
Google Translate set default language

Maybe this has an obvious solution that I'm overlooking, but I can't seem to find the correct parameter to put in to make this happen. Using the Google Translate widget on a site, I need to set the default language that the user sees when entering the site, even though the site is english. function googleTranslateElementInit() { new...

JSP EL (Expression Language) causing problems in Eclipse

My system: Ubuntu 9.10. Eclipse 3.5.1 with Java EE 1.2.1 (manual install - NOT from synaptic). Web Developer Tools 3.1.1 I've recently adopted someone else's code (a Dynamic Web Project), and run into lots of errors, warnings and incorrect syntax highlighting in Eclipse. I've narrowed it down to these 4 lines of code (create a new Dynam...

Are there any good summarizers for a web-page?

Suppose I give you a URL...can you analyze the words and spit out the "keywords" of that page? (besides using meta-tags) Are there good open-source summarizers out there? (preferably Python) ...

Disadvantages of First-class functions

Are there any disadvantages to having first class functions in a language? Joel in this entry says "Object-oriented programming languages aren't completely convinced that you should be allowed to do anything with functions." I might be naïve here, but why don’t all languages support first class functions if there aren’t much issues...

detect the language of input?

I have an input in my form, I wanna find a solution to determine which language is typed in..( is it English, french, arabic, or Hebrew ..)... in PHP script, also I use UTF-8 encode. ...

Visual Studio 2008 debug output in english?

Hi! I've got Visual Studio 2008 Professional german version. In the settings -> Environment -> international... is only German available. That's fine - there's just one thing that bothers me. All the debug output is in german too, which makes it much more difficult to search the web for solutions. Is there any way to change the langua...

Find Vista Language using WIX

I am working on an installer which will be installed on multiple versions of XP/Vista with different languages. In the installer, I need to find out the language of the OS installed. I know how to get the OS version by using "VersionNT" and/or "VersionNT64", is there any similar way to get OS language also? I need to add different regis...

[ASP.NET MVC] What would cause a partial view to suddenly not be found?

I'm baffled. My site randomly throws the following error: System.Web.HttpUnhandledException: Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The partial view '/SiteUserMenu' could not be found. The following locations were searched: /SiteUserMenu at System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper.Fi...

what is a good programming language for music software?

i want to write a music software that can play music, can detect pitch of the sound taken from the computer's microphone(with an algorithm that uses sound filters to filter out frequencies), and enables a good user interface. something similar to smartmusic: any suggestions for what might be the most appropriate l...

Appropriate operators for assignment semantics in a non-pure declarative language

I'm designing a declarative language for defining signal networks. I want to use variable bindings to represent groups of nodes in the network. It occurred to me that there are two types of "assignment" I wish to do for these variables. On the one hand, a variable should represent the output of a specific group of signal operators. T...

Which Python language rule allows the descriptor to be found first?

I bumped into the following last night and I'm still at a loss as to explain it: class Foo(object): @property def dave(self): vars(self)['dave'] = 1 return 2 f = Foo() print f.dave print f.dave Running this code produces: 2 2 The question is why? My understanding of attribute access is that the instance dic...

pic: does anyone use it for diagrams? is there a version that outputs svg? (vs. troff or TeX)

I'm in the middle of reading More Programming Pearls and read the chapter on the Pic language (see also Kernighan's paper) with some interest. Anyone out there using it? It seems like it might be fairly easily translatable into SVG. There's a GNU version (w/ docs by Eric Raymond!) but it only outputs groff and TeX. ...

[C++] Can software be developed in a different "human language" in C/C++ ?

Hi, I am developing a test software where the user can enter a string where I must validate it as C++ variable syntax. Then I started wondering if people can develop in japanese or other idioms. When I typed "is" on some IDE, it poped up a list with a "isascii" function. Then I wondered if I can use that function to check for the lett...

What is the name of the language used to define the following syntax?

[ FROM {<table_source>} [,...n] ] <join_type> ::= [ INNER | { { LEFT | RIGHT | FULL } [OUTER] } ] [ <join_hint> ] JOIN ...

C++/CLI: Native Reference vs Tracking Reference

What is the difference between the following two functions? ref class SomeClass; void swap(SomeClass^& a, SomeClass^& b){ SomeClass^ c = a; a = b; b = c; } void swap2(SomeClass^% a, SomeClass^% b){ SomeClass^ c = a; a = b; b = c; } ...

Getting Regional setting options from code

I am working on a VB6 application. I need to get the regional settings options like Location information Standards and formats Default input language Language for non-unicode language Is there any API available for this? Thanks. ...

Java abstract static Workaround

I understand that neither a abstract class nor an interface can contain a method that is both abstract and static because of ambiguity problems, but is there a workaround? I want to have either an abstract class or an interface that mandates the inclusion of a static method in all of the classes that extend/implement this class/interfac...

Open Source, multi language / unicode fonts?

Hi, We need a selection of fonts that we can use in PDFs. Our PDF library only works with TrueType fonts, and we want these fonts to be as multi language friendly as possible - i.e Chinese/Japanese support ideally, at the very least a wide range of European characters.

vc++ localization support in resource editor automatically

Hi; I am developing a multilingual software which is compiled with MultiByte Character Set compile option. What would you suggest to support multiple languages without using an external resource dll etc. Rather, there is an option "Language" for resource types, Also "String Table" in resource editor has this option. So If I set a langua...

How to customise Eclipse for my own language?

I have made a simple experimental language of my own. I want make Eclipse editor plugins or whatever I need to edit the programs for my language. How do I begin with writing an Eclipse feature for my language? ...