with this libs/dictionaries? ...

What language is good to write simple nice GUI apps?

Hi, I never did to much GUI programming (besides a bit of QT and Delphi). I need to write simple GUI app which would interactively visualize graphs. Very similar tool to "GraphViz GUI for Mac". What would you suggest? Thanks. ...

how to avoid writing main() too many times in C ?

Let say I have 5 small piece of codes in C. Every time I want to test each piece of code, I have to repeat this process: #include <stdio.h> int main() { // code piece go into here return 0; } Is there way that I don't have to do this 5 times? I'm using Code::Blocks, that means I have to create 5 different projects, which I beli...

accessing lang variables from controller + codeigniter

Hi Friends, How can I access my lang variables in controller? function index() { $seo_title = $this->lang->line('blablabla'); $data['page_title'] = $seo_title; $this->load->view('contact/index.php',$data); } in my lang file blablabla has string in, and it works well when I call from view file. but when I want to call fro...

Is array name a pointer in C?

Is an array's name a pointer in C? If not, what is the difference between an array's name and a pointer variable? ...

Typo 3 - Change website language in frontend?

Hello! Is it possible to change the website language in my frontend typo templates? I want to have a list or a dropdown of all website languages i have created in my typo backend. On click, I want to show my page in the chosen language. plz help me! ...

windows mobile 6 emulator

i am developing some apps in windows mobile 6 on visual studio 8 and i need to show some information in Hebrew but my emulator doesn't show that language ,instead he show very strange chars how do i set Hebrew font in my emulator so that i will be able to see Hebrew?? ...

open source language translation engine

have you worked on language translation. are there good libraries available for the same or will i have to deal with most of the things myself. ...

How do i parse JSON strings using Django template library.

How do i parse JSON strings using Django template library. I can parse it using javascript in my template, but I would like to parse the json in the template library when it is rendered by the server. Is there a way to do it. - Amey Kanade ...

How hard would it be to translate a programming language to another human language?

Let me explain. Suppose I want to teach Python to someone who only speaks Spanish. As you know, in most programming languages all keywords are in English. How complex would it be to create a program that will find all keywords in a given source code and translate them? Would I need to use a parser and stuff, or will a couple of regexes a...

How to redirect based on Accept-Language with Apache / mod_rewrite

For language redirects we currently create folders in the web root containing an index.php file which checks the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANG server variable. e.g. for the url in /var/www/site/press/index.php: <?php if ($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"] == "en") header("location: ../press_en.php"); else header("l...

C++ implicit conversion to bool

In an effort to make my enums more typesafe, I've been using macro-generated overloaded operators to disallow comparing enums against anything but an identically typed enum: #include <boost/static_assert.hpp> #define MAKE_ENUM_OPERATOR_TYPESAFE(enumtype, op) \ template<typename T> \ inline bool operator op(enumtype lhs, T rhs) \ ...