
swedish characters check with javascript?

How can I rewrite this code to check for all characters including the swedish å, ä, and ö characters? alphaExp = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/; The above only checks against english letters! The swedish contains å, ä, ö coming after the Z... rest is all the same as english. Thanks ...

Questions about creating an RSS reader

I am really green to this and came across this site by googling the subject. I am looking to create my own rss reader. I am wondering what language would be best to create a custom rss reader in the same lines as Google reader? I wonder what language do they use. Any and all help or direction pointing or suggestions would be greatly appr...

Find the gender from a name

Hi guys, I recently confronted with a weird yet interesting question. The questions is as follows: Need to write a program which can give the gender as output based on the name. Example: INPUT --> John Michael Britney OUTPUT--> male male female So this ...

Is it possible to change visual studio 2008 interface language?

Hi all, I've installed a copy of a Spanish version of visual studio 2008 (professional edition) on my computer and I was wondering if there is a possible or if exist some language pack that change this interface to English. I did some research but I wasn't find anything useful for VS2008 professional. Thanks ...

Regexp to exclude 101 and 110.

What is a regexp that accepts everything over the language {0,1} but has no substring 110 or 101? Accept: 111111 000011111 100001000001001 010 1 Reject: 100110 010100 123 Edit: Per comments on answers below, this question is asking for a formal regular expression. ...

is static variable in c re-allocated everytime calling a function?

Suppose I have a static variable declared inside a function in c. If I call that function multiple times, does the static variable get re-allocated in memory every time the function call? If it does, why the last value can always be maintained? Example: void add() { static int x = 1; x++; printf("%d\n",x); } int main() { ...

Codeigniter: Variables/Config Items within Language Files

I have a language file with a long list of strings for my view files. My question is how to pass a variable or a config item to a language file? <?php $lang['error_activation_key_expired'] = 'The activation key you have attempted using has expired. Please request a new Activation Key <a href="'.$this->config->item('base_url').'member/re...

High-traffic, Highly-secure web API, what language?

If you were planning on building a high-traffic, very secure site what language would you use? For example, if you were planning on say building an site, that had to handle tons of credit card transactions via an API, what would you use building it from scratch? I would imagine that most sites handling similar tra...

Auto-detecting language files based off browser and URL combos with PHP

I have a site with many people from around the world. The entire thing is UTF-8 so people are free to submit content and speak in any language they wish - from Greek to English. Now the only thing that the user can't control is the built in site language used for things like navigation and instructions for registering. These strings are...

What can you do in 30 lines of Go? Can you create a useful, complete program that demonstrates its features?

So, the big buzz in the last few days is Go, the new language from Google. Assuming you're all obsessive programming language geeks like me, you've all downloaded it, built it, and run your "Hello, 世界" program (isn't it nice using a language written by the inventors of UTF-8?). You've all read the tutorial, Effective Go, and some of the ...

PHP - Mulilingual application design

There are many ways to design a multilingual application in PHP. Some language file based, others database based. I am looking to use it for mostly small amounts of text e.g errors - at most a paragraph. I guess I will need twenty or so languages. Really I am looking for recommendations rather than a definitive answer. What have you ...

Does Javascript's new operator do anything but make life difficult?

I come from the traditional web developer background where I can by no means claim to really know anything about Javascript, however I am trying. I currently have what I would describe as a fairly novice understanding of JQuery, a slightly better understanding of closures, and I've read through, and feel like I am fairly clear on Dougla...

In C#, is there a way to write custom object initializers for new data-types?

In C#, there's the "standard" initializer technique { Property1 = "a", Property2 = "b" }, and there are a couple of special variants for collections (list and dictionary). {value1, value2}, and { {"key1", value1 }, {"key2", value2} }. I'd like to have a recursive object initializer for a tree data type, but I don't know if there's any ...

Is there a standout programming language to write a virus?

Hi, Just for curiosity; I wonder what is the most popular programming language to write a computer virus? May the most popular one could be considered as the most capable for manipulating vital data and sources? Thanks ...

Unknown language identification

Hi all! I'm currently working with a dead network application that received packets for a chat. I checked that it received text like this one: hi there! {c:0000FF}foo{/c} sentence I have checked but have not found the language that uses that color syntax. It is some famous language or it's surely a self made script/library? Origina...

Programming language to automatically navigate website?

Hi, I've been programming for many years now, and I have just one question. What programming language allows you to create programs which can automatically navigate websites and perform various actions? For example, logging in, browse to a specific page, fill out forms, extract certain text and so on. This is different to a macro as a ...

PHP - UTF8 problem with German characters.

Hello, I'm at my wits end with this one, then I remember stack overflow. I have a site, , the language is stored in a simple PHP file which looks like.. $translations["welcome_text_3"]="Zum Lieferumfang eines jeden Disklaviers gehšren bereits zahlreiche Lieder und das Angebot lŠsst sich jederz...

Natural Language Parsing for ToDo application

I'm wondering if someone could lead me to any examples of natural language parsing for to do lists. Nothing as intense as real Natural Language Parsing, but something that could process the line: Go to George's house at 3pm on Tuesday with Kramer as well as the line: 3 on tuesday go to georges and get the same output. I've ...

[C] Syntactic errors

I'm writing code for the exercise 1-24, K&R2, which asks to write a basic syntactic debugger. I made a parser with states normal, dquote, squote etc... So I'm wondering if a code snippet like /" text " is allowed in the code? Should I report this as an error? (The problem is my parser goes into comment_entry state after / and ignore...

What’s your preferred method of learning a new language?

Possible Duplicates: How do you start learning a new programming language? What language(s) have you learned, and how? When learning a new programming language, what do you do? ...